Saturday 12 November 2016

Spotfn Opciones Binarias

3 de marzo de 2016 - 24 ¡La competencia comercial de Option se calienta durante el mes de marzo! Para saber más sobre los detalles, haga clic aquí.

15 de febrero de 2016 - CTOption tiene una nueva herramienta Replicator para copiar a los mejores comerciantes! Para obtener más información sobre esta función, haga clic aquí.

1 de febrero de 2016 - ¡Sea uno de los 20 ganadores semanales del concurso de comercio online de Finpari! Para más detalles, por favor haga clic aquí .

12 de enero de 2016 - ¿Las tasas de interés de los EEUU van a tomar otra caminata? Lea el pronóstico aquí.

10 de enero de 2016 - ¿Cuál es la última edición de la competencia Raffle a Island de 24option? Obtenga las actualizaciones más recientes aquí.

6 de enero de 2016 - BinaryTilt está ofreciendo un bono exclusivo que no puedes resistir! Obtenga los detalles haciendo clic aquí.

22 Dec 2015 - ¡Celebre las fiestas con la promoción de Navidad de 24option! Conozca más sobre esta emocionante promoción aquí.

21 dic 2015 - Porter Finance ahora ofrece el comercio social en su plataforma! Para leer más sobre esta emocionante noticia, haga clic aquí.

7 Dec 2015 - Tenemos noticias de que OptionTime ya no acepta nuevos operadores. Para saber más sobre esta historia, haga clic aquí.

Opciones Binarias Corredores de EE. UU.

Por los consumidores, para los consumidores.

Si su empresa está dispuesta a comprometerse con la satisfacción del cliente Haga clic aquí ahora.

No haga negocios con SpotFN. Ellos trabajan con el comercio de automóviles de terceros que llenan la Internet con atractivos videos de personas que ganan dinero con el comercio de automóviles. Todo es una estafa gente. La primera cosa es su comerciante de automóviles no hace nada pero pierde su dinero. En segundo lugar, cuando intentas hacer un retiro no te dejan. En tercer lugar, cuando intenta llamarlos no contestarán su teléfono o charlar si reconocen su nombre o número. No son más que estafadores. Por favor, mantente alejado de SpotFN.

Este informe fue publicado en Ripoff Report el 16/05/2014 09:54 AM y es un registro permanente ubicado aquí: http://www. ripoffreport. com/r/SpotFN/internet/SpotFN-Binary-Options-Scam-Internet -1147250. El tiempo de contabilización indicado es hora local de Arizona. Arizona no observa los ahorros de la luz del día así que el tiempo del poste puede ser Montaña o el Pacífico dependiendo de la época del año.

Ripoff Report tiene una licencia exclusiva para este reporte. No se puede copiar sin el permiso por escrito de Ripoff Report.

Búsqueda de informes adicionales

Si desea conocer más reportajes sobre esta empresa / persona, busque aquí:

Para asegurar los mejores resultados en su búsqueda:

Mantenga el nombre corto & amp; Simple, y probar diferentes variaciones del nombre.

No incluya ".com", "S", "Inc.", "Corp" o "LLC" al final del nombre de la Compañía.

Utilice sólo la primera / parte principal de un nombre para obtener mejores resultados.

Sólo busque un nombre a la vez si la compañía tiene muchos AKA.

Informe & amp; Refutación

¡Responda a este informe!

¿Es usted propietario, empleado o ex empleado con información negativa o positiva sobre la empresa o individuo o puede proporcionar información privilegiada en esta empresa?

¿Es usted también una víctima de la misma compañía o individuo? ¿Quieres justicia? Presentar un informe de desestimación, ayudar a otros consumidores a ser educados y no dejar que salirse con la suya!

¡Repare su reputación!

¿Tienes informes presentados en tu contra? Resuelva los problemas y reconstruya la confianza a través de nuestro Programa de Defensa Corporativa.

Programa corporativo de la defensa: La mejor manera de manejar y de reparar su reputación del negocio. Esconder las quejas negativas es sólo una Band-Aid. Los consumidores quieren ver cómo las empresas se encargan de los negocios. Todas las empresas tendrán quejas. Cómo las empresas se encargan de esas quejas es lo que separa las buenas empresas de las malas empresas.

¿Eliminar informes? ¡No! ¡Mejor todavía! Arbitrar para dejar las cosas claras!

AUTOR: Jeff - ()

SOMETIDO: Sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

PUBLICADO: sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Deposité 250 dólares y rápidamente encontré que era algo que no estaba interesado. Cada vez que llamo antes de pedir una retirada el teléfono fue contestado rápidamente, ya que la solicitud de retiro, estoy en espera durante una hora, y cuando mi Llamada se recoge la línea se muere en cuestión de segundos (después de la celebración de hasta 60 minutos)

No hay respuestas a mis e-mails y he estado tratando de recuperar mi inversión restante durante más de dos semanas.

Empresa de estafa definitiva.

¡Responda a este informe!

¿Es usted propietario, empleado o ex empleado con información negativa o positiva sobre la empresa o individuo o puede proporcionar información privilegiada en esta empresa?

# 5 REBUTTAL Individual responde

No hay problemas aquí

AUTOR: Tania - ()

SOMETIDO: Jueves, 05 de junio de 2014

PUBLICADO: jueves, 05 de junio de 2014

Tengo que decir, he estado haciendo negocios con spotfn durante aproximadamente 3 semanas, nunca he tenido un problema para obtener una llamada de retorno, pasando a través de mi representante de cuenta ni creciendo mi inversión. De hecho, he estado muy satisfecho por lo que han sido capaces de hacer por mí. Tal vez usted debe pedir una cuenta diferente rep. It establece claramente la política de retiros en su sitio web. También afirma que puede tomar hasta diez días hábiles para un retiro solicitado. Hay diferentes afiliados que hacen publicidad para spotfn, que no puede ser completamente por adelantado con su publicidad, pero, traté directamente con Spotfn en sí y no podría estar más feliz.

¡Responda a este informe!

¿Es usted propietario, empleado o ex empleado con información negativa o positiva sobre la empresa o individuo, o puede proporcionar información privilegiada sobre esta empresa?

Informe & amp; Refutación

¡Responda a este informe!

¿Es usted propietario, empleado o ex empleado con información negativa o positiva sobre la empresa o individuo, o puede proporcionar información privilegiada sobre esta empresa?

¿Es usted también una víctima de la misma compañía o individuo? ¿Quieres justicia? Presentar un informe de desestimación, ayudar a otros consumidores a ser educados y no dejar que salgan con la suya!

¡Repare su reputación!

¿Tienes informes presentados en tu contra? Resuelva los problemas y reconstruya la confianza a través de nuestro Programa de Defensa Corporativa.

Programa corporativo de la defensa: La mejor manera de manejar y de reparar su reputación del negocio. Esconder las quejas negativas es sólo una Band-Aid. Los consumidores quieren ver cómo las empresas se encargan de los negocios. Todas las empresas tendrán quejas. Cómo las empresas se encargan de esas quejas es lo que separa las buenas empresas de las malas empresas.

¿Eliminar informes? ¡No! ¡Mejor todavía! Arbitrar para dejar las cosas claras!

Revisión de SpotFN

Acerca de SpotFN es un corredor de opciones binarias que se basa en el Reino Unido. Su sitio web multilingüe está disponible en inglés, francés, alemán, ruso, español y portugués y la interfaz de usuario ha sido totalmente optimizada para la velocidad y un mejor tiempo de carga. También son compatibles con el comercio móvil a través de su aplicación para móviles que está disponible para plataformas Android y iOS.

Cuenta de demostración SpotFN no ofrece ninguna cuenta de demostración que los comerciantes pueden utilizar para practicar y aunque tienen un centro de educación que parece que falta algo.

Depósito Mínimo El requisito mínimo de depósito es de $ 250 que está dentro de la gama estándar que es requerido por la mayoría de los corredores. Tasa de pago En el dinero las operaciones tienen una tasa de pago considerable de hasta el 85%, que es competitivamente superior a las tasas de otras marcas conocidas.

Bonos Proporcionan enormes paquetes de bonos para las cuentas de Bronce, Plata y Oro, además de otros regalos útiles. Vea el siguiente paquete de bonos:

Software SpotFN es impulsado por SpotOption, actualmente el mayor proveedor de plataformas de opciones binarias. No hay necesidad de descargar e instalar su software, ya que es totalmente basado en web y se puede acceder a cualquier navegador web.

Atención al cliente Se puede contactar al departamento de servicio al cliente por teléfono, correo electrónico o chat en vivo. Su tiempo de respuesta es increíblemente rápido con respuestas muy detalladas y acciones rápidas.

Depósito de fondos Es fácil añadir fondos a la cuenta de SpotFN porque este corredor soporta los métodos de pago más utilizados y esto incluye tarjetas de crédito / débito (Visa, Delta, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Diners, Visa Electron, Maestro, Maestro UK Switch) y Solo), Transferencia Bancaria, Carte Bleue y WebMoney.

Retirada El tiempo estándar de procesamiento de retiro toma hasta 3 días hábiles con un plazo adicional de 5 a 7 días hábiles para que los fondos aparezcan en la cuenta. Sin embargo, algunos usuarios se quejan de que se necesita más tiempo.

Integridad / Regulación Una de las cuestiones que nos preocupan es que SpotFn no tiene licencia con ningún regulador financiero. Esto básicamente significa que sus fondos comerciales no están protegidos en el caso de que el corredor decida dejar de operar.

Conclusión SpotFN opera una plataforma que es alimentada por un líder de la industria. Su centro de educación tiene información básica que los comerciantes novatos necesitan para aprender sobre las opciones binarias, mientras que sus paquetes de bonificación también son buenos. Sin embargo, los retrasos de retirada y la falta de una regulación todavía nos da mucha duda sobre la confianza de este corredor. Sería más inteligente estar con una empresa más creíble como Finpari o Porter Finance para su seguridad.

3 de marzo de 2016 - 24 ¡La competencia comercial de Option se calienta durante el mes de marzo! Para saber más sobre los detalles, haga clic aquí.

15 de febrero de 2016 - CTOption tiene una nueva herramienta Replicator para copiar a los mejores comerciantes! Para obtener más información sobre esta función, haga clic aquí.

1 de febrero de 2016 - ¡Sea uno de los 20 ganadores semanales del concurso de comercio online de Finpari! Para más detalles, por favor haga clic aquí .

12 de enero de 2016 - ¿Las tasas de interés de los EEUU van a tomar otra caminata? Lea el pronóstico aquí.

10 de enero de 2016 - ¿Cuál es la última edición de la competencia Raffle a Island de 24option? Obtenga las actualizaciones más recientes aquí.

6 de enero de 2016 - BinaryTilt está ofreciendo un bono exclusivo que no puedes resistir! Obtenga los detalles haciendo clic aquí.

22 Dec 2015 - ¡Celebre las fiestas con la promoción de Navidad de 24option! Conozca más sobre esta emocionante promoción aquí.

21 dic 2015 - Porter Finance ahora ofrece el comercio social en su plataforma! Para leer más sobre esta emocionante noticia, haga clic aquí.

7 Dec 2015 - Tenemos noticias de que OptionTime ya no acepta nuevos operadores. Para saber más sobre esta historia, haga clic aquí.

Opciones de Binary USA Brokers

SpotFN es una estafa?

Revision completa

SpotFN parece ser un corredor bastante nuevo, abierto en 2010, para el que hay muy poco en Internet. Encontramos esto un poco extraño, teniendo en cuenta lo popular que es esta industria, especialmente en la UE donde se encuentra este corredor de opciones binarias. Los cuarteles generales de SpotFN están en Londres, Reino Unido, pero también tienen oficinas satelitales en otros países.

La plataforma que este corredor BRITÁNICO está utilizando es Spotoption es decir nada nuevo ver aquí. Aunque, para los comerciantes que no son tan adaptables al cambio o de alta tecnología, puede ser una ventaja.

Además, el número de activos SpotFN se mantiene justo en mediocre! Especialmente el número de acciones es muy decepcionante-sólo 19, cuando la mayoría de los buenos corredores a veces incluso ofrecen más de 40. Aquí, el número total de activos es cercano a ese número-58. En la actualidad, los corredores más respetables ofrecen más de 100. Obviamente, no es obligatorio para un corredor de opciones binarias tener ese alto de un número de activos en su lista, pero ciertamente te hace menos competitivo.

Otra irregularidad es que SpotFN ofrece pares comerciales, pero las parejas no aparecen en su índice de activos y su chat en vivo se abre todo el tiempo sin razón aparente!

Sin embargo, el corredor con sede en Londres ofrece 10 tipos de operaciones que un cliente puede hacer, lo que merece una palmadita en la espalda!

Retiros de SpotFN

La cantidad mínima que puede retirar es de $ 100. Cualquier intento de retirada que sea inferior a esa cantidad no será procesado.

Para calificar para uno, necesita llenar una solicitud de retiro, que puede encontrar haciendo clic en "mi cuenta" y luego en "retiro". Luego, debe presentar a SpotFN copias de algunos documentos para verificar su Identidad y dirección. Debe proporcionarle copias de su tarjeta de crédito / débito (si usó una para depositar), copia de ID y un formulario de autorización de tarjeta de crédito.

Todos los fondos suelen ser restaurados a la fuente original que depositó pulg Si es una tarjeta de débito / crédito, será de forma gratuita. Si desea una transferencia bancaria, SpotFN le cobrará $ 25 por cada retiro.

De acuerdo con el corredor de opciones binarias, una vez que todos sus documentos estén clasificados, el procesamiento de su retiro puede costar hasta 3 días hábiles y tomar hasta aparecer en su cuenta.

Quejas de SpotFN

Hemos recorrido algún foro en todo el Interned y de hecho hemos encontrado algunos comentarios inquietantes. Recordamos nuevamente a nuestros lectores que el contenido de los comentarios siempre debe ser adivinado!

Sin embargo, la mayoría de las quejas que encontramos fueron acerca de las personas que tienen un tiempo muy difícil obtener su dinero, de tener que pasar por muchos intercambios de correo electrónico y excusas para que el problema resuelto.

Además, tenemos la comprensión de que algunos clientes de SpotFN sienten que tenían sus operaciones deliberadamente marcado fuera del dinero cuando claramente se supone que estaban ganando oficios. ¡Esto automáticamente establece la luz roja Scam encendida!

¿Es SpotFN Legit?

SpotFN no es un intermediario regulado, ¡podemos decirte esto mucho! No están regulados por CySEC. Hice una investigación en su chat en vivo sobre ella y me dijeron que no son de hecho regulados, pero siguen las directrices financieras! ¡No recibí más aclaraciones!

¡Sin embargo, aceptan a clientes de los EEUU!

Bonificaciones SpotFN

SpotFN ofrece bonos de registro a sus clientes. La regla general está en acción aquí también: cuanto mayor sea la cuenta que elijas abrir, mayor será el bono de bienvenida que obtendrás. El mayor bono que puede obtener con SpotFN es de $ 5000, que no es mucho. ¡La mayoría de los corredores ofrecen a sus clientes VIP un bono de 100%!

La facturación, sin embargo, es estándar. Para poder retirar su bono, necesita cambiar su valor 30 veces más! Cuenta abierta

O seleccione otro agente de nuestra lista


Revisión de Scam SPOTFN


La mayoría de los corredores de opciones binarias suelen proporcionar una buena plataforma para sus clientes o darles el comercio social y herramientas educativas. El SPOTFN le da una falsa impresión de que proporciona ambos al mismo tiempo. ¿Por qué es falsa? Porque lea nuestra revisión de Scam SPOTFN y descubra por su cuenta. ¡Todo está expuesto en nuestra revisión SPOTFN Scam! Min. Depósito: $ 300 Demo: No

¡NO SE FIRME! Lea la revisión completa de Scam de SPOTFN y averigüe qué le está esperando. SCAM DETECTADO!

SPOTFN Scam Review: Acerca de la empresa

Tiene que ser dicho en el principio de la revisión de la estafa de SPOTFN que la información sobre la compañía de SPOTFN no es tan fácil de encontrar. Este corredor de opciones binarias parece estar ubicado en Londres, Reino Unido. Hub de opciones binarias no está seguro de si tienen alguna presencia física allí, tal vez es sólo una dirección postal. No hay información sobre las regulaciones de la SPOTFN por lo que se debe asumir que este corredor no está regulado por ninguna autoridad. Hay muchos corredores de opciones binarias no reguladas y por supuesto hay muchas estafas de opciones binarias no reguladas. SPOTFN parece ser uno de ellos.

SPOTFN se posiciona como un corredor de boutique que se concentra en el comercio de opciones binarias. Proporciona no sólo opciones binarias, sino todo un conjunto de herramientas educativas como libros electrónicos, videos y señales comerciales. Señales comerciales de SPOTFN es lo que realmente lo hace una estafa. Las señales tratan de atraer a los binarios comerciales y luego hacer perder su depósito. Además de estas características, se encontró por la SPOTFN Scam Review que la empresa también ofrece el comercio social. Esta parte no parece ser una estafa desde el primer vistazo, ya que el comercio social proporcionado por SPOTFN proviene de una plataforma SpotOption de confianza. Sin embargo, lea a continuación para saber cómo SPOTFN logró fraude a sus comerciantes con el comercio social.

SPOTFN Social Trading Scam

No hay muchos corredores de opciones binarias que proporcionan plataformas de comercio social decente. La plataforma utilizada para la revisión SPOTFN del comercio social es sin duda uno de los mejores si no el mejor. Como se mencionó anteriormente, esta parte de SPOTFN es suministrada por SpotOption y no hay nada malo en ello.

La plataforma de comercio social es la que proporciona SpotOption sin cambios visibles en el diseño. Implica las mismas opciones de filtrado y estadísticas. Lo único que es diferente & # 8211; Los operadores que puede seguir son seleccionados por el SPOTFN. Como usted puede adivinar, un corredor de opciones binarias de la estafa no quisiera que usted hiciera el dinero. Entonces, ¿qué hace SPOTFN? O bien selecciona los comerciantes no rentables o te hace invertir durante un tiempo para ganar un poco de ingresos, y luego te hace volar tu cuenta.

Para empezar a invertir con el comercio social en el SPOTFN sólo tiene que elegir el comerciante que es el mejor ajuste para usted. Después de haber seleccionado el comerciante & # 8211; Decidir sobre la cantidad que usted está dispuesto a invertir con este comerciante. Esto suele ser entre $ 50 y $ 3,000 tanto para el comercio como para el tamaño total de la inversión. También debe seleccionar el período de inversión, esto puede ser de 1 semana a 1 año. Además, existe la posibilidad de no fijar límites a las inversiones e ir a romper mal. Después de decidir sobre todo & # 8211; Simplemente haga clic en el botón "Seguir!" Y confirme su elección de inversión.

Revisión de Cuentas SPOTFN

En el momento de la revisión honesta del fraude de SPOTFN, había tres cuentas ofrecidas por el corredor: Bronce, plata y oro. Todas las cuentas le proporcionan el soporte disponible 24/7 & # 8221; Y el libro electrónico SPOTFN. Este eBook se supone que le trae todo el conocimiento necesario para iniciar su carrera de comercio de opciones binarias. De hecho no hay nada especial sobre este eBook. El soporte 24/7 es bastante útil, el Centro de Opciones Binarias trató de ponerse en contacto con representantes de soporte en Live Chat durante más de 2 semanas, pero era imposible. La pregunta vía el formulario de contacto no fue contestada también. Aparte de las características básicas, que no son accesibles, la revisión ha encontrado los requisitos y los bonos que obtiene dependiendo del tipo de cuenta:

Cuenta de bronce Esta es la cuenta básica de la SPOTFN que obtendrá para depositar el dinero en la cantidad de $ 300 a $ 999. La cuenta ofrece 50% de bonificación, y una sesión de trading en vivo con el analista de la SPOTFN. El Hub de opciones binarias está seguro de que esta sesión de negociación en vivo no será útil para usted.

Cuenta de plata ¿Necesitas un analista junior personal, 2 operaciones sin riesgo por al menos $ 1,000 y 24 horas de retiro de servicios junto con la bonificación de hasta el 100%? Esté listo para depositar algo entre $ 1,000 y $ 4,999 para todas estas golosinas. ¡NO!

Cuenta de oro Si las golosinas de la cuenta de plata todavía no son lo suficientemente buenas para atraerlo y usted está listo para depositar más de $ 5,000 & # 8211; Entonces la cuenta de oro es lo que usted necesita! Realmente no, entonces un buen corredor es lo que usted necesita & # 8211; Intente 24option. Para el depósito con SPOTFN se le promete obtener 5 operaciones libres de riesgo, VIP & # 8220; soporte & # 8221; Y expedición de 12 horas de retiros. En la parte superior de todos estos, usted tendrá una llamada con su propio analista senior SPOTFN y 1 comercio de oro diario con el pago del 100%. La revisión de SPOTFN quiere mencionar que este paquete también implica bonificación de depósito de $ 5.000 para su comienzo impresionante. Don & # 8217; t caer para esto.

Condiciones comerciales de SPOTFN

La SPOTFN Fraud Review descubrió los 6 tipos de operaciones principales disponibles. Hay que decir que 2 de ellos fueron encontrados para ser inusual y, por esta razón, bastante interesante.

Opciones binarias Este es el tipo estándar de comercio de opciones binarias que le permite obtener ingresos en la predicción del precio del activo. Sólo tiene que seleccionar la dirección del movimiento de precios (hacia abajo o hacia arriba) en 30 minutos, 1 hora o cierre del mercado. Tales transacciones están disponibles en la lista completa de instrumentos, que se muestra al final de esta sección.

Pares Este tipo de negociación se hace para aquellos que disfrutan de la evaluación de dos activos al mismo tiempo y su rendimiento en comparación con los demás. Sólo tienes que decidir qué instrumento funcionará mejor en 30 minutos, 1 hora o a las 21:00 (CET) y haz tu pedido. Usted puede negociar en:



Plataforma de Comercio SPOTFN

Se observó desde la primera vista por la revisión SPOTFN que utilizan la plataforma SpotOption. No hay cambios significativos en el diseño de la plataforma hecha por el SPOTFN, y si está familiarizado con esta plataforma de otros corredores & # 8211; Usted no tendrá ningún problema. Si usted es nuevo en el comercio de opciones binarias & # 8211; Esta plataforma es definitivamente uno de los mejores para su buen comienzo. Pero el corredor no lo es. Mejor prueba 24option & # 8211; Un lugar de confianza y regulado.

SpotOption plataforma de comercio es uno de los más fáciles de usar y también verdaderamente intuitiva. Hay un montón de posibilidades de filtrado, así como características adicionales, que uno puede encontrar útil.

¿Las características no son útiles para usted y usted necesita apenas un comercio binario puro de las opciones? No te preocupes, la plataforma funciona perfectamente y no hay ralentizaciones o retrasos debido a las características adicionales.

También hay aplicaciones para Android e iOS, si estás en el comercio de opciones binarias móviles. SPOTFN Scam Review no se concentró en su revisión, ya que puede encontrar la revisión completa de SpotOption aquí.

Depósitos y Retiros de SPOTFN

Los depósitos y retiros en el SPOTFN se pueden hacer a través de tarjeta de crédito o transferencia bancaria. En caso de depósito de transferencia bancaria & # 8211; Tendrá que ponerse en contacto con el servicio de asistencia. Usted puede depositar cualquier cantidad a partir de $ 250 y retirar cualquier cosa de $ 100. No hay cargos por retiros de tarjetas de crédito, y la transferencia bancaria le costará $ 20 por transacción.

Cuando haces tus primeras retiradas & # 8211; Usted tendrá que verificar su identidad con el SPOTFN. También necesitarás atravesar muchas otras luchas cuando hagas tu primer retiro y si logras tener éxito. El Hub de opciones binarias le enviará un correo electrónico personal con felicitaciones. Si alguna vez obtuvo su dinero de esta estafa & # 8211; ¡Haznos saber!

Las tarjetas de crédito aceptadas son: Visa, Delta, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Diners, Visa Electron, Maestro, Maestro UK y Solo.

Soporte al cliente SPOTFN

El soporte está disponible en inglés, alemán, francés, español, portugués y ruso. Dice que se puede contactar por correo electrónico, teléfono: (Reino Unido) + 44-203-318-5988, (AU) + 61-2-9191-2799, (EE. UU., CA) + 1-888-977-6836.

La opción de soporte en vivo también se dice que está disponible, pero se observó por la revisión SPOTFN que no funciona 24/7. Parece que no funciona en absoluto.

SPOTFN Scam Revisión de la aplicación de la cuenta

Si todavía desea obtener engañado y abrir una cuenta con este agente de estafa, el procedimiento de apertura de cuenta se describe a continuación. Obtener una cuenta con fraude es bastante sencillo. En primer lugar, usted tendrá que ir a la página web SPOTFN o simplemente para hacer clic aquí.

Se le pedirá que rellene el formulario de inscripción con sus datos personales. Después de aceptar los términos y condiciones y de enviar su solicitud, se le dirigirá a la página con los tipos de cuenta disponibles.

Después de elegir el tipo de cuenta deseado, se le dirigirá a la página de depósito de la tarjeta de crédito.

Y eso es todo, simplemente haga un depósito y comience a negociar opciones binarias.

No se requería ningún correo electrónico o verificación de identidad en el momento de la revisión de Scam de SPOTFN. Sólo hacer un depósito es lo suficientemente bueno.

Honesto SPOTFN Scam revisión Conclusión

SPOTFN es un agente de opciones binarias estafa. A pesar de que ofrece a los clientes con la mejor plataforma disponible en el mercado. No se recomienda abrir una cuenta con este broker. El comercio social en Scam SPOTFN es un fraude grande también, usted conseguirá una ocasión invertir en los comerciantes scam seleccionados.

Además, la lista de instrumentos de negociación disponibles es mucho más corta que en los mejores corredores de opciones binarias. SPOTFN El fraude no está regulado, por lo que el comercio con SPOTFN implica un mayor riesgo.

Para todos sus pros y los contras, el centro binario de las opciones da SPOTFN 1.5 de 5 comienza, pues había apenas una cantidad minúscula de revisiones positivas, con todo el eje binario de las opciones no recomienda que usted abra una cuenta con este broma corredor.

Si está buscando un agente de confianza, haga clic abajo!

¿Por qué cambiar opciones binarias?

Opciones binarias de comercio es sin duda una gran manera de hacer dinero en línea. Requiere menos experiencia en comparación con el comercio de divisas, sin embargo, el comercio de opciones binarias también implica un grado significativo de riesgo. Entre los beneficios de las opciones binarias, la facilidad de acceso es la principal. También las opciones binarias proporcionan pagos más altos dentro del período de tiempo más bajo. Otra ventaja de las opciones binarias es el comercio de plataformas web, no requiere instalación. Es un proceso divertido y emocionante, pero necesita tener una estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias decente, obtenga una en el Hub de opciones binarias.


Las mejores plataformas de comercio binario

Corredores Binarios vs Plataformas

Muchos operadores engañan la definición de corredores de opciones binarias y plataformas de opciones binarias, el Hub de Opciones Binarias está aquí para dejarlo claro. Los Corredores de Opciones Binarias son los que le brindan servicios como soporte al cliente, ayuda con depósitos y retiros, beneficios de varios clientes y así sucesivamente. Las corredoras de opciones binarias le están prestando servicios. Las plataformas de opciones binarias son los proveedores de software de negociación, la mayoría de los corredores de opciones binarias tienen una plataforma de opciones binarias de terceros. En otras palabras, una plataforma de opciones binarias es simplemente una plataforma de negociación de opciones.

Advertencia de riesgo

El comercio de opciones binarias es riesgoso. Consulte nuestra guía de inicio binario para evitar errores.

Mejor Bono Opciones Binarias

Bono de operaciones binarias

La mayoría de los corredores de opciones binarias ofrecen innumerables promociones de bonos de opciones binarias. El Hub de opciones binarias está aquí para guiarlo y asegurarse de que sólo se conforman con los corredores de opciones binarias de confianza. Mientras que el bono de depósito en corredores binarios tiende a ser del 20% al 200%, hay un montón de estafas de opciones binarias. No se conforme con ninguna oferta antes de que se encontró verificada en el Hub de opciones binarias. Además de esto, el Hub de Opciones Binarias siempre recomienda que se establezcan bonos de depósito más pequeños, ya que son más fáciles de retirar. Sólo los mejores bonos binarios aquí!


El Hub de Opciones Binarias es un sitio web dedicado a hacer que la industria de transacciones binarias sea más transparente, honesta y confiable. Nuestra misión es proveer a los operadores de opciones binarias con revisiones de opciones binarias honradas y también para proporcionar un reivew detallado de las plataformas de negociación de opciones binarias. Tenga en cuenta que el comercio de opciones binarias implica un alto nivel de riesgo en sí mismo y es mucho risker cuando se negocia con corredores de opciones binarias no reguladas. También hay un montón de estafas de opciones binarias en esta industria. Hub de opciones binarias está aquí para guiar su a través de las ofertas disponibles en el mercado y asegurar que usted siempre está haciendo una elección correcta a la hora de seleccionar el mejor corredor de opciones binarias o plataforma binaria superior de opciones de negociación. Opciones binarias comerciales es bastante divertido y emocionante proceso que también puede resultar en ganancias financieras, sin embargo, también es muy arriesgado. Tenga en cuenta que el Centro de opciones binarias no asume ninguna responsabilidad por sus decisiones de inversión. El Hub de opciones binarias también le recomienda consultar con un experto antes de participar en las actividades de negociación de opciones binarias. Por favor, lea nuestra advertencia completa y advertencia de riesgo para entender los riesgos de las opciones binarias de comercio mejor. No deposite más de lo que está dispuesto a arriesgar.

Spotfn está comprometido con la máxima seguridad respecto a su depósito y el proceso de retirada. Los depósitos se pueden realizar a través de diversos métodos de pago seguros y de buena reputación, y en diversas divisas. El proceso es simple, seguro y rápido.

Sus retiradas se pueden recibir con la misma eficiencia. Puede transferir los fondos a la cuenta en la divisa que usted elija, y mediante el método seguro que el mar más conveniente para usted. Recibirá sus fondos en poco tiempo.

A continuación se presentan los métodos disponibles para depósitos y retiradas:

Tarjeta de crédito

Depositar o retirar sus fondos a través de tarjeta de crédito es un método rápido y seguro altamente recomendado por Spotfn. Tarjetas de crédito aceptadas Visa, Delta, Mastercard, Diners, Visa Electron, Maestro, Maestro Reino Unido (Switch) y Solo.

* Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el maestro en línea requiere la autenticación 3D Seguro, por lo que tiene que registrarse con su banco para obtener un código 3D antes de realizar un depósito Maestro.

Este método de depósito permite enviar el dinero directamente desde su cuenta bancaria a su cuenta de Opciones binarias, lo que elimina la necesidad de servicios de pago. También puede recibir sus fondos de forma segura a través de transferencias bancarias. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que puede tener costos asociados con las transferencias electrónicas y la prudencia antes de que se utilice esta forma de pago.

¿Qué las Opciones Binarias?

Las Opciones binarias son la forma más sencilla de operar en el mercado. Están disponibles desde 2008 y más, en Europa y el ciclo de las regulaciones en mayo de 2012.

Las Opciones binarias son la principal forma de inversión y son muy populares en las operaciones en línea por varias razones. En primer lugar, son simples y fáciles de entender. Invertir en Forex a menudo puede ser intimidante, con spreads y márgenes, etc. Con las opciones binarias, lo único que necesita jovencitas es un entendimiento básico de la dirección de los precios, y con eso puede operar. Por ejemplo, si el precio del oro se encuentra actualmente a 1500, ¿subirá o bajará este precio antes de la fecha de vencimiento? El inversor no tiene una compra, solo predice si el precio va a subir o bajar. Incluso si el inversor está en el momento de un solo punto, la operación vence y recibe el pago total indicado en el contrato.

Debido a que las opciones de binarias han crecido enormemente en los últimos años, en Spotfn ofrecemos diferentes productos y versiones además de las opciones binarias tradicionales, los cuentos como Opción Builder, One Touch, 60 segundos, etc. Cada producto tiene un conjunto de instrucciones claras, En cuanto a "cómo hacer trading".

En cuanto empiece a operar verá lo sencillo y lo alquila que está en las opciones binarias. No lo dude - ¡Invierta Ahora!

Riesgo controlado: las opciones binarias en realidad incesto conllevan el menor riesgo, porque usted sabe exacto cuánto está dispuesto a perder, y lo mucho que puede ganar. No se puede superar nunca el depósito inicial.

Simplicidad: ¿Qué es más fácil que subir o bajar? Usted no necesita ninguna experiencia previa para operar con éxito, solo una noción general del movimiento del mercado.

Rentabilidad: las Opciones binarias estándar del alquiler en el 70% - 85% sobre su inversión inicial. Sin embargo, con productos como One Touch, usted puede ganar hasta el 550%.

Disponibilidad: se emiten Opciones binarias a todas las horas, incluso las multas de la semana, festivos u otras ocasiones en que los mercados están cerrados.

Cobertura de oportunidades: puede cubrir otras posiciones que tiene en divisas o acciones, para evitar pérdidas mayores.

Ofrecer infinitas posibilidades a inversores

Spotfn es actualmente la principal plataforma de negociación de opciones binarias. Como las opciones binarias se han hecho más populares que nunca, Spotfn ofrece a los inversores una excelente experiencia de inversión en términos de seguridad, características, facilidad de uso, herramientas y formación.

Spotfn está comprometido a proporcionar una excelente plataforma de negociación que puede ser utilizado para inversores e instituciones de todo el mundo. El personal de Spotfn está allí para los inversores las 24 horas del día y los 7 días de la semana, con corredores profesionales para guiar a los inversores paso a paso.

Beneficios de la plataforma Spotfn:

Web, sin necesidad de descargar nada Negociación simple: fácil de entender y con explicaciones claras Diversos productos Experiencia de negociación muy fácil de usar Seguimiento: nivel de riesgo / beneficios claramente indicados en la opción Retiradas y depósitos fáciles y rápidos Gratificación especial: devolución del 10 % De la inversión, incluso para opciones fuera del dinero

La visión Spotfn es darle a usted, el inversor, la experiencia de inversión más segura, cómoda y globalmente mejor que sea posible. Nuestros precios y módulos de ejecución garantizan el uso de las tecnologías más modernas y avanzadas. A través de nuestra asociación con el proveedor de feeds, Reuters, recibimos los flujos de datos precisos en tiempo real, y nuestros términos y condiciones indican claramente la diferencia en el precio de mercado en tiempo real, y el precio de las opciones. Ofrecemos gráficos de vencimiento para cada instante, para garantizar la confianza del inversor de la manera que el inversor nunca tiene dudas.

Los fondos de los clientes se mantienen en una cuenta separada. Los fondos se utilizan solo para el comercio de opciones a través de nuestra página web siguiendo las instrucciones del cliente y no se utilizan para nada más. Nuestros pasivos y exposiciones son manejados profesionalmente y garantizamos los pagos de sus ganancias de acuerdo con nuestras condiciones.

Spotfn y colaboradores en corredores profesionales de forex, expertos en derivados y gestión de riesgos, y procesadores de pagos. Cubrimos todos los precios de la negociación de opciones binarias, para que usted tenga la mejor experiencia de negociación posible.

¡Únase a la familia Spotfn y negocie como un profesional!

Las opciones binarias son de hecho la forma más sencilla de operar en el mercado. Usted no necesita ninguna experiencia financiera para el comercio de opciones binarias, ya que es sólo una cuestión de predecir si un precio aumentará o disminuirá en el momento de su caducidad. Usted puede hacer una conjetura, pero como ocurre con todo el comercio. Tener conocimientos básicos de los mercados financieros sin duda puede aumentar sus ganancias, así que ningún tipo en estudiar algunas de las estrategias de opciones binarias y adquirir las habilidades necesarias para el mejor.

¡Sólo unos minutos al día en nuestro centro de educación puede marcar la diferencia para que su experiencia dependa menos de la suerte y más en la habilidad!

SPOT FN Centro de Educación. Por qué Porque el conocimiento es la ganancia.


Spot FN Review

Valoración: 0.0 / 5 (0 votos)

Haga especulaciones informadas sobre su elección de activos con las útiles herramientas de trading de Spotfn. Este corredor de opciones binarias líder trae comercio a cualquier persona que se interesa por ella. A través de su plataforma de comercio instintivamente diseñado, incluso los nuevos operadores pueden navegar fácilmente a través del sitio web y empezar a ganar.

Funciones de plataforma y funciones de trading para una mejor experiencia de trading

Spot Fn revisión asegura que el servicio de alta calidad se entrega a todos sus inversores. Con su revolucionaria plataforma, este corredor de opciones binarias desarrolla constantemente nuevas soluciones comerciales para mejorar su experiencia comercial cada vez que comercializa activos. Además, la plataforma de Spotfn está totalmente basada en web, lo que le permite supervisar sus operaciones y modificarlas cuando quiera, donde quiera.

Otro gran aspecto que los inversores se maravillan es la gama de herramientas comerciales avanzadas que Spot Fn ofrece. Estas incluyen las funciones Stop-Loss, Take Profit y Extend. Cada una de estas funciones le permite modificar sus operaciones en curso para hacerlas más propensas a terminar en el dinero.

Activos multifactos para seleccionar y tipos de opciones binarias a utilizar

En Spot Fn, hay una amplia gama de activos subyacentes disponibles para negociar. Puede explorar el Índice de activos de este agente y seleccionar los activos que desea negociar. There are basically four asset classes open for trading, namely the Forex/Currency Pairs, Stocks, Indices, and Commodities. Each asset gives a unique payoff, which is readily visible right beside that asset. This way, you can have an idea on how much you can profit from trading that specific asset.

Furthermore, you can purchase different types of binary options for your desired asset. These binary options are the Digital Options, One Touch options, and Range options.

Lastly, the most attractive aspect of Spotfn is its high payout percentages, ranging from 65-75% for trades that end in-the-money. There’s no need to hesitate trading with this platform because you are sure to get something in return even if your trade closes out-of-the-money. This online binary option broker offers a refund of 5-10% of your initial investment if your prediction turns out to be wrong.

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Trade Binary Options at SpotFN

It has always been easy to predict if the markets or a certain stock will go up or down. What’s difficult is knowing by precisely how much a certain stock will rise or fall. The complexities of the stock market requires you to be a heavy investor and cunning economist, but at SpotFN you simply have to predict whether or not the asset will go up or down. It doesn’t matter how much, because once you’re in the right the money is yours.

Binary Options Are Easy and Affordable

&toro; Binary options are simple to understand and straight forward to trade.

&toro; It’s easy: Will the instrument close above or below?

&toro; The trader only needs to consider the direction of the asset price.

Binary Options Have Limited Risks and Predetermined Payout

&toro; The payoff of a binary option contract is fixed and pre-determined, meaning the potential risk and reward is known from the outset.

&toro; With traditional options there are no outlined parameters, meaning the possible loss or gain is not known, but binary options are a no-gimmick investment.

Binary options have been traded for many years, but have only recently gained general recognition and interest. In the past, binary options were called exotic options and were traded only by a select few in small private financial exchanges. If you wanted to trade these exotic options before 2008, you had to pay a private broker up front fees just to access the market for you. There was no system in place for the independent traders or investors to partake in binary option transactions.

In 2008, after noticing that binary options were gaining popularity in Europe, the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) began listing them on its exchanges in the United States. After seeing the enormous success rates of binary options at the OCC, American Stock Exchange (AMEX) soon added binary options on its exchange as well. This means that individuals can now access these excellent trading instruments without having to go through expensive brokers.

Spotfn está comprometida con la máxima seguridad respecto a su depósito y el proceso de retirada. Los depósitos se pueden realizar a través de diversos métodos de pago seguros y de buena reputación, y en diversas divisas. El proceso es simple, seguro y rápido.

Sus retiradas se pueden recibir con la misma eficiencia. Puede transferir los fondos a su cuenta en la divisa que usted elija, y mediante el método seguro que sea más conveniente para usted. Recibirá sus fondos en poco tiempo.

A continuación se presentan los métodos disponibles para depósitos y retiradas:

Tarjeta de crédito

Depositar o retirar sus fondos a través de tarjeta de crédito es un método rápido y seguro altamente recomendado por Spotfn. Actualmente, puede utilizar las siguientes Tarjetas de débito/crédito: Visa, Delta, Mastercard, Diners, Visa Electron, Maestro, Maestro UK ( Switch) y Solo.

* Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el maestro en línea requiere autentificación 3D ​​Secure, por lo que tendrá que registrarse con su banco para obtener un código 3D ​​antes de efectuar un depósito Maestro.

Este método de depósito le permite enviar dinero directamente desde su cuenta bancaria a su cuenta de Opciones binarias, lo que elimina la necesidad de servicios de pago. También puede recibir sus fondos de forma segura a través de transferencias bancarias. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que puede haber costes asociados con las transferencias electrónicas y sería prudente averiguarlo antes de usar esta forma de pago.

¿Qué son las Opciones Binarias?

Las Opciones binarias son la forma más sencilla de operar en el mercado. Están disponibles desde 2008 y además, en Europa el CySEC las reguló en mayo de 2012.

Las Opciones binarias son la principal forma de inversión y son muy populares en las operaciones online por varias razones. En primer lugar, son simples y fáciles de entender. Invertir en Forex a menudo puede ser intimidante, con spreads y márgenes, etc. Con las opciones binarias, lo único que necesita jovencitas es un entendimiento básico de la dirección de los precios, y con eso puede operar. Por ejemplo, si el precio del oro se encuentra actualmente a 1500, ¿subirá o bajará este precio antes de la fecha de vencimiento? El inversor no compra un activo, solo predice si el precio va a subir o bajar. Incluso si el inversor está en lo cierto por un solo punto, la operación vence y recibe el pago total indicado en el contrato.

Debido a que las opciones binarias han crecido enormemente en los últimos años, en Spotfn ofrecemos diferentes productos y versiones además de las opciones binarias tradicionales, tales como Option Builder, One Touch, 60 segundos, etc. Cada producto tiene un conjunto de instrucciones claras, en cuanto a “cómo hacer trading”.

En cuanto empiece a operar verá lo sencillas y rentables que son las opciones binarias. No lo dude – ¡Invierta Ahora!

Riesgo controlado: las Opciones binarias en realidad incesto conllevan el menor riesgo, porque usted sabe exactamente cuánto está dispuesto a perder, y lo mucho que puede ganar. Su pérdida no podrá superar nunca el depósito inicial.

Simplicidad: ¿Qué es más fácil que subir o bajar? Usted no necesita ninguna experiencia previa para operar con éxito, solo una noción general del movimiento del mercado.

Rentabilidad: las Opciones binarias estándar le rentan alrededor del 70% – 85% sobre su inversión inicial. Sin embargo, con productos como One Touch, usted puede ganar hasta el 550%.

Disponibilidad: se emiten Opciones binarias a todas horas, incluso los fines de semana, festivos u otras ocasiones en que los mercados están cerrados.

Cobertura de oportunidades: puede cubrir otras posiciones que tiene en divisas o acciones, para evitar pérdidas mayores.

Ofrecer infinitas posibilidades a inversores

Spotfn es actualmente la principal plataforma de negociación de opciones binarias. Como las opciones binarias se han hecho más populares que nunca, Spotfn ofrece a los inversores una excelente experiencia de inversión en términos de seguridad, características, facilidad de uso, herramientas y formación.

Spotfn está comprometida a proporcionar una excelente plataforma de negociación que puede ser utilizada para inversores particulares e instituciones de todo el mundo. El personal de Spotfn está ahí para los inversores las 24 horas del día y los 7 días de la semana, con corredores profesionales para guiar a los inversores paso a paso.

Beneficios de la plataforma Spotfn:

Web, sin necesidad de descargar nada Negociación simple: fácil de entender y con explicaciones claras Diversos productos Experiencia de negociación muy fácil de usar Segura: nivel de riesgo/beneficios claramente indicado en la opción Retiradas y depósitos fáciles y rápidos Gratificación especial: devolución del 10 % de la inversión, incluso para opciones fuera del dinero

La visión Spotfn es darle a usted, el inversor, la experiencia de inversión más segura, cómoda y globalmente mejor que sea posible. Nuestros precios y módulos de ejecución garantizan el uso de las tecnologías más modernas y avanzadas. A través de nuestra asociación con el proveedor de feeds, Reuters, recibimos flujos de datos precisos en tiempo real, y nuestros términos y condiciones indican claramente la diferencia entre el precio de mercado en tiempo real, y el precio de las opciones. Ofrecemos gráficos de vencimiento para cada instante, para garantizar la confianza del inversor de manera que el inversor nunca tiene dudas.

Los fondos de los clientes se mantienen en una cuenta separada. Los fondos se utilizan solo para el comercio de opciones a través de nuestra página web siguiendo las instrucciones del cliente y no se utilizan para nada más. Nuestros pasivos y exposiciones son manejados profesionalmente y garantizamos los pagos de sus ganancias de acuerdo con nuestras condiciones.

Spotfn y colaboradores consiste en corredores profesionales de forex, expertos en derivados y gestión de riesgos, y procesadores de pagos. Cubrimos todos los aspectos de la negociación de opciones binarias, para que usted tenga la mejor experiencia de negociación posible.

¡Únase a la familia Spotfn y negocie como un profesional!

Las opciones binarias son de hecho la forma más sencilla de operar en el mercado. Usted no necesita ninguna experiencia financiera para el comercio de opciones binarias, ya que es sólo una cuestión de predecir si un precio aumentará o disminuirá en el momento de su caducidad. Usted puede hacer una conjetura, pero como ocurre con todo comercio, cuanto más educado sea usted, mayores serán sus posibilidades de éxito. Tener conocimientos básicos de los mercados financieros sin duda puede aumentar sus ganancias, así que no dude en estudiar algunas de las estrategias de opciones binarias y adquirir las habilidades necesarias para ser el mejor.

¡Sólo unos minutos al día en nuestro centro de educación puede marcar la diferencia para que su experiencia dependa menos de la suerte y más en la habilidad!

SPOT FN Centro de Educación. Por qué Porque el conocimiento es la ganancia.


SpotFN Update Janet Hogarth 2/21/16 Keep this message at the top of your inbox To: info@jlthomasconsulting. com

I actually have had a positive experience with SpotFN until recently. I have been trading with them since January 2013. I am a very small player, usually only $25 to $50 per trade each time. And I never accepted any of the offered bonus from SpotFN. I perhaps was lucky, and was able to draw funds from my account for $3,000USD three separate times. (I was too worried to leave any more funds in an account I thought was in England. Had no idea there were actually in Costa Rica.) I only traded in USD/EUD's and was not very active. I was widowed at the time and was very, very cautious with my money. Perhaps I was under their radar and not perceived as a big investor/player.

On October 19, 2015 I received a call from Greg Sullivan who said he was from the SpotFN Insurance Department and that I had over $68,000USD in my account and for a legal fee to the attorneys of $1,495USD he would close the account and send me the funds to me. What sounded wrong to me is that I would have to pay the $1,495USD up-front before he could process the refund and close my account. He called me from 310-742-6385 many times which now only take messages that are never returned. Also received these same types of phone call from Mark Stevens at 518-772-0347 and from Adam Garman at 917-310-7918 on December 9, 2015.

On January 20, 2016 I received a similar call from Chris Owens from 646-457-4239. (This phone number now is "busy" all the time.) I again never responded, but I am sorry now I did not take action to close my account then and at least get my $1,000USD back. (I never believed I have over $68,000USD in my account but should have taken the $1,000USD out!) This was the last phone call I received.

As you probably know, I can no longer access the webpage to do a withdrawal or make any trades. I realize this is not a great sum of money to most people, but I would like to know if there is a way to close my account and get these funds returned to me.

I checked with my credit card company and since my original investment of $250.00USD was over 2 years ago there is nothing they can do and will not do a chargeback.

Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.

Review Moderation Team Note: Since you are in the USA, the FPA recommends a complaint to www. CFTC. gov

You can also open a thread opened in the Scam Alerts folder to get more detailed advice.

Who else has joined SPOTFN and unable to recover / withdraw their own money?

The company details are as follows:

SPOTFN Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street 6/F London, EC2N 1HN United Kingdom

Support@spotfn. com www. SpotFN. com +1 888 977 6836 +44 203 318 5988

I joined SPOTFN on the 14th August 2014, who were very responsive prior to money being deposited or requesting further monies to assign a broker directly. Initially i deposited USD $10,000.00 and recognized issues immediately when my password was reset daily without my request or approval which i feel may have been caused by SPOTFN allowing an unauthorised third party automated software to operate without any authorisation. Through many request SPOTFN stated that they were unable to stop the unauthorized third party on my account.

SPOTFN stated with an additional USD $5,000.00 they would be able to assign a senior broker direct to my account which would stop the unauthorized third party software operating on my account. When i requested for the CV of the broker, communication from SPOTFN stopped.

ASSET signals then contacted me to buy a very expensive software package, with the above issues and noting that SPOTFN ceased communication with me and when contacted the help desk, my account didn't exist any more. I continued to contact SPOTFN without success, this included two letters dated 31st October 2014 & 23 January 2015. one of these letters was written to James Kingsley CEO, SPOTFN.

From my credit card statement for the USD $10,000.00, 50% of this payment was provided to VIP ASSET SIGNALS (also known as ASSET SIGNALS), thus i also wrote to them as they also tried to sell me a software package as mentioned above, however no response. this letter was written to:

Amy Borelli Senior Global Portfolio Manager

Asset Signals 14 Wall St 20th Floor NY, NY 10005 1.855.374.4625

Amazing unless either company want new money there is no communication and I can not find a way to get my own money back.

If anyone has further details on the above two companies or can assist me in having my monies returned, it would be appreciated.

Do not do business with SPOTFN or ASSET SIGNALS

Regards, Matthew Clark

SPOTFN has had my money Since the beginning of 2014 with many promisses to return my money. They ONLY Promoiss but never follow through. They have many complaints of the same behavior. I dont see why the government doesnt forbid them from doing business. one should not be able to steak your money and get rewarded by not being punished. I hope with enough complaints, they will be stopped or prosicuted. Any money put with them is lost forever.

2015-01-09 1Star 01-10-2015 To Date I have not received a refund. This Company has cheeted many people out of their money. They are not Licrensed to do business in thde Ubited States. They Give Con Men a new meaning. They are very dishonest individuals. reading the chain of events since last april you can see how they work. Please don't waste your money with these thives. all yjey want is to con you out of yourr money.

2014-12-02 1Star Please stay away from spotfn they are a bunch of theives and con artists. It is December 02, 2014 atd I still have not received my Money back. I don't understand why the authorities have not cracked down on spotfn as yet with everyones complaints. Hoqw can everyone be wrong about these con artists that steel our money. I don't believe they are registered to trade in the United States. I would like this bunch of thieves be arested and sent to prison. Tthey could learn what it is to loose their freedom and get what they do to everyone else




2014-09-04 1Star You have received my history ewith spot fn since it started. They told me and confirmed in an email I was being refunded even though I gave threm an extra $600.00 to keep for the trouble. to date I have not received my refund from Spot FN. IU caution you not to trust this company with tghreir scam. If I ONLY save one person from being taken I will have spent my $500.00 well. I am continuing with my action against spotfn and will keep you posted.

2014-08-25 1Star Read My Reports Carefully Before You Even Think Of Doing Business With Spot FN. They Bait You With A Bonus And Never Give You Acccess To Your Funds Again. Its Called Bait And Switch. They Told Me They Would Return My Money And Even Said It Was Returned. After Speaking To My Bank They Told Me It Was Never Returned. I Am Going To Do What It Takes To Go After This Company For Wire Fraud. STAY AWAY THEY WILL KEEP YOUR MONEY AND TAKE IT FROM YOU. I HOPE I CAN SAVE A FEW PEOPLE THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY.

2014-08-22 1Star Spot Fn Sent Me A Message Mo $500.00 Has Been Refunded, I Called My bank and they received nothing Form this company. I guess Theu Will say it got lost like all the other excuseses. I Think this company needs a good lesson in truth and honesty. They Choose The Wrong Person To Play With. I Am Really Sorry But I Dont Take It Lightly Distroying a company and causing such a great add to unemployment. FOOLISH PEOPLE.

2014-08-22 1Star I guess all of their games have caused them to close. I have tried every email address to contact spot fn and they all have ben deleted.


2014-08-05 No Rating Subject: Re: FINAL REQUEST

Mr. Gross, you have been refunded $500 and your account has been closed. Your name has been banned from our system, you can't open more accounts. (I WIOULD HAVE TO BE A FOOL TO EVER GO WITH THIS CO AGAIN. I AM NOT DROPPING FEDE4RAL CHARGES UNTILL I HAVE THE MONEY IN MY ACCOUNT.)

Your withdrawal will be reflected in your account in 24-48 hours.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions.

We look forward to trading with you. Accounting Department | SpotFN +(44) 20 3318-5988 (o)

+(1) 888 977-6836 (tf)

accounting@spotfn. com | www. spotfn. com 25 Old Broad St | 6th Floor London EC2N 1HN | United Kingdom I HAVE TO RECEIVE THIS PAYMENT I WILL SUPPLY RESULTS.

2014-07-23 1Star Classic and Only Response. I suggest anyone Wanting To Invest With Spot FN, Please dont waiste Your Time Or Money. They Feel Because They Are In The United Kingdom They Are Beyond The Law. WRONG! YOU WILL LOOSE YOUR MONEY FOR SURE.

Hello Marty, When you registered at our site you agreed to our site rules, we need you to comply in order to send you the funds. As a first step please go ahead and provide us with the proper documentation. Each client must submit documents authenticating their account with SpotFN in order to ensure that we are both protecting and validating our clients’ accounts. This is a necessary step in the process and we do appreciate your cooperation.

1.) Clear copies of Photo Identification and Credit Card used for transaction *If you have a Smartphone or tablet, you may attach a photo of the documents*

Photo ID - Must be government issued (can be a driver's license, passport or ID card).

A copy of the Credit Card used. Front and back copies are both necessary. *Please, feel free to block or cover the first 12 digits, as long as the last 4 digits are visible*

2.) Credit Card Authorization Form – Will be Sent as a DocuSignform in another email from Bryan Morgan.

Regards, There is nothing that states after I provide private information to open myself to identity theft, I will receive my money back. The only to go after these guys is Federaly.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions.

We look forward to trading with you.

Accounting Department | SpotFN +(44) 20 3318-5988 (o)

+(1) 888 977-6836 (tf)

accounting@spotfn. com | www. spotfn. com 25 Old Broad St | 6th Floor

London EC2N 1HN | Reino Unido

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 1:00 PM, wrote:

A quien le interese,

Please Deposit My $500.00 back into my credit card which I Know you have on file. You Took My Credit Card For The $500.00 Put Into My Account. If You could take The $500.00 From My credit card account you can return it to the same account you took it from. You make excuses for not returning my deposit. I am giving you back your $500.00 bonus puss some. I hope Further Action Will Not Be Necessary.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions.

We look forward to trading with you.

Accounting Department | SpotFN +(44) 20 3318-5988 (o)

+(1) 888 977-6836 (tf)

accounting@spotfn. com | www. spotfn. com 25 Old Broad St | 6th Floor London EC2N 1HN | Reino Unido

Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 1:01 PM, wrote:

To Whom It May Concern,

To whom it may concern, Please Deposit My $500.00 back into my credit card which I Know you have on file. You Took My Credit Card For The $500.00 Put Into My Account. If You could take The $500.00 From My credit card account you can return it to the same account you took it from. You make excuses for not returning my deposit. I I Am Sure They Will Pay A High Monatery Peanalty For Theuir Deception. DONT TRY SPOT FN. i told them I am giving you back your $500.00 bonus plus some. I hope Further Action Will Not Be Necessary. But Knowing The Way You Seem To Be Working With Your Customers. Getting Money Back Without Federal Intervention Is Impossible. MGross

2014-07-15 1Star To whom it may concern,

Please Deposit My $500.00 back into my credit card which I Know you have on file. You Took My Credit Card For The $500.00 Put Into My Account. If You could take The $500.00 From My credit card account you can return it to the same account you took it from. You make excuses for not returning my deposit. I am giving you back your $500.00 bonus plus some. I hope Further Action Will Not Be Necessary.

2014-07-14 1Star I am posting my request for a withdrawal as I was told to do by a third Party. I really don't expect them to be honest about it and return my $500.00. I feel sorry for those who invest with this company as they in my opinion, are about to be conned by these false promisses they get. I have posted my Withdrawal request as I stated I would. I hope they deside to change their bad habits. I will update my actions asd they happen.

Please Forward The Withdrawal Amount Of $500.00 To Me From My Account. The $500.00 Represents My Origional Deposit With Your Firm. Per Your Information On The Withdrawal Process, It Should Take No Longer Then # Working Days. I Sincerely Hope This Process Is Accurate So Further Action Will Not Be Necessary. Respectfully, MGross


2014-06-26 2Star COPY OF LETTER SENT TO SPOTFN i asked to return my money and still have not received a check. this company has serveral complaints already. I was willing to give back the Bonus they Offered To me and wanted to get the innitial investment back. To date no responce. I am as stated before filing a federal complaint to investicate if tyhere was wire fraud. this federal charge could shut this company down. ANYONE WANTING TO USE SPOT FN BE WARE. THEY WILL TAKE YOUR MONEY AND NOT RETURN IT TOO MANY COMPLAINTS. BE WARE BASED O0N MY EXPERIANCE AND THAT OF OTHERS MAKING COMPLAINTS.

2014-06-17 1 Star PLEASE STAY AWAY AND SAVE YOUR MONEY. Spotfn Is a con job. I invested 500.00 and was told they would give me a 500.00 bonus to get started. i started making another 500.00 then lost money the days the trading was working, I called anjd told them to stop trading, they did not. I asked them for my origional 500.00 back and they could keep the origional 830.00 in the account. They refused to return my money as I figured. I told them I would file a federal complaint which I have to sign Friday as I was told after speaking to an agent. this company should be known as a Bernie Madoff of the United Kingdom. ask for your money and you will see i am right. IF THEY WERE FOR REAL THEY WOULD RETURN YOUR MONEY. IT W3AS LOST THE DAY YOU GAVE IT TO THEM all i wanted is $500.00 which is my origional investment. i left them to keep not only the $500.00 bonas but a porofit off their $500.00 bonus. Very Fair I thought As it was won on their money. They created a fraud to steal my mone and the money of others. I am glad I didn't invest $5,000.00, or I would haeve lost that. Cheep Lesson I learned The Hard Way. TRY TO GET THIS COMPANY TO REFUND YOUR MONEY AND I THINK YOU WILL SEE YOUR EXPERIENCE WILL BE AS MINE WAS. DON'T INVEST YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY WITH THIS COMPANY. I WILL POST THE RESULTS OF MY FEDERAL COMPLAINT.


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Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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(888) 9 SPOTFN

HIGH RISK WARNING: Binary options trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all investors. Bonus leverage creates additional risk and loss exposure. Before you decide to trade binary options, carefully consider your investment objectives, experience level, and risk tolerance. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Educate yourself on the risks associated with binary options trading, and seek advice from an independent financial or tax advisor if you have any questions.

ADVISORY WARNING: SpotFN provides references and links to selected blogs and other sources of economic and market information as an educational service to its clients and prospects and does not endorse the opinions or recommendations of the blogs or other sources of information. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and SpotFN specifically advises clients and prospects to carefully review all claims and representations made by advisors, bloggers, money managers and system vendors before investing any funds or opening an account with any binary options platform. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. SpotFN expressly disclaims any liability for any lost principal or profits without limitation which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

Affiliates and Partners - SpotFN offers a variety of partnership programs designed to drive your profits further. Affiliates are given the opportunity to take part in a binary options affiliate program to gain exposure to high profile traders. Our affiliate program is backed by a strong site, superior marketing tools and comprehensive support. Become a part of the leading binary option affiliate program today. Trading in the financial markets offers both potential rewards and the risk of loss. Prudence is advised. Never trade on a digital option platform with funds you cannot afford to risk. "Co-operated by Hortense Holdings Limited"

spotfn. es Informe  Visit Site

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you can access the whois database at https://www. nic. es/

Análisis de encabezados HTTP

HTTP Header information is a part of HTTP protocol that a user's browser sends to called nginx containing the details of what the browser wants and will accept back from the web server.


The following list shows you to spelling mistakes possible of the internet users for the website searched.

www. uspotfn. com

www.7spotfn. com

www. hspotfn. com

www. kspotfn. com

www. jspotfn. com

www. ispotfn. com

www.8spotfn. com

www. yspotfn. com

www. spotfnebc. com

www. spotfnebc. com

www. spotfn3bc. com

www. spotfnwbc. com

www. spotfnsbc. com

www. spotfn#bc. com

www. spotfndbc. com

www. spotfnfbc. com

www. spotfn&bc. com

www. spotfnrbc. com

www. urlw4ebc. com

www. spotfn4bc. com

www. spotfnc. com

www. spotfnbc. com

www. spotfnvc. com

www. spotfnvbc. com

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www. spotfn c. com

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www. spotfnhbc. com

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www. spotfnx. com

www. spotfnxc. com

www. spotfnx. com

www. spotfnf. com

www. spotfnfc. com

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Show All Mistakes Hide All Mistakes


Most Useful Comment

SpotFN a binary option broker with supposed physical address in the U. K is not a bonafide brokerage firm. They specialize in binary option trading but once you establish an account you cannot close it or get your funds out.

I contracted for auto trading services with an internet program called The Millioniare Society. Their recommended brokerage for the U. S is SpotFN in the U. K who accepts U. S citizens. Based on a 2 hour webinar which showed 3 indivduals supposedly setting up live trading accounts and seeing live results on the webinar of small amounts of 250.00 plus being traded into 3-4K profits I opened an account with their recommended broker for the U. S.

SpotFN offered a matching bonus funds program. depending on the level of starting capital the bonuses offered wrere scaled incrementally higher. After watching the trading activity for about a week seeing the software trade around 3-4 trades daily some trades successful and others at a loss I decided this was not what I saw on the live webinar demonstration ( which would mean that the software traded more trades and the risk levels applied would be all in or at least 100.00 per trade ) I decided to close the auto trade services where my risk level was set at the min. 25.00 per trade which is the reason my account is still not wiped out .

I contacted SpotFN to close my account in which started a chain of email responses the essence of which is that you cannot get a withdrawal unless you meet the terms of 30 mutilple per every 1.00 of bonus offered. I pointed out to them that there is nowhere in their service agreement that says this rule applies to the closure of an account and they cannot hold my account open when I am asking for it to be closed. I received a refund from Cickbetter the host marketing platform of the autotrading services on June 14 which terminated my membership with the millionaire society.

On June 16 there were 4 trades placed on my account again when my autotrade membership was terminated on June 14. I wrote to SpotFN letting them know that they are now commiting fraud in churning the account as there should be no trading activity on the account at all and that I was taking this matter seriously as fraud and theft.

I reported the matter to the fraud dept of my bank who has placed a dispute in with the card processor for SpotFN. I have put SpotFN on notice that further action will follow which includes filing complaints with the following regulatory agencies. 1) U. K FCA 2) Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission ( it seems they are operating from Cyprus) 3) U. S NFA even though they may not fall under regulation by these agencies. In addition, contacting Interpol since this has now become an international cross border matter of fraud .

Do not do business with this company. and never take any offer for a matching bonus funds from any firm offering the same.

SpotFn Reviews

Most Useful Comment

Avoid SpotFN brokers at all costs! They will take advantage of the fact that their calls are unrecorded and so they lied about about the types of trades and payouts; giving bonuses regardless of whether I denied before and after because they "need to complete trades;" my income; how my losses were insured so that money lost would be put back into my account; withdrawal amounts, ability and dates, as well as status; and even their occupations

(Please note that all dates given here are in GMT as is the time zone on the SpotFN website)

I went through 6 assigned brokers at least with one outlier that has not been confirmed as mine yet but still worked with me. First, there were the consecutive losses made with $1000 and $700 investments of my $2000 balance by broker Mary Batista on August, 25, 2014 with the only win by her coming from a $25 investment. She was coercing me to use my entire balance when I told her I was new, had just opened an account, and needed some coaching to which she said just to trust her because she knew what she was doing.

She said that if I only wanted to trade with $25-50 investments, then she would not be able to work with me. She said that she would call me right after the second expiry date, but never did.

I proceeded to call to the main SpotFn number to report her behavior and actions and find help in replacing my balance on Wednesday, August 27, 2014. Grace Grattis (last name spelled by live chat) answered and told me that she would work with her supervisor and definitely get my $1000 back at least. As a promotional offer with her supervisor, she said that if I would first deposit $960 to increase my balance to $1000 that she would then later deposit $1000 as a bonus and with an additional $1000 to make it a total of $2000 more and that I could withdraw $2000 on Friday, August 29, 2014. I agreed. The bonus that was added was actually $960 and there was never any additional $1000 to make it $2000 more than what I put down out of my own pocket as promised by her. I told Grace this several times and she said she would speak with her supervisor about this many times and said that they were still working to add it. She said that she had a good winning trade late Thursday night, August 28, 2014, which was a loss on Friday, August 29, 2014. Afterwards, I had to get a hold of her on the following Monday because she never called me back and when I mentioned if her supervisor and her were still going to add the additional $1000 as they stated before, she brushed it off and said that the $1000 that she added as a bonus was her money, not the company's, and so the loss was actually her $1000 not mine or the company's.

Paul Soho had called me on Saturday, August 30, 2014 to say that he had winning secure trades that would have me make $17,347 in profits and that I would be able to withdraw them on Thursday, September 4, 2014. He said that this income was guaranteed and that I wasn't going to lose a trade, but if I did, that my losses were insured. He said that I would need to make a $5K deposit up front, which I did. He said that he would call me that Labor Day of Monday, Sept. 1, 2014 at 5:00-5:30 PM, and I called into SpotFN several times that Monday night trying to find him but only reached customer service agents/brokers who said that he was just going to be late and call later and I waited and called, several times and stayed up through his shift to 1 AM. When I called back on Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014 and finally got a hold of him, he said that he had taken the day off before proceeding with what we we discussed the past Saturday. He guaranteed again that I was going to make $17,347 in profits to withdraw on Thursday, September 4, 2014 and that I can continue with the "program" later for profits in the thousands every week. On Tuesday, September 2, 2014, seven $745 trades were given by him that resulted in 3 losses and 4 wins, one $750 trade given by him that resulted in a loss. Later that night, I saw in my account that a $5,000 bonus was added without my approval. I asked him why he gave this to me without my approval and he said that we really needed to complete the trades and said it would be too late if I waited. He gave me a total of 6 $1,500 trades that resulted in 4 losses and 2 wins and 1 $1,300 trade that resulted in a win. I was going backwards and far from making anywhere near the "guaranteed $17,347."

I called the main number of SpotFN the next day, Wednesday, September 3, 2014, and Sebastian Grey picked up and I discussed the problems with him about Paul Soho. Sebastian said that he had golden trades and that they each had a 98 percent chance of winning and 100 percent payout. He said that he would have me gain the money I had lost back. I told him that I did not authorize the previous 5K bonus and that I did not want him to give me any bonuses. He said that he would not give me any bonuses. He said that he would need me to deposit 5K up front and I asked him why he couldn't work with what I already had in my balance, which was in the one thousands and he said that he would simply lose over $4,000 if I didn't. I asked him how and he said that if I lost any trades that he would lose money as well and when I questioned that, he said that it was sketchy how it worked. He repeated the guarantees of the golden trades and so because of these "guarantees," I deposited 5K. His 17 "golden trades" of $1500 each resulted in 8 wins and 9 losses and 2 "golden trades" of $750 and $500 both resulted in losses. None of the wins had a 100% payout, all were less or equal to 85%. I interrogated him about this during the session before the expiry dates and he said not to worry and that they would show up as 100% later, which they did not. He also said that I would not lose any trades.

I called the main number of SpotFn that same night and reported these lies made by Sebastian and reached a broker who said that she would have someone in the support department look at my issues and that she would call me the next day, Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014 at 9AM, and she never did that morning. I got a call from John Delaware the night before on Wednesday, Sept 3, 2014, stating that he was a financial analyst and head of accounting and that he was responsible for helping mishandled portfolios like mine. He said that someone told him to call me and that his only offer was that he would upgrade my account to the platinum membership and that with him I would be making a profit of at least 9K a week that I would be able to withdraw every Friday and that I would be able to withdraw at least $6,000-6,500 on the Friday of September 5, 2014. He said to do whatever I could to pull out 5K from my personal accounts to upgrade so that I could win all that I had lost.

I never did any trades with him because when I was making my deposit with him over the phone on Thursday, September 4, 2014, Kimberly Jackson called and said that she was calling from accounting and that she saw that I wasn't making much money and that she would be able to fix that. I told her that I was working with Jonathan Delaware and she said that it was okay, that they were working together in accounting to fix my issues. I was adamant about checking with John first before making the deposit with her and she insisted that it was fine to make the deposit with her as both she and John were working on the same offer with my portfolio. We then discussed how I had an overly high loss percentage, and I told her about the outright lies, including false trades and withdrawal guarantees, made by my previous brokers. I asked John if it was alright that I was making the deposit with Kimberly of accounting (a total of 4K this time because Kimberly said their merchant wouldn’t accept the 5K) for his offer, and he said it was. He then later called me to ask if I made the deposit with someone else because he tried to charge my card as well and he said that his merchant said it was already made with someone else; I reminded him about Kimberly and he said that she lied to me, that she was just a broker and was going to lose my money, did not work in the accounting department, and that he couldn’t work with me anymore because the deposit had to be made through his merchant. I then asked Kimberly why she lied to me about all of this and she pulled her Supervisor, Paul Soho, who backed her up and asked if I wanted to make money for the company and I adamantly said no and that I wanted to work with John. Kimberly had the President Charles Constantine, License 785254, on the phone with me to discuss my issues and to which Charles very emphatically said that I was in good hands with Kimberly in customer service, accounting and brokerage terms and that it wasn’t a marketing tactic. Despite this, Kimberly repeatedly made false claims that I could withdraw my entire balance on Friday, September 5, 2014, that I’d make profits and have spending money whenever I want, that the Deposit Confirmation and Customer Verification forms were to insure my losses and in her example, if I made bad trades myself and lost all of my balance that they would put the losses back into my account. The only time SpotFn employees ever put anything back into my account were bonuses, even the unauthorized ones, AFTER I made deposits out of my own pocket. Kimberly also said that John Delaware was just a broker himself and so I don't know who was telling the truth or if both were lying here.

On Monday, September 8, 2014 going on Tuesday, September 9, 2014, before the trading, I asked Kimberly Jackson why I still saw my withdrawal request of $7,000 as pending to which she replied that it was processed already. I told her that I did not see it as approved yet and she confirmed that it was still processed and just wasn’t reflected as so in my account yet. I trusted her and proceeded, and she gave me eleven $1,500 trades, which resulted in 6 losses and 5 wins and a $1,300 trade, which was a win. Later after the trading, I saw this request as canceled. Also later, without my consent, I saw a $4,000 bonus was added to my account without my consent but of course quickly approved on SpotFN side. My balance was at $19,878.25 at this point when I decided to stop doing any services with SpotFn while I still had income in my personal banking accounts.

On Monday, September 8, 2014, I called SpotFN to withdraw my entire money from my balance and reached Mark Thompson. I explained to him what had been happening in terms of my experience with SpotFn, and he said that he would assign himself to my portfolio and approve all of my withdrawal requests since I had signed both the Deposit Confirmation and New Customer Verification Forms to confirm and protect my capital. He said that he would have to cancel my pending requests first and have me make the new ones just the same so that he could approve them for my withdrawal of my entire balance within one business day. I only saw the withdrawal requests as still pending for at least 24 hours when I called him again on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 and he confirmed again with me that I could withdraw the entire $15,960 deposits that I made with SpotFN.

All of my withdrawal requests were canceled except for the $3,918.50 made by SpotFn as they claimed the $15,959.00 of the $19,878.25 balance was their bonuses given to me. Here is my rebuttal, which I will email to them:

In regards to your statement of my balance of $3,918.50, which contradicts the previous statement of balance of $19,878.25 made on Tues, Sept. 9, 2014 at 12:12 PM (see screenshot and check your email), if you look at my banking history of SpotFn (attached images to this email), you will see that each bonus was applied by your employee(s) after every deposit or series of deposits I made, NOT when I merely had $3,918.50 left in the balance (which never occurred). Therefore, when losses consistently occurred due to the poor and false trades given by your brokers assigned to me and to the point of less than the total of my deposits and your bonuses, the bonuses should have been affected as well. The fact that you withdrew all the bonuses combined that you ever gave me (without my written, verbal, or manual approval) all at once after the end of all the trades and the approved withdrawal request of merely $3,918.50 means that each deposit I made out of my own pocket was made toward the loss of the previous bonus given. This was never stipulated anywhere and certainly not on the forms that I signed - New Customer Verification and Deposit Confirmation Forms, just that "in order to withdraw [my] full bonus, [I] will be required to execute a minimum trading volume of 30 times for every $1 bonus." There was not any stipulation that a loss of balance that surpassed total deposits and cut into bonus would mean that the next deposit would be made toward the replacement of the bonus.

It started with morrison web sight stating he could make you a lot of money using his software but could not reach him after paying for it after 2week I called click bank because it was a money back offer and got my money back from them used my credit card on spotfn for $1000 for trades That morrison stated need to work with his software I would recived a bonus for putting money in spotfn. So then I stated what I wanted to buy as far as options but keep getting lies and so I was trying to get my money out. Spotfn sent me a form to fill out saying this was not drug money or for terrorist funder money so i did this thinking I could get my money back then. I worked with a lot of differance people who all lied, called me hung up on me about what was going on and keep wanting more money & more money added to the account and then James freudman called me and stated he could make me big money with 2.0 software I keep saying no and he keep on and stated he could show me in two days that this would put a lot of money in my account I did not belive him he said I will show you. I checked in 2 days and the account was losing just as I expected it would do. I was online at the bank credit card that day noticed 5000 dollards put on my credit card so I call the credit card custmer service ask if this charge had cleared The person said no I said don't pay this because I did not ok this charge and was told ok. The next day went online to my credit card company and the $ 5000 had cleared and $ 5000 more was also taken out of i and had cleared also. I only had $7500 credit with the credit card co. this looks like fraud to me Called custmer service again was told had to turn in a dispute and the form was sent to me. I filled it out sent it back to custmer service where it came from. I recived a email stating thay had the form and would get it to the dispute dept. Thought all would be taken care of after 10 days no word from credit card despuite dept call then they stated I did not send one I said I had and checked to see if it had sent and it had been sent per my computer. Sent in another despute form to bank credit card a week latter called the credit card co they stated they did not recive it showed in my computer it was sent. Went to my bank had the bank sent the dispute form and finley the dispute dept had the form thay needed. The banker stated they had to pay it and the bank would go in and would get it back. I thought all was settled and the credit card gave me back my money then spotfn sent the credit card co, paper work from spotfn showing I had be on spotfn sight and my credit card reversed the charges back to me and that where we stand. I had be on spotfn sight trying to get back my money I first used to open the accont on spotfn on binary options, spotfn lied about why I was on the sight. I told spotfn keep what ever money I had made and it had made some by now after 3 or more moths just send back what was on my credit care bill, but spotfn keep the software money and the money the account made. I'm out $10000 The credit card company and bank was wrong giving spotfn the money back and will go after then both. I have never received a call back from any one about this the credit card or spotfn. No will tell me but the first $ 1000 was creted to my account but I'm still at a big loss. I have tryed to be a truthfull as i can about what I rember and dont think I left any thing out.

pure scam

Wish you provided something less than 1 star. Most all of the bad/illegal scam tactics mentioned in previous reviews happened to me. Except the one about somebody actually getting some money back.

I also had people calling out of the blue w/information that could only have come from spotfn. There was supposedly a big purge. After not being able to contact my broker for 2 days or login to my account I finally got through to a Troy Pierce. He said "my broker and others his been fired for mismanagement of clients accounts" he went on to tell me I did not have a real account only a demo account which I was told later spotfn does not even offer a demo account. I said BS. Less than 5 min after I hung up w/Troy my old broker called from spotfn phone # made an excuse about being out of pocket due to family emergency. And the asked how I was doing I said " better than you I just heard you had been fired". He had a meeting come up all of a sudden and haven't heard from him since. Suspect he downloaded all info he could for later scam attempts.

I'm tired of typing so let me wind this up. When spotfn 'found' my account it was under a email address I have never had with a password I did not set. New broker for my found account started right in w/up-sale and promises. Most if not all of names used were not real. I spent a few bucks on getting real name(s) address and pictures. I may or may not ever see my money again but I know how to spread the pain.

I wish there had been reviews online before I invested, so I thought I'd give it a try, after all the minimum deposit was $200.00.

I started to make a deposit of $200.00 and it came back saying that the minimum deposit was $500.00. When I submitted the application the page did not change, I thought I had not clicked on the right box, then I clicked again and this time the Thank You. window came up. I wanted to make sure that only $500.00 had been deducted from my bank account (I was using my bank debit/credit card). I checked my bank account and found two withdrawals of $500.00 each for a total of $1000.00 USD. It was late that night, so the next morning, I called SpotFN contact number, explained what had happened, that my intention was to deposit only $500.00 and to refund the additional $500.00. They said that it was indeed a double click and that they would refund the $500.00.

I told them I needed that money back in my bank account right away and how long it would take them to refund the money. They said it would take some time up to 21 days. I told them that normally companies take a maximum of 5-7 days to handle refunds. They said their company's refund policy time was up to 21 days. In view of that and already suspecting that something was not right, I contacted my bank, explained the situation to them and asked them to open a claim to see if they would resolve the matter sooner.

My bank gave me a temporary credit of $500.00, and started processing the claim. The 21 days went by, it was June already and the bank claim had not been settled, neither had SpotFN refunded the $500.00. I contacted the bank and SpotFN and both told me they were working on it. Finally, on July 17, 2014, I received a letter from the bank letting me know that they had received the $500.00 and they were closing the claim.

The interesting issue is the way they satisfied the claim. I checked my account with SpotFN and the statement of my account shows TWO WITHDRAWALS OF $500.00. The date of the first withdrawal/refund is May 2, 2014. That's the date of the refund, remember double click? It took over 21 days and legal claim from my bank until they finally refund it.

Reviewing the statement I found a withdrawal of $500.00 dated June 30, 2014. To resolve the issue they took $500.00 in my investment account to settle the issue. My investment account should show only one withdrawal/refund of $500.00 and not two withdrawals of $500.00. I have asked them why there were two withdrawals of $500.00 on my account -- no answer to my many requests.

The account has been closed, but since I keep records of all my financial transactions, I printed a copy of the statement of my account and also printed out all the investment transactions, losses and winnings. After losses and winnings, there is a balance on my favor of $361,50. I have told them to refund the $361.50 and close the account. They have closed the account but refuse to refund the $361.50 and to explain the reason for the two withdrawals of $500.00. SPOTFN IS TRULY A SCAM.

There is a webiste WWW. scam. com/spotfn+review. In this website you will find a list of binary options broker scam investigation: SpotFN is the very last company and their assessment is MOST LIKELY SCAM. I hope my experience with SpotFN makes the reader think twice before investing with this people. TRULY A SCAM.

I have invested $2000 to trade binary in this company. I was making profit trading my self and i made a request to withfraw on october 27 $441 and $1000 on october 31, they approved both and my account was debited of $1441 and i still have about $2000 left, but i have not received the money yet, when i called them, they said that the accounting is investigating and when i called, they dont care about me. After i read the compaints here, i said to myself, the more i wait, the more i will be in the trouble.

Please help me get my money back please.


When I newbie, I used SpotFN. Then I got the information about the Daily Binary Profits from my friend. After knowing the service of Daily Binary Profits. I analyzed, then invest it. And I leave SpotFN. I am using the Daily Binary Profits at present. Because SpotFN seems to be very critical & many times give fake signals to me. And gave me $150 - $200 A day. One the other hand SpotFN success rate 20% - 25%. But Daily Binary Profits success rate 60% - 80% & earning $500 - $1200 a day. Now I am using Daily Binary Profits & earning huge profits money. So I recommend you that the Daily Binary Profits has a great customer support also. You can try it & of course you will be satisfied by Daily Binary Profits. You can know about Daily Binary Profits by visit official site. http://goo. gl/x1Yw64

On May 2014 to place deposit on line was impossible. after i call sumbody he said he is manager helped make deposit $ day came email from Richard broker who has unique software and autopilot, i sent email to accounting to transfer my deposit to richardbroker. com. Accounting refused to follow my request, insisted that Richard is affiliate, they have the best brokers they will make me big profit.10 days later was my balance $5. Who is the best broker? I aked accounting Answer was no clear. Some - Affiliate!?

richardbroker sent me email invited to open new account new email address, invited every day on Webinar. When I opened new account it took whole month, Spotfn again placed my deposit no for Richard but for spotfn. I did not understand why support from getrichinseconds every day invite me to webinar and asked, did you registered? did you make fund? I did fund $1000 But my money I never saw more. i never had chance to try unique richard software to make from $1000 $10000! they promised me. When i try withdraw, my deposit, broker Mark Thomson helped by phone withdraw. But next day Accounting answered by email that my money somebody returned to Trading. ¿Por qué? Who did it. I without my permition. I no interesting more in Trading. send me Refund. No. we will investigate. already whole month passed. when i call they put music on my head ,30 minutes. when somebody asked why do you call? Ah REFUND? they hang up on me. They no answer on email as well. spotfn is crook you need investigate and help me get refund $250 and $1000.

SpotFN Scammers

I was introduced through affiliate Richard Morrison to spotFN

250 at first and later 1000 with expectation of having a senior adviser call me twice a week but he just tried to convince me to add another 5000. Suspicion and further investigation online convinced me I am deep enough into this so in the end I called investigation dept of my credit card holder and they sent them a 45 day charge back order and finally got my money back after about a month.

Bad bad bad

Spotfn is a faudulent company

I endorse all the reports made about the bianary option firm trading as Spotfn. I was suckered into giving them $500, which disappeared of course, on promises and guarantees of profit. They did not answer calls, their support email is a scam, their operation is probably based in Costa Rica as one observer noted, and their representatives seem to be native spanish speakers with wierd and unspellable surnames. They are crooks who access your account for their own purposes, steal you ID, manipulate your account and pester you forever with requests to deposIt more money (such as $5000, 500, 1000) which I guarantee you will disappear into so-called money makinf (for them) auto trading robots. BE FURTHER WARNED THEY ARE CROOKS

SpotFN had frozen my account saying they dont have the correct email address which is the correct email. I also found out they took nearly $10,000.00 gradually out of my account claiming it was the autotrader. I at least need the account to be released to pay my bills and want to cancel and get back nearly $10,000.00 that they took for themselves. Since they have dozens of complaints also on their web page, I am looking for a class action lawsuit as well as attorneys. Anyone with other legal advice could also respond.


Published on April 8th, 2014 | De John Kane

Auto Income Bot

Auto income bot is a new binary options product that I started to get a few emails about recently. In looking at the website I don’t see very much except for a registration page, a short video and a short sales pitch.

Today I will be providing a review of this software and letting the binary today readers understand what it’s all about.

Your rating: ( 33 votes, average: 1.61 out of 5)

Auto Income Bot Review

The auto income bot is a fully automated system. The developer claims that he made over $800,000 in one year and is the selling point for the software. The developer claims at once you have joined and followed the instructions (I imagine this means join their recommended broker) that his team of expert will pick and place all the trades for you.

This concept is great because most people in this market are looking for easy solutions to make money and so auto income bot is putting itself in that role to make sales. That’s all well and good, but there is no real discussion about the strategy how the software works at all. I understand a lot of people are going to be interested in the software because of how easy developer makes it seem that without some sort of a strategy I’m certainly skeptical.

The auto income bot does show multiple bank statements and a couple of screenshots that show two days trading. But both of those days being in January which really proves nothing at all.

Auto Income Bot Thoughts

There’s really no way for me to recommend the auto income bot with updates provided us up until this point. I can’t recommend a system that gives us two days of trading from months ago when the release of the product is now. It doesn’t make sense and when something doesn’t make sense I can’t invest my money into it

If you have something you would like to contribute to this review please leave your comments below. This is a system that is generating a lot of interest so if you bought it please do me the favor of letting me know if this auto income bot software is performing or not.

Sobre el Autor

John Kane Soy un operador de opciones binarias a tiempo completo. Pude dejar mi trabajo en los últimos 5 años y dedicarme al comercio completamente. Nunca pensé que mi pasatiempo y pasión ganarse la vida para mí, pero estoy agradecido cada día que tiene. Mi principal objetivo ahora es comunicarse con la comunidad binaria de comercio, contribuir a diferentes sitios web y aprender de otros comerciantes.

Exención de responsabilidad: Binary Today desea recordarle que el contenido contenido en este sitio web no es necesariamente en tiempo real ni preciso. Rendimiento pasado no garantiza el rendimiento futuro, lo anterior no es indicativo y es puramente para fines educativos solamente. Basándose en lo anterior para la inversión, el comercio o las apuestas en opciones binarias o Forex no se aconseja a menos que lo haga con el dinero virtual sólo.

Binary Today o cualquier persona involucrada con Binary Today no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la confianza en la información incluyendo revisiones, recomendaciones, gráficos, software, informes de ingresos y señales contenidas en este sitio web. Por favor, estar plenamente informado acerca de los riesgos y costos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros, es una de las formas más arriesgadas de inversión posible.

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Método de opciones binarias gratuitas

Mi método paso a paso para las ganancias de opciones binarias fácil. Mi nombre es John Kane y he juntado uno de mis fáciles métodos ganadores.

Este método sólo requiere un software y un corredor y se puede configurar en menos de 30 minutos.

Si un novato o un profesional de esta guía gratuita puede ayudarle a empezar a ganar con opciones binarias de inmediato.

Binary Today es un sitio de revisión de opciones binarias de vanguardia con el objetivo principal de proporcionar herramientas útiles e información sobre corredores, señales, estrategias y más. Esperamos desarrollar una gran comunidad de comerciantes exitosos y condenar a los vendedores que no son responsables de sus acciones o respetuoso con sus clientes.

Informes de ingresos

Con el fin de mantener la máxima transparencia ahora proporcionar un informe mensual sobre mis cifras de comercio:

Acerca de

Las opciones binarias que negocian son una afición de la vida larga dada vuelta para mí. Ahora mi enfoque es mantener la comunidad honesta. Soy un usuario ávido del software binario de las opciones así que entiendo cómo diagnosticar y proporcionar la penetración valiosa. Hay muchos deshonrosos desarrolladores de productos binarios en Internet, he hecho mi deber señalarle en la dirección de la victoria.


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Binary International Binary Option Platform Review

As one of the newest binary options brokers on the market, Binary International is aggressively trying to break into the upper tiers of the industry. BinaryInternational. com is a good-looking modern site with a decent trading platform and good returns. However, Binary International is really making waves with its extremely high bonuses, free demo account, and free signals service which every trader can take advantage of.

The Binary International broker trading platform is quite powerful, but can be a bit confusing for new traders. Luckily, certain account types give traders the ability to use a free demo account so that you can get used to the platform risk-free. Rich mobile trading is also supported on iOS and Android devices. The educational center could be a lot richer, though it seems that Binary International is currently targeting more established traders than new ones. One of the biggest benefits from trading at BinaryInternational. com is the free signals software that every trader has access to, which is something truly unique. Although live chat support is advertised as being 24/7, there are times when operators are unavailable, although when they are there they are quite helpful.

At the time of our Binary International review, the asset list was still quite small, with only around 40 stocks, indices, currencies, and commodities supported, although more are sure to be added in the future. Standard option types were available including call/put, 60-second, one-touch, and range options. The payouts are nice and keep with the current industry standards, ranging above 80% with some out-of-the-money trades offering rebates as well.

Five different account types are offered to Binary International customers, ranging from the basic Mini account at $250 to the Platinum Diamante account for traders who deposit more than $5,000. The Binary International bonus is huge, starting at 50% for the Mini account and climbing to a whopping 200% for accounts above $2,000. Traders who deposit at least $500 and get the Premium account also have access to the signals service and the demo account while higher level accounts confer added benefits such as a personal account manager. Major credit cards and wire transfers are the preferred, secure way to make a deposit.

So far, Binary International seems to be doing all the right things in order to attract new traders to their platform. However, once they lure new customers with their high bonus and attractive signals service, they are going to need to improve their trading platform and asset list in order to keep their traders happy. It remains to be seen how well BinaryInternational. com will do, but as it looks now, their future prospects are good.


USA REGULATION NOTICE: Please note if you are from the USA: some binary options companies are not regulated within the United States. Estas compañías no están supervisadas, conectadas o afiliadas a ninguna de las agencias reguladoras como la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Mercancías (CFTC), la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA), la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) o la FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority). We warn US citizens of the dangers of trading with such entities and strongly advise that they take legal advice on this in the US.

The views expressed on the forum are expressed by those contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of BinaryOptions. net.

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SpotFN spamming and how Retarded I am!

Hello, my name is Mark and I am so RETARDED for spamming BinryOptions. Net, sorry I will not do it in the future! But if I am unable to control myself please ban me for spamming!

Free Cash App Review: More Binary Options BS

¿Qué es?

An app that is supposed to tell you which trades to make with binary options.

Resumen breve:

This is a popular idea that has been repeated in other products like Automated Income App. The idea that a software can tell you how to trade stocks successfully is ridiculous. Binary options is a very risky way play the stock market, and professionals liken it to gambling.

Before You Buy

The advertising video is pretty standard, but they seem to have gotten lazy with this one. Usually there is a story about meeting guru billionaires that spill the beans and tell their guarded secrets about this secret app that generates cash so easily. This story is no doubt a lie as well, but they’ve simplified the lie to say that it’s an app he developed and sold under a different name.

Now he’s such a nice guy that he’ll give it to your for free. Guau. Faith in humanity restored (NOT)

What I liked

There is nothing to like about this junk. Binary options could be for some people that enjoy high risk trading and gambling, but there is certainly no app out there that can tell you which way to trade. That’s just wishful thinking.

What I didn’t Like

This is typical hyped guru BS, though I see a recent trend of “apps” and “billionaire secrets”. Other products like Get Auto Commissions. Money Formula. and Commission Blockbuster play on your emotions and a willingness to believe what’s not possible.

Thousands of people buy into this stuff every day, and most of them don’t get their money back, let along generate any income from these “super secret proven methods of autopilot easy money”.

The first red flag you should see is that he clearly says that his product is free, and two sentences later he says it’s just a free trial. The real product will cost you $1k. He also fails to mention that you’ll need $200 to fund your trading account.

There is also no training, so now that you’ve spent $200, you’ve got to step up the trading floor, with no experience, and learn how to use the app properly. The issue with products like this is that they require you to make a leap of faith, trust that it works, and spend your money before you really understand what you are doing.

One last issue I had with the product was being unable to register from the US. Um. that would have been nice to know before watching that whole video. Although, according to other binary options review sites, SpotFN, the binary options broker you are supposed to register with for Free Cash App, is one of the “most popular” brokers in the US. I can’t tell who is lying, or if this is just a bug in their sign up page.

Final Review

What Now?

If you want to make money on the internet and understand what you are purchasing BEFORE you actually spend your money, please ready my review of Wealthy Affiliate. You won’t be generating income overnight, but you will learn how to build a strong foundation for your online business. It’s the training I used to build my own websites, quit my job, and work from home.

What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoy this post. My name is Nathaniell and I'm the owner of One More Cup of Coffee. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!

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September 2, 2014 at 3:03 pm

I really, really appreciated your thorough review of the binary trading options “opportunities.” I’ve been hit with about three of them lately, one of which featured this “Kay Muller.” It was really difficult to do any due diligence with this, until I read your post on this. I began to get concerned that Spot FN was not a registered broker, that they were governed by the CySEC (Cypress Securities and Exchange Commission), and I also read somewhere where when you give them your credit card information, it somehow empowers the broker you sign up with, to keep making unauthorized withdrawals from your credit card. I would write back to these marketers of Fast Cash App, trying to get some kind of proof that this stuff was for real, and all I kept getting were autoresponder emails. I think the marketers of these Fast Cash apps get some sort of direct commission for opening up brokerage accounts and probably make their money that way, rather than trading binary options. My situation is pretty destitute and I have to confess I almost fell for this. I appreciate your review of this. It opened up my eyes to what I was not wanting to believe.

September 2, 2014 at 5:11 pm

Thanks for digging deeper into FCA and SpotFN. SpotFN is a popular broker among these scam softwares, so they seem to have no moral compass on how clients are obtained. I’ll use it for future reviews.

Sometimes it just takes a bit of pushing from someone else to help us realize what we already knew!

January 28, 2014 at 2:37 pm

I agree with you Nathan. I looked and experimented with over 80 different EA’s, and 99% percent of them will eventually blow up your trading account. It’s a shame that the Forex and Binary Option trading markets are saturated with bad trading programs and advice.

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I started my own business on the internet in 2010 because I wanted to start every day with a relaxing cup of coffee instead of going to a regular 9-5 job. With One More Cup of Coffee I hope to help other people learn online business and achieve their own goals. I review products, create tutorials, and blog about my successes & failures. This is a newbie-friendly, guru-free zone! . [more]

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I'm thinking about investing with SpotFN and the minimum is 250.00. Just by reading the reviews I am a little skeptical now. Is there someone other than 1 person who had a good experience and money was doubled out there? I'm giving this rating only because I. See More haven't signed up yet. I do give credit when it's do and it wouldn't let me submit without a rating. Show less

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RBOptions Withdrawal

RBOptions Review

RBOptions is a binary options broker, which is based in Canada. It made a rather simple entry into the online retail binary options industry in 2012, but since then it hasn’t made any attempts to improve or increase its offering to its traders in order to gain a larger market share and strengthen its existence in the industry.

RBOptions make use of the SpotOption binary option trading platform. Formats are well-known and simple to use, and no downloads are required. Mobile trading is also supported, as most of the devices are able to access the Internet.

RBOptions Scam

It is very easy to get impressed with everything that this binary options broker promises. However, if you are a newbie and beginning with a $250 deposit, you will not be getting any benefits, which is quite suspicious since they did not show any proof. You can get various better options but you will have to ask what is available at the time.

RBOptions Minimum Deposit and Withdrawal

The deposit and withdrawal methods are nothing new when compared to any other binary trading platforms. It involves the deposit with the debit/credit card, Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Diner. Also you should be able to make wire transfer or e-transfer through Moneybooker/Skril. The minimum deposit is $250, which when compared to other brokers may seem a little bit higher, as there are other regulated brokers who accept even $200.

The withdrawal process takes 3 to 7 business days to complete, and the approval takes 60 minutes. However, we are obligated to mention that wire transfer may take up to 5 business days. Also the same day withdrawal is only for Brokers accounts and VIP accounts which means you have to deposit a minimum of $25,000 to take advantage of them! We are not sure if this is really worth investing for.

RBOptions Demo Account

RBOptions provide clients with four different account types to select from, they are the Silver account, the Gold account, the Broker account, VIP account and a free demo account. However, the broker can be pointed out that most of its powerful features are only provided to those clients who are willing to consecrate a large sum of money in their trading account.

Possibly one of the biggest drawbacks to RBOptions is that many of its wonderful features are only provided to a definite number of big-money clients. A minimum deposit of $250 will give you almost nothing except the authority to trade, and even the Silver Account, given with an account balance of $500-$2,5000 will provide you with a limited functionality as well as a 25% RBOptions bonus. It will take a deposit of more than $10,000 to get the large bonuses and matched training, which is out of reach for most unskilled traders.

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To generate a huge amount out of RB Options, you require an investment of at least $10,000.

RBOptions Complaints

We point out that there should be done a lot of improvements and that the advantages and perks for those with thin wallets are not the things with this binary option broker. Some traders shared their experience that they were not satisfied with the available number of assets for trading, while others complained that the same day withdrawals wouldn’t work for them.

We have seen many negative comments and complaints against RBOptions, in user groups and forums. So, at this point, we cannot suggest you use this broker. You should go for better options on the market.

Conclusion: RBOptions Withdrawal Policy is NOT Satisfactory

After making detailed research and trying out the withdrawal policy of RBOptions, our team concluded that RBOptions has a slow and complicated withdrawal process. Our research shows that there are other brokers with a much more satisfactory withdrawal policy. Currently the broker with the fastest withdrawal approvals is 24Option – 2 working days on average.

IQ Option Withdrawal

Google Trends Popularity Chart

Revisión de opciones de IQ

It was developed in the year 2013 and operated by Alta Vista Trading Limited, which is located in Seychelles. The IQ option brings a new concept in the trading market, though not very progressive. It established binary option that primarily specializes in providing services to the European and Russian clients.

IQ Option Binary Options Broker is trying to become a well-known platform throughout the world, these days. But, there is risk because there are some comments accusing IQ Option for being a scam. Scammers are, regrettably, present in the market and each broker should be verified thoroughly before any step regarding funds deposit is taken.

IQ Option uses easy interface that makes it a general option for those who are just starting out. It is particularly aimed at binary options and every design judgment is based on this type of trading. As there is no valid proof that this system really works, so we suggest you use caution or most probably avoid the system.

IQ Option Scam

Under any options trading process you may lose your money due to the nature of the market. Talking to support desks even do not provide any significant results. They keep changing their regulations as per their adaptability without even giving a single thought about the client. In one touch options, you may benefit from the offer only against a set amount of $2000. We are not sure about the authenticity of this claims of IQ Option (also known as IQoption, IQ Options or IQOption).

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IQ Option Demo Accounts

IQ Option provides its users with a free demo account. This means you will be able to check the platform for yourself and even practice your trading. The only restriction is that you will have a very few assets acquirable to trade. The broker assures to give a free service as a service motility at the time of sign up, which they neglect once the sign up is completed.

IQ Option Bonus and Withdrawal

The Bonus amount varies on the basis of deposited amount and can go high as 100% for a $5K deposit. The needed turnover is 25 times to the bonus, which is somewhat good for the industry. We advise you to ask for further details related to bonus and also that you go through the Terms and Conditions before taking any bonus.

As per the European safety regulations of e-payments the fund withdrawal from the account on the IQ Option through Visa and MasterCard is restricted to the amount of money that the client has put in using this card. Client can withdraw this amount in different way, through e-wallets and payment modes. Withdrawal takes 3 working days from the time of applying.

IQ Option Complaints

As referenced, this broker is very new, we have found some complaints as well. After a complete investigation, we have concluded that there are better options than IQ Option. We cannot verify that this binary options broker is a scam, but our investigation revealed enough traders’ complaining about the broker that it is not safe. We advise you to keep safety and ignore scams by selecting a high-rated and trustworthy brokers.

Conclusion: IQ Option Withdrawal Policy is NOT Satisfactory

After making detailed research and trying out the withdrawal policy of IQ Option, our team concluded that IQ Option has a slow and complicated withdrawal process. Our research shows that there are other brokers with a much more satisfactory withdrawal policy. Currently the broker with the fastest withdrawal approvals is 24Option – 2 working days on average.

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OptionMint is a binary options trading brokerage which has been in the industry for a while now. They are based in London which makes them one of the rare online brokers who are not based in Cyprus. This online broker gives you only the best service for their platform because it is state of the art technology. It is also very easy to navigate. Since their establishment, a lot of loyal patrons have been following them and they have satisfied a lot of them through the years. By employing a system capitalizing on asset prices movements, OptionMint has given traders an innovative trading experience. It is also easy to understand so you would not be troubled with what they have. Their customer service is of top – notch quality and this can be seen through having a presence in almost every major finance centers from all around the globe. The staff that they have is made up of very highly trained and experienced trading experts.

General Platform Details

When you are going to trade with OptionMint. you can use their trading platform which is web – based. This means that you do not need any more to download software so that you can install it in your computer and then use it for trading. All you need is a computer, an internet connection and that is it. You can enjoy the best, quickest and precise transactions with their digital options portfolio that is incorporated with their high technology. As a bonus, you can get some tutorials which are educational materials provided by OptionMint. All of these are provided for free so be sure to read all of them because they are ways on how to do trades with binary options. They also have some videos which are very helpful and educational for traders.

OptionMint has an asset index that represents all four underlying asset classes which are Forex, Commodities, Indices and Stocks. You can get a guaranteed 65 to 75 percent return for every winning investment which is pretty much great already. Do not worry though because if you lost you can gain back a bit of the original investment you have so you can bounce back right away. On their website you can see all of your pay outs for each winning trade you did for the underlying asset you have bet on. You should take notice though that the amount of returns will be depending on what type of option you used. If you lost though you will have a return within the range of 0 to 10 percent of your initial investment and also it will depend on what type of option you used.

What is good about OptionMint is that you do not need an initial deposit so you can open an account with them. Also you do not need credit or debit card details for the sign up process. You do however need to give a minimum of $200 so you can do some real trades. With the currency you have, your way of trade will have that kind of currency. There is no maximum deposit fee if you wanted to know. If you do have some further questions or inquiries, you can always contact their customer support which can be reached through email, live chat and phone call for assistance. With a safe and secure environment, OptionMint gives you some different methods on depositing your money to your trading account. You can do with credit/debit cards, MoneyBookers and CashU. There are different currencies that are supported by their system which are US dollars, New Zealand Dollars, Euro, British Pound, South African Rand and Indian Rupee. You can withdraw profits in four easy steps. You can withdraw money with an amount of 100$/ Euros/20 Pounds which will depend on the currency you have selected.

OptionMint is the best choice when it comes to binary options trading for newbie traders because of their simple platform navigation and their educational materials provided.

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I take it that if you are visiting this site it is cause you are wanting to know for sure if Spotfn is a scam or not. Well I am here to tell you it is and I will explain to you with pictures and tell you what exactly and how exactly they work. I will also explain to you other ventures that they do that you might not know nothing about yet. Once you are done being educated it will be up to you to as to what you want to do. There are alot of other sites out there that warn you about spotfn just go to google search and type in spotfn and about the 7th one down is the biggest one yet. ripoffreport.

My name is Robert and I used to work for Spotfn. I was the one that was running the autobot or auto traders, which if you are using it you have found out that it doesnt work at all and makes you lose your money on a steady basis. In here I will explain why.

Each page of this blog will pertain to one certain aspect of how Spotfn Works and why you should take your money out as soon as possible SPOTFN is a scam. I how that you are a smart individual and once you know all the facts you will take your money out ASAP.

Please feel free to leave a comment any where in this blog, or if you know of more places where one can post let me know. Lets stop these scammers…

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Kander Halts London-Based Investment Schem

Posted: Monday, April 6, 2015 3:57 pm

Secretary of State Jason Kander today announced a cease and desist order has been issued against London, England-based SpotFN. com and Spot FN LLC (“Spot”), as well as the CEO of Spot, James Kingsley, and affiliated New York companies Binary Holdings and Binary Academics (“BIN”). The order alleges that Spot, BIN and Kingsley used email, a sophisticated website and telemarketers to solicit potential investors for an opportunity that “guaranteed profit” by purchasing and selling “binary options,” which are bets on whether an event will happen at a specific time.

According to the order, at least four Missouri investors lost a combined $82,742 in the scheme after being approached with the investment opportunity through email. An investigation by Kander’s office revealed prospective investors were told to send their investment funds through a website via their credit card, and their funds would be invested either by a “robot trader” or an “executive trader,” with a higher fee. In some instances, investor credit cards were charged without the investor’s knowledge or authorization.

“Email and online-based investment opportunities such as this are a common practice by scammers to lure investors,” Kander said. “If you or someone you know was approached via email with an investment opportunity—especially by a foreign-based company—contact my office before turning over your hard-earned money.”

The order alleges Spot’s website claims to be “100 percent safe and secure,” offers “up to 88 percent returns,” includes an “up to $5,000 reward bonus” and conducts trades by “real market professionals.” However, SpotFN. com. Spot FN LLC, Binary Holdings, Binary Academics, and Kingsley are not registered to offer investment advice or act as broker-dealers in the state of Missouri.

Kander’s investigation uncovered that at least four Missouri residents had lost money through Spot and/or BIN after investing through the website platform. In many instances, the Missouri investors were repeatedly solicited to invest more money even after requesting refunds or asking for a return of their investments. Some investors were partially refunded, but in at least one instance, an investor was told his money had been stolen by former employees and could only be retrieved by paying a service fee and taxes to the companies’ supposed insurance company, Allianz Tiriac, located in Romania. Further, investors were falsely told that Spot was exempt from registration with securities regulators because it was located outside the United States.

For more information, visit www. MissouriSafeSavings. com or call the Investor Protection Hotline (800) -721-7996.

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EXCLUSIVE: Free Cash App Review – A Scam by Nathan?


FREE CASH APP SYSTEM REVIEW . ¡Hola a todos! I’m back once again with full energy to review new products that will help you make money online. I took a small break after my previous review and enjoyed a lot during this time. BTW, it’s very cold over here. I’m biting my teeth right now so please neglect any typo in this first review of 2014 that I’m gonna be writing today.

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Option trading price discovery and earnings news dissemination

Option trading price discovery and earnings news dissemination

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Watch out. Broker takes your money but then user can’t access an account and claims users email address doesn’t exist. Morrison’s so called support is nothing more than more advertising and no helpat all’


Confirm scam. All the bullshit talk.

i already have mentioned this in all my blogging websites i have no idea why people are still buying this crap. i hope you got your money back. if your interested in trading you should try one of these best selling trading software http://dailybinaryprofits. co/download-bmp http://dailybinaryprofits. co/SMC http://dailybinaryprofits. co/download-GBR

Dammit! I guess it’s true. The server I bought last night isn’t working in the account I opened and funded. This realky fucking pisses me off.

you can always get a full refund.


What the fuck. I paid for the get rich in seconds, software, server and my account hasn’t moved. It almost been 24 hours. I have sent email after email, no response. This guy Richard Morrison, if that’s even his real name, sooner or later he’s gonna screw with the wrong person and become a static himself. If I have in fact been screwed by him, I’ll just get my money back. Is this guy serious? ¡Guauu! He is living the good life eh. Well if he keeps this shit up, someone will want more than just their money back.

It is a complete scam…i am sure not his real name…A lot of these scammers are not even in the USA…A lot are from Russia..

Binary world is SCAM. Binary vendor are scammers too unfortunalty. There is différents ways to make money but not with Binary industry. Keep your money and find a real opportunty. It s what i made after be disgusting with forex world. Oli dox.


I came to Richard Morrison’s site through Millionaires Society with Brad Marshall which is also a complete rip-off. In just over a week did 30 trades with a 40% win ratio and lost all but $18 of my initial investment. I’ve sent them numerous emails and have yet to receive a reply.

I invested in Richard Morrison’s system to the tune of $1500 plus the $500 I funded my account with. So far, they have done 6 trades (0 in the last 2 days) w/ a 66% winning ratio so my account is up $48. I am going to get a refund on the automated system but leave my account funded for the moment to see if I might be able to recoup my earlier losses.

Por cierto; I tracked both companies and they appear to be from Great Britain.

I will bet you will never get your money bsck…good luck with that…you might think they are from the UK…but I would bet Russian…I found from the attorney generals office that there is huge influx of these money making investment scams out of Russia now…and it is impossible to prosecute them…First there is no such thing as automotive profits..just think logically. it is bullshit…

Thank you this is really helpful information. Because I have just purchased their Host server $$ but have yet to make fund trading.

Until I did more research and found this about Richard Morrison, the sad part is that I just attended his whole webinar 6/5/14. and everything was all happed up of promised. With little of money fund and will get a huge return.

But thanks God I run into this which safe me.

dont know if his product is a scam, but his webinars are. telling he would trade peoples account for them right in the webinar.

but i jioned the webinar twice. Guess what he Always has the same people that are picked. its not live, its a recording.

so he doesnt trade any account lives and he doesnt give 10.000 doallars away.

dont buy this product.


thank goodness I only lost $300! am supposed to be getting my money back, but the broker keeps telling me that I am not sending in all the correct forms. I never get all the correct forms. I am disputing the charge with my card company and hope I get something back that way.


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CELEBRATION SET UP Mesa inspirada en la alegría Mexicana y en los colores de Frida. Boda de nuestros queridos novios @radioesthi y @edcaye en @esquileo ✨. #bechiccatering #boda #bodas #bodaenelcampo #fridastyle #mesademadera #mesasbonitas #wedding #countrywedding #casamentonocampo #casamento Foto By @emiliabrandaophoto Identidad Visual By @juliabcarneiro Flores By @afloremio

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WEDDING DETAILS Creemos que en los detalles están la diferencia. Minuta con inspiración Mexicana, Vasos Azules para enfatizar la alegría de los novios y Flores Muy especiales de acuerdo con el alma de nuestra novia @radioesthi Una boda preparada con amor, llena de detalles, alegría y colores! Foto By @emiliabrandaophoto Identidad visual @juliabcarneiro Flores By @afloremio #bechiccatering #boda #bodaenelcampo #detallesqueenamoran #detalles #casamentonocampo #casamento #inspiracionmexicana #elesquileo #mesademadera

PlatinumTrader Review

PlatinumTrader Review

PlatinumTrader is a broker that is supported by the SpotOption platform. The business started operations in 2012 and are proud of their high quality of customer services. They provide support to 10 countries in 9 languages through the phone or live chat round the clock 6 days a week. The company also provides training and education in the form of a free e-book and videos. The platform is supportive of various kinds of trading features including the standard Up or Down options and the one touch, options builder, 60 second option, and a pro trading screen. The platform is well-reputed when it comes to withdrawals and execution.

PlatinumTrader General Information

Founded in: October 2012 Headquarters: London Website: www. PlatinumTrader. com Minimum Deposit: $250 Minimum Trade Amounts: $20 Maximum per Option: $5,000 Traders from USA: Not Allowed Platform Provider: Spot Option Available languages: French, Arabic, Turkish. Russian, Japanese and English.

Usability 6/10

These are some of the reasons why traders give it a good rating. It is easy to create an account with PlatinumTrader. Instructions are easily accessible in the front page, along with a video tutorial that explains how the platform works and how you need to create an account. Reports on different kinds of financial topics are also provided in the ongoing breaking news clips. A whole lot of interesting features are available to clients for managing risks. Investors can get returns of up to 75% to 80% if the options are in the money and a refund of 10% in the positions that are out of the money.

Website Extras 6/10

PlatinumTrader claims that it generates returns that are up to 550% high – the highest in the industry. However, this is only available with the one touch platform and yes, there is a risk. There are as many as 70 different assets available from different financial markets which allow traders to trade binary options on commodities, stocks, indices and currency pairs round the clock for 5 days a week. The platform provides support to customers in a variety of languages such as Arabic, English, Italian, French, Russian, Dutch and Japanese. Responses are available through chat, phone, email and Skype.

Support Quality 8/10

The team here is prompt and consistent in its efforts and offers traders a pleasant experience. You can make a deposit in the form of wire transfer or credit card in US dollars, British Pounds and Euros. Traders at PlatinumTrader can make their withdrawals in a similar fashion. On an average, a withdrawal requires 48 hours’ time, but transactions are usually completed faster. Money is credited to the trader’s account within a couple of days or up to a week depending on the mode of payment that is chosen. Trading is permitted in the US.

Fees and Commissions 6/10

The trading process is extremely simple, and there is no commissions due. It is also free to withdraw money via your credit card or PayPal account. But there is a charge for bank wire transfers, at $25 a time, so beware of that.

No Of Assets 7/10

There are a total number of 81 underlying assets for traders to pick from. These are 7 commodities, 27 indices, 34 stocks and 15 currencies.

Languages 8/10

PlatinumTrader offers an extremely versatile amount of languages it can be used in. It gives you broad choice and allows you to deal with people across the world, with the majority of common languages compatible with PlatinumTrader. The language choice includes: French, Arabic, Turkish. Russian, Japanese and English.

Expiry Range Of Options 6/10

You can choose from 3 different expiry times. These include 15 minutes, 1 hour and 1 day expiry times. Good for beginners, but not enough choice for the advanced traders out there.

Effective Return 7/10

PlatinumTrader has a lot to be proud of with their return rate. In the money offers traders up to 75% and out of the money offers a high return rate of up to 15%.

Loyalty Offers 6/10

It gives you some fantastic loyalty options, though they are not the best advertised. However, a lot of the new customers get some fantastic treatment when signing up, allowing you to feel part of the PlatinumTrader community. It is rumored that there are good bonuses for new customers.

Payment Methods 7/10

There are many ways to deposit to your account: MoneyBookers E Wallet, cashU, wire transfer and credit card.

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By: Schoolly On: 27.07.2015

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18.8.2014 Despite no official announcement, we have received news from officials within the industry that Marketoptions has now officially closed its operation. Mientras que el Web site sigue funcionando un aparentemente incluso aceptando nuevos comerciantes y depósitos, tenemos la confirmación que la compañía ha venido a la decisión que no son rentables como quisieran y están cerrando. Afirman que se están haciendo arreglos para reembolsar a todos los clientes existentes. Dicho esto, si usted es un cliente existente de Marketoptions, recomendaría enviar todos sus documentos requeridos inmediatamente y solicitar una retirada completa de todos sus fondos, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

Marketoptions es la segunda operación relativamente grande de Spotoption que se cierra de repente durante el último año. Many may remember iOption suffered the same fate. En esa situación, muchos comerciantes se quedaron simplemente en la oscuridad y perdió una gran cantidad de dinero. Realmente esperamos que Marketoptions se comporten de manera diferente y honrar a sus clientes y pagarles su dinero.

Si hizo su depósito a través de tarjeta de crédito, ahora sería el momento de presentar una solicitud de devolución de cargo con ellos.

Si está buscando un buen corredor de opciones binarias STABLE, le recomiendo que revise Beeoptions o HighLow

Following its previous announcement dated June 19, 2014, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘the Commission’) wishes to inform the investors that the company ‘T. B.S. F. Best Strategy Finance Ltd’ (https://www. regaloptions. com) is not permitted to provide investment and ancillary services in the Republic, pursuant to Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law, as its authorization from the Commission was revoked.

Así que para ser claro, RegalOptions ya no es regulado después de perder su licencia con el CySEC.

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘the Commission’) wishes to inform the investors that the company ‘Forextradition Ltd’ (https://www. forextradition. com): 1.Is not permitted to provide investment and ancillary services in the Republic, pursuant to Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law, as: i. Nunca ha sido autorizada por la Comisión. ii. No es un banco o una empresa cooperativa, establecida en la República y autorizada para prestar dichos servicios. Iii. No se ha recibido ninguna notificación por parte de una autoridad competente de otro Estado miembro, de conformidad con los artículos 77 y 80 de la mencionada Ley. 2. No está regulada por la Comisión.

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘the Commission’) wishes to informthe investors that the company ‘BDB Services Ltd’ (https://www. australia. bancdebinary. com and https://www. bbinary. com): 1.Is not permitted to provide investment and ancillary services in the Republic, pursuant to Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law, as: i. It has never been authorized by the Commission. ii. No es un banco o una empresa cooperativa, establecida en la República y autorizada para prestar dichos servicios. Iii. No se ha recibido ninguna notificación por parte de una autoridad competente de otro Estado miembro, de conformidad con los artículos 77 y 80 de la mencionada Ley. 2. No está regulada por la Comisión.

HIGHLOW has now increased its maximum position per option to $15,000 AUD.

HIGHLOW has also increased its maximum exposure per account to $75,000 AUD per trader.

Opteck announced today that they will be closing all accounts for UK residents. In an official statement, Opteck wrote:

“This letter serves as an update regarding Opteck’s account closure for all of the UK residents. Following the protocols of regulatory authorities, Opteck is compelled to close all of its UK account and refund the holders with their remaining funds.

As such, from this day forward current leads from the United Kingdom, who haven’t yet placed a deposit, shall be cancelled. In addition, every new lead from the UK arriving on the system will automatically be canceled as well.

We’re here to answer any questions you have about the UK account closing, please contact your account manager.

Opteck have been around since 2011 and have yet to become regulated. There are two interesting things to note about this curious statement:

1) There is no mention as to what regulation Opteck are seeking to achieve. I would have thought that they would be more than happy to also annouce coming close to achieving this

2) This is the first time we’ve seen a broker pull out of the UK market. US and Canada sure, but UK? The United Kingdom has one of the most lenient stances towards binary options trading in the world. They must have a really good reason for pulling out and actually shutting down UK resident account holders.

However, truth be told, UK residents should be happy since from what we’ve seen from various user reports this may be one of the only ways you’ll get your money back from them

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission announces that the authorisation of the Cyprus Investment Firm, T. B.S. F. Best Strategy Finance Limited, with number 213/13, is suspended, pursuant to section 26(2) of the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law, because there are suspicions for an alleged violation of the requirements for authorisation and in particular of sections 10(1) – Initial Capital, 11 – Memorandum of Association,12 – Persons who effectively direct the business,13 – Shareholders, 28 – Ongoing obligations,33 – Shareholders. The above decision was taken due to the fact that the previous mentioned alleged violations may possibly endanger the Company’s clients interests and generally the smooth operation of the capital market.

Best Strategy Finance trades under the website www. cedarfinance. com.

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘the Commission’) wishes to inform the investors that the company ‘Mercuria Technologies Ltd’ (http://www. optionsmarter. com): 1. Is not permitted to provide investment and ancillary services in the Republic, pursuant to Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law, as: i. Nunca ha sido autorizada por la Comisión. ii. No es un banco o una empresa cooperativa, establecida en la República y autorizada para prestar dichos servicios. Iii. No se ha recibido ninguna notificación por parte de una autoridad competente de otro Estado miembro, de conformidad con los artículos 77 y 80 de la mencionada Ley. 2. No está regulada por la Comisión. The Commission urges investors, before conducting business with Investment Institutions, to consult its Web Site (http://www. cysec. gov. cy/default_en. aspx) to confirm the entities that are authorised to provide investment services in the Republic.

Facts from the case

On May 18, 2012, Maryland resident SHC “invested” $5,000 with VipBinary by using her credit card. SHC then received advice and instruction from a VipBinary representative on executing options, and she was led to be lieve that she executed various options transactions through VipBinary. SHC later discovered that the options transactions were fraudulent. Specifically, SHC discovered that the options that VipBinary claimed to have executed either expired shortly after the transaction (i. e. within approximately a half an hour), or were expired before the transactions were purportedly effected. On May 23, 2012, VipBinary charged another $5,000 to SHC’s credit card. without her permission. She received an email from VipBinary regarding the charge, and was advised that in order to withdraw “profits” she was required to provide a copy of certain documents, including: the front and back of her credit card, a utility bill, and her driver’s license or passport.


The Securities Commissioner concluded that: In connection with the facts contained in the Statement of Facts contained within this Final Order, incorporated in this Section by reference, Re spondents have engaged in violations of the Securities Act, Sections 11-401 (broker-dealer/broker-dealer agent and investment adviser/investment adviser representative registration provisions), 11-301 (securities antifraud provisions) and 11-302 (investment adviser antifraud provisions).


Respondents permanently cease and desist from engaging in activities in violation of Sections 11-401, 11-301 and 11-302 of the Securities Act, and related regulations. Respondents are permanently barred from the securities and investment advisory business in Maryland. Respondents are assessed a civil monetary penalty, pursuant to Section 11-701.1 of the Securities Act, in the amount of $25,000, payable by certified check to the order of the Office of the Attorney General.

What do we at binaryoptionsbrokers recommend?

Best way to avoid such incidents like the ones in this case is to go with a reputable broker like OptionTime or MarketOptions. Both are reputable, will not scam you and will let you take your money out when you want it. Go for a broker with a good trust score.

Binary options trading is a form of trading where you don’t actually buy an asset, but rather trade on the direction of the asset. Instead of purchasing a stock and holding onto it until the price is right to sell, you trade on what you believe its movement will be in the near future. When you prediction is right, you receive your investment back along with a predetermined payout amount which is usually 70-90% of your initial investment.

Assets that can be traded on with binary options are typically:

Stock – Stocks from the global stock market

Currency pairs – Forex exchange movements

Indices – The index of the exchange

Commodities – Resources with global price agreements (eg oil).

Compared with trading on one of the regular exchanges, with binary options, you can perform relatively small initial investments, sometimes as low as $100, as see returns in as little as 30 seconds. That means with 30 second trading, you have the ability to make up to 90% gains in less than a minute.

Pero . you have to be very wary of the simple fact that you are trading on what you believe will be the movement of an asset in the coming future. Using a combination of good research on the asset, keeping up to date with the news as selecting a reputable broker will increase your chances of making a profit.


There are many terms used through the process of trading that you should make yourself familiar with. I will try and cover some of the more important ones.

Cal l – When you “Call”, you are trading on the stock going high prior to the expiry time. If your stock rises, you win.

Put – When you “Put”, you are trading on the stock dropping during the period till expiry. If your stock, at expired time, is lower than it started, you win.

Tie – If your stock finishes at the same rate it started, this is called a tie and you should get your investment back.

Expiration Time – Set time at which point the price of the option can be compared

Payout – Percentage of the trade that you will get back on top of the investment when you win.

Being in the money – You are on the right side of the trade, a winner

Being out of the money – You are on the wrong side of the trade, a loss.

Instant Profit APP Review

Now I want to be as transparent as possible in this review, because I know there are many reviews out there that claim instantptofitapp is nothing short of a miracle. But I’m not going to insult your intellgence and claim the same without even you any information about it.

So What Is InstantProfitAPP?

It’s a trading application that scans and uses signals to determine what the most profitable option. Basically, it’s your guide that tell you when and how to make money using the options market. I don’t really know the inner working and complexity of the instant profit application as I’m not a techie but I know it works.

In the the end of the day the software supplies enough signals or trades to comfortable earn $500 to 1000 a day, and that’s more than okay with me. Plus the steps required to get started are quite easy.

Click Here to start the process

Enter your email and follow the direction on the next page to get the instant profit app.

Start profiting using the application

That’s all there is to it.

SpotFN Broker

One of the biggest factors that contributed to me trying out INSTANT PROFIT APP was the broker they use for the application. From my research SpotFN is one of the best options broker around and they have been for a while

This is crucial when you want to start trading options as a good broker ensures yours money is both safe and secured. Which also means you will be able to deposit and most importantly withdraw with ease.

palabra final

So if you ever wanted to make money but never wanted to go throughout he hoops and trials of running an online business than I suggest instantprofitapp. You can set up everything and start earning in less than an hour. So Click Here to check out instant profit app now.


This a review of the SpotFN broker. This is the broker used with the famous instant profit app by Michael D.

The SpotFN Options Broker

I’m really glad that Michael chose the spotfn broker to create his application for. This one one of the key factors that helped me decide to go for instant profit app and I’m glad I did.

These guys have some of the best costumer service available and their live chat actually works. This was important because that way I know where my money are and how to get them ever second of the day.

But What Is A Broker?

Options brokers is someone who specialize in offering options trading. research, education and other tools to individual investors. SpotFN has one of the fastest platforms and wide range of tools to use.

In addition to common options trades like covered calls, option spreads, and straddles, many options brokerages offer trading in products related to options, including stocks, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, and bonds (also known as fixed income).

If you’re interested in SpotFN please read my instant profit review to find out how to get a free software with it.

Instant Profit App is a fully automatic Binary Options software that trades for you. The official site is www. instantprofitapp. com

(UPDATE: Check out my updated results and learn how I do it)

Welcome to my review of Instant Profit App software. I will be posting more info very soon (after the launch day). Please bookmark this page for now!

Four Markets Review

Published December 5, 2013 | Por Caroline Carvaloh

Four Markets is a fully online digital options trading site that has attractive returns and a wide assortment of assets for binary options trading. It provides excellent client support and flexible options for trading.

Beneficios mínimos y máximos en el sitio

Four Markets provide clients with lofty profit plans

Up to 88% Profit in a single trade

Mark up profit that can extend up to 88% in one trading action

Up to 650% using one touch option

Diferentes tipos de plataformas binarias para productos

Every client prefers to trade at his convenient level of risk. The site thus offers the following platforms to trade up on like Binary Option, Option Builder, One Touch, 60 sec’, and Open Platform.

El número de idiomas ofrecidos en el sitio

According to customer’s preference, Four markets does provide its valuable service in English, French, Spanish and Russian.

El número de activos negociables en el sitio

Four markets will give their clients the platform to trade digital options on a variety of assets like Currencies, Indices, Commodities, and Stock.

Different types of Accounts – Steps in registering for an account

Registration, Verification, and Deposits are the 3 major steps in catering to the registration process. You can start off with trading after these three processes.

Not only does 4markets provide trading facilities but also trains its clients to become introduction brokers and make soaring profits. The following benefits can me reaped by a successful IB:

Great payment based upon trading volume.

Pagos mensuales fiables de un líder de la industria.

Sophisticated and risk-free online reporting.

Simplicity of account funding.

Capacitación gratuita.

Guidance from a Victorious Institution.

Every time you successfully refer a friend to four markets who deposits a minimum of 300$, you and your friend will BOTH receive a 50$ bonus to your account

By opening a trading account, you will receive a bonus on your first deposit of 100%

Materiales educativos en la academia

How to Trade, FAQ and other educational materials are made available to help the clients in need.

Support desk like chat, Skype, e-mail

Four markets has the most supportive help desk that attends to various hitches with sheer diligence via:

Datos del mercado - Noticias del mercado

Daily Market Review, Weekly Market Review, Trading Signals, Live Breaking Financial News are provided to all customers so that they gain complete knowledge of the market and make better investment decisions.

Free Cash App Review - The TRUTH Exposed!

Welcome to my Free Cash App review!

Free Cash App is a new system that just launched so I've been taking a look at it to see whether it's legit and whether it can really make you any money.

Before I share my findings if you are interested in seeing how I make $500 - $5k a day online click here to see my no.1 recommendation!

The reason I'm writing this review is because I woke up today with about 5 emails in my inbox from various internet marketers telling me about this new product called Free Cash App.

I figured with all the hype going around that this was a product (or system) I needed to see for myself and find out what it was all about. When I checked it out it was no surprise to see that it is yet another binary options system. It's pitched to you as a free system because all you do is make a deposit into the broker they recommend and you can access the software.

That is technically correct . You do not need to pay to use the software however you still need to make a deposit at the broker Free Cash App recommends. This is how the money is made, because when you make a deposit the creator of Free Cash App (and their affiliates) get paid.

On the members area / instructions page you have 4 steps:

Broker signup

Deposit trade funds

Link your account

Start making profit

It's pretty self explanatory, you sign up with the broker the Free Cash App creator is affiliated with, they make money from your deposit and in turn you can use their software app to trade with.

I did a little research on the creator of the product. Of course it's not the guy who does the voice over for the video. If you believe that the person talking on the video is a real person, then I am sorry but you are naive. The creator of the product has been behind a number of these binary systems, in fact he was the first person to start promoting binary options which has now become something everyone is doing. It's a lot easier to make money promoting binary systems because people believe they are not being sold, and that they are simply depositing money, as opposed to spending it.

The System - (Binary Options Info)

Binary options are essentially gambling on stocks and currency. I got involved with binary options a while back as I thought it looked like an easy way to make some money and I lost my $500 deposit.

Pero. before you make a assumption that I didn't know what I was doing you should know that I trade a live (real money) forex account, and I have been very profitable with real forex trading. So I was not coming into the binary options scene with zero experience trading. I had a solid understanding of currency trading yet I failed miserably as the odds are always in the favour of the house (the broker) .

Got your heart set on using Free Cash App? I'm not going to sit here and recommend anything binary options to you when I have never made money with binary options myself.

If you want to test out this app go ahead and do so but be absolutely prepared to lose your deposit money if you do. Just because you are not spinning a roulette wheel doesn't mean this is not gambling. Ultimately Free Cash App is no different to any other binary options systems. Search the forums for reviews of other binary options systems and you can going to see the same reviews and advice.

I will be updating this review as more warriors leave their comments with their own personal experiences using Free Cash App.

Thanks for checking out this page.

I purchased the system and there are 2 sides to a story. Just bought today and what is still a little scary is the fact that support hasnt responded to my emails as I have received no app to download and use. Very frustrating! I put money in the account and was nervous. Then at about 1900 hours gmt time, my account went down $25 and I see I had made a trade (apparently the software does this automatically?). Then I received a call from the options broker introducing himself and trying to get me to remove the software, up my account and use their trading signals. I refused. At the end of trading now, my account says i made $45 minus a fee for a GAIN! Now i just need to wait I guess on support to receive the app!

If it sounds to good to be true is almost always is. Guy gets 15-30% rev share on all deposits. Notice in the video the creepy voice over recommends that the more you deposit the faster you can make more money? If you can't see through that BS, then join the sheeple. Also, sub affiliates get 10%, so he doesn't even have to give away any of his own profits. Just have his minions do all his dirty work marketing the product for him. By the time anyone notices the offer is never coming or is worthless, the guy makes a bunch of money.

Real shame. It's actually quite clever marketing. Too bad it is being used to bamboozle people. If this guy actually offered something of real value, there could be a real long term business model here.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there really is a "free cash app". I hope someone proves me wrong.

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I actually opened an account with the recommended broker at spotfn. com and once you open an account here then you are supposed to download the app to your phone. They are asking me to fund the account with $250 but after doing a google search to see what shows up for spotfn. com I came across a link that when you use it, it will add an additional $250 to your account but not only that it gives you a code to use to get an additional $100 to your account for a total of $600 to trade with. After finding this I was a little skeptical so I used spotfn. com 's live chat. The l was asking the Lady some questions that she couldnt answer because she was an after hours operator so I left a phone number with her. Got a call a few hours later from a guy name Paul. I talked to him for a bit. They claim to be out of London and claim to have been in operation for three years.

Now is where it get interesting. Instead of me using the auto trading app he tells me that if I deposit $500 in the account that they will add an additional $500. and they will teach me how to us a 60 second trading platform and make some big trades.

Told him that I just wanted to try out the app and he says that we can do both if I just deposit $500 then I will have $1,000 to trade with.

Actually my gut was telling me to hold back and now I am glad that I did. Cant say if Nathan is trying to scam people but I think that I will hold back till we have more replies here and they had better be positive.

Originally Posted by deckman

I actually opened an account with the recommended broker at spotfn. com and once you open an account here then you are supposed to download the app to your phone. .

Interesante. bbinary. com . binarypilot. com . and have all been "preferred brokers" as represented by Nathan Grant, who I highly doubt is a real person at this point. I opened an account with the preferred broker of the moment, Banc De Binary, made my deposit, linked to the FreeCashApp and. nada. There is no App. 4 emails "direct to Nathan" as he suggests in his followup emails have led to silence.

One affiliate involved in promoting this is Gary Ambrose who I've emailed to ask him what his personal experience with this "Free App" son. Again, silence. I've had at least 51 emails (no shit, I just counted them) from Gary Ambrose flogging this what I can only term as a Scam of some sort at this point.

Just got another email from Nathan not 3 minutes ago. Seems this moments preferred broker, B54 is giving a quick signup bonus. Whatever!

I've read what proteinman2222 had to say above. I'm curious how you paid for a free App? Like me you received no download. Yet, a trade was made automatically for you. The 'link' to your brokerage account seems to have worked in your case I'd say. I can't imagine what download you're looking for. Please keep us up to date with your experience.

While I haven't technically lost any money as it is on deposit with Banc De Binary (bbinary. com), I've not made a dime and will probably withdraw my deposit.

The FreeCashApp was indeed free, though it has yet to show itself to me in anyway.

Consider this a Scam in my opinion. I think stodog77 nailed it above, though I don't know for certain. This Scam is about Nathan Grant (or whoever) getting commissions, kickbacks, whatever you want to call them, on deposits made to the preferred broker of the moment. Of course if you withdraw your deposit I'm guessing he doesn't get his cut. Further, the affiliates flogging this I'm guessing also get a cut if deposits aren't withdrawn.

What other brokers has anyone come across in this scheme aside from the 3 I've stated and the one deckman stated. There are 4 stated in this very post.

I'd suggest marking any Emails from Nathan Grant or FreeCashApp as SPAM in your emails. This can't hurt and potentially will help others avoid this Scam.

Binary options can fill your pockets with lots of money but it isn't going to happen if you are going to count on somebody to do the work for you.

I have been trading traditional options for the last 18 years with reasonable success. What I mean by traditional options are options that are about to expire in a few weeks up to a few months.

When binary options became popular, I was intrigued by the possibility of trading options about to expire in an hour or in a day rather than in a few weeks or a few months

Forget about 60 second binary options. There is no way on Earth you can predict which way prices will go in such a small timeframe. You might as well play roulette and hope for the best.

Option trading can be an enormously rewarding endeavor but you will have to make your own decisions. Start by developing a trading strategy, a step by step process you will follow to identify potentially rewarding options. Call your broker. Place your order(s) and wait for the result(s).

If you are new to the game, you may want to start by doing some reading. There are great books out there that can teach you the science of technical analysis. You can open a demo account and play with "monopoly" money to gain experience.

Once you feel confident you have mastered the basics, Jump in and have fun.

The idea that some guy is going to guide you by the hand all the way to the promised land is absurd. Things like that happen only in Hollywood movies. Reality is a different story.

Una cosa más. make sure you deal with a reputable broker. There is a site out there which monitors binary option brokers. www. binaryoptionsthatsuck. com .

The site appears to be unbiased and legitimate.

I was about thirty lines into a post and lost all power to my PC, so lost my ENTIRE post that I was making on this subject!

It is now 1-55 a. m. in the morning here where I live in Melbourne, Australia, so I will make THIS one brief and be back tomorrow to "finish it off"!

I will have a LOT to say and will ALSO be naming some names, that is, of several internet marketing "Gurus" who are flogging this "Free Cash App." to all of us and they are getting us to join up to this "Nathan scam", because of the trust that WE. have for THEM!

I have a growing list of "Gurus" (and others that I trust. or should I say that I USED to trust!?) that are bombarding me with eMails about this thing and I will NAME THEM HERE!

THEN. I am going to do my very best to get in touch with them via their "support" eMail addresses and advise them to all get on over here to this Warrior Forum thread and have a really GOOD and very CLOSE look at what WE are saying about the "Free Cash App.". and THEM. for suggesting that we get involved in it!

Several of these "Gurus" tener. because of this. lost my respect and ultimately. they will also be losing my subscription to their contact eMails and therefore they will lastly (but most IMPORTANTLY! ) be losing ALL my future business dealings with them!

More tomorrow People. "Goodnight"!

Originally Posted by proteinman2222

Even the warrior forum is promoting this crap scam. So far, I have received NO APP for my phone. I have sent MULTIPLE EMAILS to the support email given and have heard NOTHING BACK AT ALL! The stupid system is auto trading for me and I'm supposed to be able to access some account that will allow me to multiple trade, etc. NOTHING IS AVAILABLE! It has made 3 trades for me and two have been LOSERS! I will see today if I can cancel my account and get my money out and transferred back to my account. STAY AWAY. And shame on you GURUS out there promoting this crap!

Have you read this thread? Nobody is promoting it here.

If anyone on the WF is promoting this it isn't on this thread that's for sure!

Originally Posted by Sleep Learning

O. K. Now I am getting ANNOYED!

Why has the post that mentioned two "Gurus" names and also provided that very Guru's "link" to the "Free Cash App.' (and "Nathan") website been taken down from this very thread.

This question Mark may be able to answer, but I am almost CERTAIN that the "powers that BE" do not want to see their own names listed here as promoters of "scams" and so have put pressure on the Forum Moderators, to HAVE that rather damning and potentially "damaging" post in this BRILLIANT thread. removed!

Anyone care to EXPLAIN .

I wasn't aware of anything being removed / deleted from this thread so I can only assume that a moderator has stepped in and done so as I certainly haven't.

However, I know that on the forum you are not allowed to bash anyone regardless of what they may or may not have done so chances are if anything has been removed that will be why.

So I would say feel free to speak your mind on the product/system but try not to mention names as it'll probably get deleted (not by me, but by a moderator).

I am not quite so embarrassed to have to admit (now that the person before me in post #26 has! ). that I too fell for it, when I received an eMail from two "trusted" so-called "IM Gurus". basically saying that this "FREE Cash App." was the best thing since sliced bread!

And I will mention their names here. and if the moderators feel the need to delete my post because I have the "gall" to do so. bien. so be it, there is nothing I can do of course to stop my post FROM being deleted, but truly, I sincerely HOPE my post will remain. for ALL to see and take heed from!?

The first person who eMailed me about the "FREE Cash App." was Anthony Morrison . the second was (IS still actually and HE is REALLY pushing this "thing"). Gary Ambrose .

There have been several others as well. but I have not heard of THEM before (obviously "Affiliates" of "cash App.").

For what it is worth: Neither Anthony Morrison, nor Gary Ambrose EVER reply to support eMails and I have sent numerous eMails asking for help with getting this cash app working. as certainly there is NOTHING to get downloaded to your mobile/cell-phone!

To end this post: I paid out $ 300 (US) to which they "generously" added a further $150. as a "gift" (ohhhhh. lucky ME!). The options company then called me LITERALLY within 60 SECONDS of me logging in and getting ready to pay (stupidly!) my $300. I was shocked at the SPEED with which they contacted me! I can only assume that they are sitting there in some huge room. FULL of "consultants". just waiting for poor saps like ME to log on to their website and then. they "pounce" at the "lamb" who is ready for the "slaughter"!

I quizzed the "lovely-sounding" young Lady :rolleyes: and asked her where she was calling from! She said "Switzerland".

Why oh WHY did no "alarm bells" go off at THAT answer. & Quot; Switzerland ".

(By that I am referring to Swiss Banks. Money Laundering. etcetera!)

Anywho. stupidly (as I said!). I paid my money out and to date. and just 5 minutes ago. my balance is DOWN by $31-25.

So much for making HUNDREDS of $$$$$$ per day eh.

More later people!

¡Aclamaciones! (and. boo-hoo-hoo!). DAVID.

Hello once again ONE and ALL!

Ten cuidado. another very similar "scam" is being pedalled around via eMail!

This one "Bitcoin Millionaire Version #3 Released" from Justin Price (whoever THAT is. never heard of HIM before this!?) has just hit my eMail Inbox! Here is the eMail in it's entirety. including the link to go check it out! You will need to provide an eMail address (opt-in) to get to the really "juicy stuff", so you might like to do what I have done and that is created what amounts to a "dummy eMail account" on outlook that is JUST for the purpose of looking INTO such "dubious schemes". so if later they bombard the Inbox with "spam", then good luck to them. it doesn't bother me!

Be " SAFE " todo el mundo. DAVID .

Here's that eMail from "Justin Price":

Bitcoin Millionaire Version #3 Released ‏

Justin Price (webinar@affiliatetraining. com)Newsletters To: Friend

It's with great pleasure today that I can announce version 3 of our software (BTCM) is now available for download for no cost for all members:

(Needless to say I [DAVID] removed that "link", as Mark pointed out to me that SOME readers of this VERY thread. maybe silly enough to click on a REAL/WORKING link and then go and actually buy the product. To which I basically think: " WHAAAAAAT!? ")

We have people making $6,223+ daily with this already - so damn cool!

Please let me know how it goes!

Pete Ponna, 360 North Rodeo Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210, United States.

& Quot; YIKES !"

Lo siento por eso. didn't see any harm in leaving that link in at all my friend!

I only left the "link" to Bitcoin IN there, so that others can get a "heads up" on yet another scam (along the very same lines as "Free Cash App.") that is hitting or WILL be hitting their eMail in-boxes. muy. VERY. ¡pronto!

It would never. EVER occur to me that anyone at all, reading this very thread and taking in all this information. would actually BUY the "Bitcoin" program, after having followed that "link".

This may offend some people reading this, but I have GOT to say. that anyone who DID actually follow that Bitcoin "link" and then actually BUY INTO the program (given that they have been studying THIS VERY THREAD !). would have to be the dumbest person on Earth! :rolleyes:

Having SAID that. if you really DO want me to remove that "link". I certainly will Mark!


Those of you who HAVE fallen for this scam. like I did ( losing $ 300 [US] by the way!). may have been connected (Automatically when signing up!) to a totally different "Broker/Trading Company" than I was. "mine" being " Option Rally "!

Bien. boy oh BOY did the "alarm bells" ring when they hit me for the following information, which they say is necessary before they can allow me to trade on the account!

There is no way in HELL I will give them the information they ask for and I am certain you will all understand WHY when you see what they want! If anyone else has had such requests for such confidential information. please DO share your experiences with all of us here!

O. K. Here now is the eMail from "Option Rally":

Option Rally Compliance (compliance@optionrally. com) 29/01/2014

We kindly request of you to send us the following identification documents to

1. Proof of Identity: A color copy of your driver’s license or passport.

2. Proof of Address: A color copy of a recent utility bill (max 3 months old) or a bank statement (max 3 months old).

3. Proof of Payment Method (required only if a credit card was used for deposit): A color copy of your credit card (both front and back – you can cover the first 12 digits on the front)

Documents must be all presented with color scan copies

Important notes: your account will be set on pending status if you do not send us the mentioned verification documents.

If the documents are already sent, please accept our thanks and ignore this reminder.

OptionRally requires the mentioned above documentation for the following reasons:

1. In order to prevent any type of fraud and since we care about your own secured information, your information has to be verified.

2. For future withdrawal requests, the bank requires such documents as a verification to approve your requests.

3. Following the rules of eliminating money laundering as it is assigned by company contracts, the company requires these documents. If the documents are already sent, please accept our thanks and ignore this reminder.

For any questions, please contact our support team at

ME AGAIN with a final comment: Notice the bit above where they say:

'your account will be set on pending status if you do not send us the mentioned verification documents'.

well so much for being able to actually USE my account eh. I wonder how I will be able to withdraw my initial $ 300 deposit. WITHOUT giving them any of that "required" información.

Hey, I got this and make good money from it. I opened a broker account at, and start trading. B54 provides me support that I can use to ask questions, know about market price, when select "Call" and when to select "put". Their staff are really friendly and they even call me at home. I made $1000 this week thanks to this system. As for the software, I don't get any downloadable software, however, I have access to Binary Pilot software. The username and password is the same username and passwords registered with the broker.

Tell us what your last 5 trades were so that there is no question what you are saying is true.

ATTENTION of Warrior Forum Moderators!

I am getting sick and tired. VERY tired of this person by the name of GARY AMBROSE bombarding me with eMail after eMail. flogging the so-called "Free Cash App." that simply DOES NOT EXIST!

Mark Sherris started this fantastic thread and I say "Good on him for doing so!"

At least one other person on this thread has commented on the monotonous regularity of " Gary Ambrose eMails ". if my memory serves me correctly!

SO. I am calling on the Warrior Forum moderators to do a couple of things for us poor saps out here being assailed by "Gary Ambrose"!

1. Contact him and tell him in NO uncertain terms that we are all very much OVER his incessant eMailing about the non-existant "Free Cash App."

2. BAN HIM from the Warrior Forum!

We all know that the moderators OF the Warrior Forum do wield the power to ban people from the "forum" and I for one would like to see you unleash that power on "Gary Ambrose". (I put the inverted commas there by the way, because I wonder if there even IS such a person as Gary Ambrose!?).

Regards. and goodnight!

Originally Posted by MarkSherris

When I opened a binary options account some time back I could use my account straight away without giving any of that information however when it came to withdrawing what little I had left of my account I did have to provide all those documents.

I believe it's to prevent money laundering so by law they have to have those details. Otherwise it would be easy to use these brokers to launder money. It's the same procedure when dealing with forex brokers (real trading not binary).

I can see why you wouldn't want to give that information over, but chances are if you want that $300 back you will need to.

I can't believe how naive I still am. I wish I can just switch off my 'shiney object' syndrome. I too have reluctantly fell for the scam it seems. I signed up with B54 and have made some money with the Binary Pilot software ( as I don't have a feckin clue on how to trade. ) Anyway, after getting to the Ђ500 mark I decided to withdraw my initial Ђ250. This is where things start to go wrong. Now all of a sudden I need to send in all these forms of identification to access my money. Hmm - and since reading the rest of the thread, it looks like they won't give me my money anyway. Oh and by the way. You don't get an app on your mobile no matter how many e-mails you send to the support desk. No one answers you as you all may already know.

To sum it up. I going to try and get my money back, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll let you know how it goes.

By the way a big shout out to Mark for starting this thread. Bien hecho.

I got involved in Binary Options through a program claiming an 80% success rate with 60 second options. The broker is Redwood Options. I make the following comments and leave people to form their own opinion.

1. On opening an account the broker is very quickly onto you pushing for a Ј5k account, not the Ј200 stated at the outset and promising to teach you how to trade. They did not get Ј5k but did take more than was authorised, which I got back eventually after submitting all the documents mentioned in another post.

2. I tested the strategy for 60 second trades on the minimum amount possible, Ј5, and lost on 11 out of 20, which was a good enough indication that that system did not work.

3. The broker recommended a RSI based strategy to me that, after a little paper trading, did appear to work. So I tried that with the Ј10 minimum permitted and out of 30 trades won on 20. This enabled me to recoup the loss on the 60 second trades, albeit slowly.

4. I decided to close the account because it is very time consuming and error prone for relatively little reward. The Redwood platform crashes with monotonous regularity and also changes the instrument you think you have set it up to trade if you wait too long for the trade to set up. This results in you suddenly finding yourself in a trade you did not intend. If I was able to devote unlimited time to it, I might have continued with the successful strategy and seen where it led, but I cannot.

5. Anyone familiar with trading will be aware that making trades where the reward is less than the risk is not a recommended course of action.

6. Having made the request to close the account, I got a phone call from the "chief analyst" telling me to place one final trade, but he was disgusted when I placed a trade risking 1.4% of my trading bank (my normal is 1% if it is not less than the minimum). He wanted me to place a trade which risked either 30% or 60% of my bank. That is not a good way to stay in the game. His trade did come good for me though I have no knowledge of the strategy behind it. They do email recommendations, but after paper trading the first few and losing I did not bother to follow them.

7. The more you invest the more training they claim you will get, however for the life of me, although they generate income on every trade, (between 30% and 100%) I cannot see how they can stay in business if the big players profit unless there is a huge number of small traders losing. I suspect that you are encouraged to build up your trade size only for the inevitable to eventually happen when you get a run of bad trades as tends to happen with every strategy. I only had one winning strategy and you need more than that to remain in the game.

8. I have not yet received my requested withdrawal, but I do not doubt it will come, it is just not instantaneous.

Apologies for the long post, I just hope someone finds it useful, any comments would be welcome, although I am not regularly on the site.

I have tried to copy and paste the results from Redwood's site into here to support what I have said about the winning trades, because I know you are rightly a sceptical lot, but the result was not very satisfactory. If anyone really wants to see I could probably paste in my spread sheet, but this post is already too long.

Last edited on 5th Feb 2014 at 07:55 PM. Reason: Removal of blank space.


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Options Charger System Review

Does It Really Work Or Is It A Rip Off

At last somebody has actually taken extra factors into consideration when developing trading software applications. This system is unique in that it takes numerous techniques into account when developing signals software.


If you resemble me and have actually tried numerous programs you realize that most are “one technique ponies”. Their recommendations are based on one strategy and eventually stop being effective as cash makers. Options Charger System is a totally different type of software application.

Options Charger system is different in that it takes numerous factors under consideration when it is doing its magic. It was made by a trader who comprehends the real world and the complexities of binary options trading.

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This makes sure that Options Charger System will always produce profitable trades into the future. The system is so reliable that Greg states you will get trend info even prior to the brokers understand what is occurring.

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CEO Asaf Lahav/Eyal Rosenblum – B2B Jonathan Shkedi

Techfinancials was the fourth company I set about reviewing in terms of securing a company to partner with and of course to create a White Label Binary Option trading platform.

They provide an integrated software solution that supports all aspects of an online trading business. The set of applications can be divided into three main components:

Orca+ trading technology comprised of pricing engine, instruments module and traders (users) management module.

Flexible User Interface to build your own unique trading arena.

Business support systems – a set of applications to manage and run your trading business.

Techfinancials API technology enables existing operators to integrate their online business easily and choose whether to use a built-in package application or replace specific components with their technology. For example operators already using Salesforce as their sales management application can integrate it to the binary platform. The same concept applies for affiliate programs, ePayments systems and other gaming/trading applications which can all be integrated within a single customer wallet.

This particular set up is great for an exiting operator or operation but as a solution for a new operator it does seem to have some down sides. There is added cost to integrate many modules that come as standard with other operators. That being said the ORCA platform technology they in partnership with ORCA systems themselves provide is a good one and very user friendly. Again the amount of “optional” cost services that are there is quite worrying to me and really means that the whole process of set up and actual costing becomes much more difficult to work out.

Techfinancial offers just one single business model;

Licensed Technology – I take care of holding client funds, risk management (optional) and of course payments.

The pricing provided by Techfinancials was again unfortunately very high. The great shame is that there were also many small hidden fees relating to integration costs of mobile technology, to feed providing and minimum monthly payments. The dealing room costs (to handle the risk) were especially costly and for me it was a big no no as the risk management aside from the platform technology and back office management is crucially important to the success of an on-going operation.

All in all the level of service was fine. Definitely could have been better with a tour of some sort or a demo of the systems. It seems to me as I walk down this path to finding a technology provider that most are not willing to show the technology up front. Instead they want you to sign off on it and just hope for the best. For those that know me, you can probably guess that I will not ever do such a thing, at least not where my own hard earned cash is concerned!

As Techfinancials are the technology provider for OptionFair (one of my top listed platforms to use) I was really hoping to find a fantastic level of service, choice and technology to work with. In the end I received what felt like a bog standard solution with many gaps and unknowns.

Here is the Techfinancials site where all the information on their solution reside, along with all information needed if like me you are seeking a company to provide Binary Option trading technology – www. techfinancials. com

Contact me for any question.


1) Gold mine and Mangnase Black are ran by joseph Goldenberg and who gave 30+ lossing streaks couple of times and 15+ lossing streaks more time in last couple of month. Who ever with them are wiped out. He was called to be a Specialist trader and you invited all of your clients to trade with him in May. Do you think people are doll to play??

You & Adam worshipped Best Signal Mani (mashrafp in this post) after many subscriber comes he wipped every one in next month. Same happend with Goldmine (Joseph Goldern berg) he too wiped and he also worshipped as a clecbrity commodity trader and all ur VIP traders were forcibily linked to him and he is no more now. 2) You still did not removed Cherrycoke name as you confessed that it is Crime and Scam from your end.

3) you removed all earlier worst signals provider earlier performance Boindicies, the one, Best signal, gold mine, Do you want more. You removed 12 providers in two months some are 33% and below. All designed to make losses.

4) To all Soon expect there are lot of Proof coming form real people about goptions a) SAME DAY withdraw scam b) Lot of withdraw issuse c)No Physical office for them anywhere in the world d)they operate Virtual office from Isreal and cyprus and only use mailforwarding address from London. e) link Between (whyoptions. com, and Massive consulting groups. This massive consulting groups is owned goptions and the above sited specified. All are trap. There are lot of proof coming. Keep watching the space. GOPTIONS & Signalindex is are rip and SCAM and take them down. f)Interpole is now start tracking now because of massive fraud against client money. you can withdraw lesser money and for bigger money either you should be their affilaite or signal provider to bring people to them.

http://www. binaryoptionsdaily. com/2013/04/22/signalindex-com-adds-a-fake-cherryc. /> GOPTIONS SCAM, GOPTIONS WITHDRAWAL ISSUES, SIGNALINDEX SCAM

More GOptions Complaints & Reviews


I don't going to waste my time with it. If you believe then you save your money. Else it is your unfortunate,

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. /> I was approached by online Binary option broker called Goptions (www. goptions. com) by mail and SKPE through a Scam signal provider (MANI /BEST SIGNAL). He introduced himself as Adam, partner to CEO and head of sales and VP operation of goptions.

He promised me the following benefits of being VIP account client with them.

Goptions Adam offered Voluntarily 5k unrestricted real cash offer just to deposit 25K with them with no withdraw restriction either time/volume based. He confirms multiple times via Skype and mails in various incidents that I can withdraw whenever I needed.

As a VIP account benefits, they offered 5% extra profit for EURUSD trade (usually 85%) & Auto trader Subscription refund/reimbursements & 10% Insurance for losing month

Same day withdraw service

Believing them, I have opened USD account on 22/2/2013 with 1K USD deposit they offered AUD account facility so opened AUD account 5/3/2013 with 24K deposit and moved USD balance to AUD account. (Proof attached).I did not claimed/not agreed/not authorized/not signed either digitally or physically for any bonus to deposit in my account but they Voluntarily offered 5K no restriction withdraw cash to my account as they promised.

Real Cash offer Promised:

No-restriction either by time/Volume Promised:

Before Deposit more non-restricted Promises:

more No-lockup or no - restriction promises:

Auto Trade Subscription offer promise:

‘I have submitted all documents and they verified both my USD and AUD accounts:

I have submitted 10K first withdraw request on 08/3/2013 and it was cancelled and they asked me to wait for one month from my date of deposit to retain my cash offer but I can take at end of 3rd month only but I have full access to my deposit and with draw any time any amount from my 25K deposit without restriction. They confirmed this officially by Skype and through official email.

New rules after cancelled my first withdraw. He confirms no restriction my deposit, Auto trading subscription offer:

Official Mail confirmation by Adam saying no restriction in withdraw about my deposit with modified rules after my first withdrawal was cancelled:

After a month, I have submitted three withdraw requests on 8/4/2013 and the entire requests were cancelled by Goptions Adam. I had several mail and Skype communication to Mr. Lee moore and Mr. Adam from Goptions to resolve my withdraw issues and to closing my account. They turn into rude and replied that, I have got bonus and I have to complete 3 million dollar volume trade to get any single dollar from my deposit.

Adam removed me from Goptions room: (Even Scam signal provider BEST SIGNAL removed me from skype room)

Adam abused in phone call and never replied to my Skype:

Adam Challenge me to make Chargeback:

contacted viia mail to Resolve problem:

When I tried to provide all Proof to Lee More, He acted like he knows nothing about this. Then he tried to send me agreement to get me signed to lock my account. I was shocked as, he mentioned all the VIP benefits (Auto trade refund & extra 5% eurusd profit), cash offer, even my own money transferred from USD account to AUD account were mentioned as a Bonus. This is a biggest Scam. I never agreed for any contract/time/volume restriction anytime and I explained same to him but he forced me to sign to hold my account. He even not allowed taking 5K from my Account:

I am shocked and tried my best to resolve my withdraw issues with them but they started to avoid my Skype and email communications. (Proof attached).They have included 5K cash offer, VIP benefits refund and my own money moved from USD to AUD account everything as a bonus from them which I strongly disagree that, I never had claimed/never signed digitally or physically for any restricted bonus with them.

Lee tried to Lockout me and asked me to sign agreement after they cancelled my three withdraws & after 2 months of deposit. I never agreed for anything as such before deposit and I was never told anything before deposit:

Lee act like innocent and want me to avoid and lock in to agreement after two months of deposit:

My USD Account: Balance Moved to AUD account:

My AUD account balance: $29730.8 K and check time stamp & check date when my withdraw requests were cancelled.

Look all VIP benefits were added as a Bonus. Even my own money moved from USD account to AUD added as Bonus.($1267)

I was also ready to return back all VIP benefits back to them and just ask to refund my deposit which I had in my account. I have traded myself and regained the losses incurred by the BEST Signal (Mani). But Lee started to threaten me.

The Worst part is they closed my account without any information/Confirmation.

I approached bank and they found that ChargeXP & Algocharge from Cyprus are the credit card processor and they don’t have good impression about goptions as they received huge volume of chargeback because of their scams. These guys run virtual office from Israel with mail forwarding address from UK.

I was told that, they have got physical office in London and it is published in their site but after following many goptions scam related forum I found that they don’t really have physical office and Scammed lot of people’s money and also collect their Credit card, passport, utility bills details for future Identity theft.

Goptions official address:

See the all different companies sharing mail forwarding address of Goptions:

My both USD & AUD trading account was verified by Goption compliance.

I have submitted all the documents requested by them.

I did not Agreed/not claimed/not signed any bonus agreement either digitally or physical documents.

I did not have any contract with them neither I did not agreed/not signed for any contract.

Goptions Voluntarily offered unrestricted (by time and volume) 5K Real cash to deposit 25K with them & assured same day withdraw service.

Goptions Voluntarily offered unrestricted Auto trade subscription refund & extra 5% profit for EURUSD trade as VIP account benefit.

I did not lose my money in trade and still have AUD $29, 730.82 in m y account.

They have no reason to stop (or) cancel my withdrawal request (or) closing my account request. As an Individual I have tried my best effort to resolve the problem with them but, they are not ready to give my money back so I approached bank for charge back and yes I got all my money in less than 20 days because of the broker had bad reputations with bank. I have provided more proof to them.

I don’t have any personal conflict with goptions apart from this. Either I am not an affiliate with any other broker and never recommend any signal provider or service. This is my real story and I don’t want others to suffer and lose their hard earned money with this scam broker / Signalindex. If you still choose it is you unfortunate and Please STAY AWAY FROM GOPTIONS.

I am not going to Deal further on this. Please research yourself before dump money here. better you can dump in toilet rather than goptions.

http://www. trade2win. com/boards/fixed-odds-binary-betting/173238-goption-fraud-s. /> http://www. binaryoptionsdaily. com/2013/04/22/signalindex-com-adds-a-fake-cherryc. /> http://www. binaryoptionsdaily. com/forums/general-group2/broker-complaints-board-. /> http://www. binaryoptionsdaily. com/2013/04/30/official-cherrycoke-signals-launch-. /> http://www. binaryoptionsdaily. com/forums/general-group2/broker-complaints-board-. /> http://www. binaryoptionsdaily. com/forums/general-group2/banned-forum18/goptions-. /> http://www. binaryoptionsdaily. com/forums/general-group2/banned-forum18/goptions-. /> Goptions Feed Scam video:

Goptions promote Goldmine (Joseph goldenberg) who is now as manganese black signal provider wiped all account in march and april. he was called as a chief guest. he delivers 30 + streaks of lossing signals couple of times in march and 15+ streaks in 4 times in last two months alone)

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Ocean energy trading and services limited

Ocean energy trading and services limited

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The company statistics seen here display two important pieces of information about the business. "Complaints Unresolved" tells how many complaints consumers have filed about the company on Scambook. "Unresolved Reported Damages"shows how much money has been lost by all of users who filed complaints against the company.

Company Rating

This score is purely based on complaints submitted to Scambook by consumers. Based on the submitted complaints, number grades from 10 (Highest) to 1 (Lowest) are assigned to businesses. If there is insufficient information or pending updates to a business’ profile, you will see a 'NR' (Not Rated) score.

¡Hola a todos! Today I felt like giving some affiliate marketing tips to you instead of regular product reviews. I hope you will like it and learn something.

Look, I know sometimes a particular product might come out that is so popular and in demand it is going to be very tempting for you to want to promote it as an affiliate. Even though the product might be good, it might not be a good fit for your particular website.

If you throw up any type of affiliate product on your website it is going to hurt your credibility. Instead you want to concentrate your affiliate marketing efforts only on products that will help to boost your credibility and your web presence.

As the global trade market evolves with the technology, binary trading is a platform that every serious and beginner investor needs to know about.

What makes binary trading revolutionary is the lightning fast return on investments that you can make with it. For beginners who are just testing the waters of mainstream stock exchange, binary trading is the best platform with fixed payouts and controlled risk factor.

Getting into affiliate marketing doesn’t have to be as tough as some people think it is. If you want to be an excellent affiliate marketer you must learn why people come to your website. Think about it for a second, there are probably numerous websites that are promoting what you are.

What is going to make someone choose your website over someone else’s? Also, understanding why people come to your particular affiliate site will help you increase conversions.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

ClickBank es una marca registrada de Keynetics Inc. una corporación de Delaware. MillionaireSociety. com is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any MillionaireSociety. com product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by MillionaireSociety. com in the materials on this Web page. Clickbank reserves the right to change their policies and procedures at any time, in any way without notice.

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google.

This page promotes a product where the owner of this page could receive financial benefits from sales referred by this page. The testimonials on this page are consistent on all review pages for these products. The testimonials are (or are not depending on the situation) from real customers.

INCOME CLAIM WARNING: Testimonials are not typical of most results. Photographs or images are a depiction of individuals and payment methods. These income examples are representative of some of the most successful participants in the program. Some individuals purchasing the programs may make little or NO MONEY AT ALL. These claims are not a guarantee of your income, nor are they typical of average participants. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. No person or company can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Any and all use of this website certifies you are agreeing to our Earnings and Income Disclaimers.

For purposes of privacy, the creator of Millionaire Society is using the name Mack Michaels. This story is based upon the real life adaptation of the parties involved. The Company reserves the rights to the name and any uses of it as affiliated with the product. Any improper uses by unauthorized parties is strictly prohibited.

TESTIMONIALS - All Testimonials are 100% Real and Accurate and the attestants have been remunerated for allowing Millionaire Society's use of the same. For the sake of customer privacy, Millionaire Society reserves the right to protect and/or substitute the images of attestants. The images displayed hereon are not the actual images of the attestants. The images displayed hereon have been supplied by Millionaire Society and are the copyrighted property of Millionaire Society.

NOTICE - Anyone found copying Millionaire Society's website or using Millionaire Society's trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Millionaire Society's express written consent will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Millionaire Societywill also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

The entire contents of this website are Copyright 2010 - Present. Todos los derechos reservados. Maverick Enterprises, LLC, 275 Madison Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10016. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Copyright © 2010 - Present Millionaire Society. Todos los derechos reservados.

Financial Watchdogs Publish Investor Alerts

Financial alerts about alleged bogus firms offering unauthorised advice has been published this week by government regulators worldwide.

Warnings about bogus advisers – Worldwide

Forex Consulting GmbH – Suiza

Ouroboros Derivatives Trading Ltd – Canadá

Anyoption Ltd. Anyoption Payment Services Ltd. and/or Anyoption Holdings - Canada

Broker Capital (Belize) Limited (formerly Island Bay Services Limited) – Canadá

SpotFN LLC – Canada

Williamson Advisors Ltd – Estados Unidos

Wheeler Consultancy – Estados Unidos

West Capital Partners Inc – Estados Unidos

Wade and Wiley Consultancy – Estados Unidos

Vpoint LLC aka Vantage Point Investment Advisors – Estados Unidos

Van Der Hout, Parker & Price LLP – Estados Unidos

Universal Equities Consolidated LLC – Estados Unidos

United Tax Strategies – Estados Unidos

UnitedOne Partners Inc – Estados Unidos

Union Street Partners – Estados Unidos

The ICON Group – Estados Unidos

Taxwise Consultants – Estados Unidos

Tax Strategies Ltd – Estados Unidos

Tate, Aron, and Madden LLP – Estados Unidos

Synergy Ventures Inc – Estados Unidos

Strategic Private Equity LLC – Estados Unidos

Smith and Lincoln LLC – Estados Unidos

Robinson Capital Partners – Estados Unidos

Powell Financial Services – Estados Unidos

Pan American Acquisition Group – Estados Unidos

Newcastle Trust, Ltd – Estados Unidos

Myers and Baker Associates – Estados Unidos

Midal Consulting Co – Estados Unidos

Meister VI – Meister Ventures Inc – Estados Unidos

Martin Curtis Smith Group Limited Global Law – Estados Unidos

Marcus KPO Services LLC – Estados Unidos

Macro Acquisitions LLC – Estados Unidos

Longworth and Richman Law Group – Estados Unidos

Logan Acquisitions – Estados Unidos

Lloyds Commercial Finance – Estados Unidos

Liberty Ventures Holding Inc – Estados Unidos

Lee Grant Morrison – Estados Unidos

Lead Global Ltd – Estados Unidos

Lansley, Everett & Moore LLC – Estados Unidos

Kinetic Escrow Trust – Estados Unidos

Keystone Corporate Group – Estados Unidos

IPO Securities Litigation – Estados Unidos

Howard, James & Watson LLC – Estados Unidos

Greenberg International Law & Tax Advisory – Estados Unidos

Graham Morrison Wilson – Estados Unidos

Global Securities Service Group – Estados Unidos

Frost Capital Partners – Estados Unidos

Financial Fraud Examiners – Estados Unidos

Factor Private Equity LLC – Estados Unidos

Ellipse Trading – Estados Unidos

Dumont Private Equity – Estados Unidos

Dial Mergers – Estados Unidos

DB Yates & Associates – Estados Unidos

David, Scott & Allen PLLC – Estados Unidos

Cover Capital Partners – Estados Unidos

Clifton Capital Partners LLC – Estados Unidos

CLC Acquisition Corp – Estados Unidos

Celivox Alliance – Estados Unidos

CC Wealth Ltd – Estados Unidos

Burton Capital Partners – Estados Unidos

Bank Guarantee Funding – Estados Unidos

Atlantic Group Securities and Exchange Commission – Estados Unidos

American First Securities – Estados Unidos

1st American Securities – Estados Unidos

Duval Capital & Asset Management Group – Suiza

Global Markets Ltd (Interactive Company Ltd) – España

Broker Group / Broker Capital – España

Broker Capital (Belize) – España

Safecap Investments Limited – Brasil

Peston & Sons Securities – Bélgica

Jones Shaw Capital Partners – Bélgica

Neuberger and Co – Bélgica

Wealth Management – Bélgica

Arian Financial (cloned firm) – Bélgica

Dashan International – Bélgica

Norikura-Global, Seattle Mercantile Exchange – Bélgica

Dalerich Ltd – Bélgica

Original-Kreditbox AG – Suiza

In addition, the French financial regulator has published a list of hundreds of unauthorised firms offering binary financial options

Warnings about bogus advisers – Reino Unido

AT Brokers (clone)

Temple Crown International

Dealing with an unregulated firm

If you buy shares, save money or invest with an unregulated firm, you lose any protection offered by the Financial Ombudsman and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Broadly, you have no independent place to complain if the deal goes wrong and are unlikely to win any compensation.

Checking if a firm is regulated

Go to the Financial Services Register to check if a firm is regulated in the UK.

Reporting a suspected bogus adviser

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Millionaire Society

Millionaire Society Review

by David Harris

“Millionaire Society” by Mack Michaels, found at millionairesociety. com, is an online and affiliate marketing website that dubiously offers you access to their private video mentoring and instructions that they claim will allow you to build a successful online business from home. There are several red flags to watch out for in this one.

The first thing I’m concerned about Millionaire Society is not just that the first page has almost no information about the company but that the second page takes you to their buy-in checkout already!

I’m not only annoyed and wary of sites like this, but that second page is alarming when the price says 4.97 at the top, yet at total it says $97. After 7 days Millionaire Society charges this unless you cancel.

Upon looking into their members’ area, I found it especially annoying that there is a lot of information that is left out that could actually help anyone succeed, whether intentionally or not. The information that I did find there is either outdated, rehashed from other sites, and only explains a portion of what you need in order to truly understand how to make a living from online marketing.

The next item I consider a red flag is that Millionaire Society hands you a replicated site they claim will market three of the top Clickbank products. It’s no surprise they deem Millionaire Society as the number one of the top three. Consider this, everyone else who signs up gets the same replicated site, so you’re competing with a carbon copy somebody else has, which is really promoting profitbank and Millionaire Society.

I say their training is useless because all they tell you to do is market on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Theres no one click automated system to speak of. You will be basically promoting Millionaire Society more than your own replicate site. By now most people recognize what you’re peddling and will avoid it. It would be a miracle if Millionaire Society brought you the seven figure income they boast about.

The real motive of Millionaire Society is to get you in there in order to sell you more and more programs that will end up costing you more and more money. It’s questionable whether those costly upsells actually do anything for you. Some of the video “lessons” they offer are incomplete, and there’s one that shows a copy of the presenter’s “Clickbank account” which can be easily fabricated. It wouldn’t be the first site to use that trick.

Since Millionaire Society is sold through Clickbank, you can get a refund up to 60 days if you decide to try it and then go away not satisfied with the product. I don’t recommend trying Millionaire Society though, as you can definitely find much better training systems elsewhere.

I do not recommend “Millionaire Society”.

Thanks for reading…

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Millionaire Society Review – Legit o estafa?

This is a Millionaire Society review. If you’re looking for the official website of this product, you can click here to get there.

If you’ve been trying to get some more info on Millionaire Society and what exactly this product does, you’ve come to the right place. In this Millionaire Society review, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this product (and the domain flipping process in general) and of course, let you know if it’s a scam or a legit way to make some extra money.

Official Millionaire Society website.

Domain flipping by The Millionaire Society is a technique in which you purchase domains, build them up to become profitable, and then sell them for a nice profit. More and more people are getting in to this business since the payoff is so high. If you can build up a site to earn $100 a day or more, it can easily be flipped for $50,000 to $75,000. The biggest problem most newcomers face with domain flipping is learning how to build up their sites quickly and efficiently; and that is exactly what the Millionaire Society shows you how to do.

More info on this product here.

There’s no doubt that with Millionaire Society, Mack Michaels has put together a great guide for beginners look to learn more about domain flipping. The guide comes with video tutorials, which show you step by step instructions in how to get your site up, running and profitable. Using this same system, Mack Michaels generated over $4.8 million in profit in just 18 months. Obviously you shouldn’t expect those results, but he’s teaches the exact strategy he uses and can definitely help you make some serious cash in just a short amount of time.

We hope you found our Millionaire Society review helpful. It should be clear at this point that there is absolutely no Millionaire Society scam. This program gives you training videos, step-by-step guides, links to useful sites and access to the Millionaire Society VIP section. Most people report seeing profit within the first few days, so if you put in the time, you’ll know if it’s working for you pretty quickly. This product is also backed by a 60 day 100% money back guarantee, so you can try it out risk-free.

Eine Bewertung von SpotFN, der Handelsplattform für Binäre Optionen

Für die Gestaltung von SpotFN wurde sehr viel Mühe aufgewandt, was auch deutlich zu erkennen ist. Die Webseite ist wunderschön, die Handelsplattform ist sowohl extrem effektiv als auch einfach zu verwenden und der Kundenservice ist einwandfrei. Obwohl es einige Dinge gibt, die auf SpotFN. com fehlen, ist klar, dass dem Team, das hinter dem SpotFN Broker steckt, die Trader wirklich wichtig sind. Die Ersteller sind sehr mitteilungsfreudig und ehrlich, während sie versuchen, das bestmögliche Erlebnis zu bieten. In der nachfolgenden SpotFN Bewertung erfahren Sie alles, was Sie über diesen Anbieter wissen sollten.

Software und Funktionen

Spot FN wird mit der fortschrittlichen SpotOption Trading-Software betrieben und bietet eine der besten Handelsplattformen der Branche. Die SpotOption Plattform steht nicht nur online zur Verfügung, es werden auch SpotFN iOS und Android Apps angeboten, über die unterwegs gehandelt werden kann. Die Plattform ist übersichtlich und klar gestaltet, steckt aber gleichzeitig voller toller Funktionen. Die Webseite von SpotFN. com sieht fantastisch aus, wobei alle Funktionen einfach zu finden sind und ohne Geheimniskrämerei präsentiert werden. Ein Nachteil ist, dass kein Demo-Konto für Anfänger angeboten wird, und dass das Trainingszentrum kleiner ist als jenes anderer Broker. Der Live-Kundenservice ist online oder per Telefon rund um die Uhr erreichbar, steht allerdings nur fünf Tage pro Woche und in wenigen Sprachen zur Verfügung.

Angebotene Arten von Optionen

Das Motto von Spot FN ist es, Tradern unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten zu bieten. Dank über 100 zugrundeliegenden Vermögenswerten, die mit 60 Sekunden Optionen, digitalen Optionen, One Touch Optionen, Ladder-Optionen und über einen Option Builder gehandelt werden können, haltet der Anbieter dieses Versprechen definitiv ein. Die Auszahlungen sind ebenfalls großzügig, wobei Optionen im Geld bis zu 88% liefern, während für verlorene Handelstransaktionen bis zu 10% erstattet werden.

Auf SpotFN. com werden vier verschiedene Kontotypen angeboten, die alle ihre individuellen Vorteile und eine SpotFN Bonus aufweisen. Zum Zeitpunkt unserer SpotFN Rezension, stand das Novice-Konto für Trader mit einem Kontostand unter $1.000 zur Verfügung und lieferte einen 30% Bonus sowie Standard-Funktionen. SpotFN zielt allerdings auf finanzkräftigere Trader ab, weshalb die Competent - und Proficient-Konten höhere Bonusse, risikofreie Transaktionen, individuelles Kontomanagement und Signalservices bieten. Das Expert-Konto steht nur Tradern mit einem Kontostand von über $10.000 zur Verfügung und wird komplett für jeden Trader personalisiert. Ein - und Auszahlungen können über gängige Kreditkarten und per Überweisung getätigt werden.

Spot FN arbeitet hart daran, eine Handelsplattform aufzubauen, die erfahrene Binäre Optionen Trader anspricht. Das Fehlen eines Demo-Kontos und von Lehrmaterialien bedeuten, dass SpotFN. com eventuell nicht der beste Broker für Anfänger ist. Die hohen Bonusse und Auszahlungen, sowie die Effektivität der Handelsplattform, sind aber sicherlich Dinge, die professionellen Trader gefallen werden.



Um jegliche Aktivität mit betrügerischen Binäre Optionen Brokern zu vermeiden, empfehle ich dringend, nur mit regulierten und lizenzierten Unternehmen zu arbeiten.

Bitte vermeiden Sie Unternehmen zu kontaktieren, die auf der schwarzen Liste geführt werden. Nachstehend finden Sie meine Vorschläge für geeignete Vermittler und Broker, die ich getestet habe und als vertrauenswürdig bewerte.

Test du courtier d’option binaire SpotFN

Les équipes du courtier SpotFN ont porté une grande attention à la création de leur plateforme et ça se ressent dès les premiers tests. La revue de Spot FN nous a en effet permis de découvrir une plateforme de négociation d’options binaire incroyablement puissante, mais extrêmement simple à utiliser et un service client impeccable. En effet bien que l’on puisse reprocher un certain nombre de lacunes au broker SpotFN, il est clair que l’équipe que l’on trouve sur Spot FN se soucie réellement des clients qui utilisent le site. D’ailleurs ils mettent tout en œuvre pour offrir le meilleur service à leurs clients.

Logiciels et fonctionnalités

Le courtier SpotFN utilise le logiciel SpotOption pour alimenter sa plateforme de négociation d’options binaire, ce qui lui permet de présenter l’une des plates-plateformes marché. La plateforme de SpotFN. com présente aussi l’avantage d’être disponible en ligne, mais aussi à partir d’un téléphone IOS ou Androide pour vous permettre de négocier des options binaires à partir de votre smartphone ou de votre tablette. Le site SpotFN. com est construit exactement sur les mêmes bases, puisque tout est simple à trouver et l’on y trouve facilement toutes les informations indispensables. Toutefois, le courtier ne présente pas de compte de démonstration ni de bibliothèque de ressources de formations qui pourrait permettre aux traders débutants d’apprendre les bases de la négociation en ligne. De plus, l’assistance en ligne par chat et par téléphone ne fonctionne que 5 jours par semaine et n’est disponible qu’en, seulement, quelques langues.

Types d’options offertes

Le courtier SpotFN à l’ambition d’offrir des possibilité infinie à ses clients et ile s’en donne les moyens, puisqu’il propose près de 100 actifs différents, qui pourront être négociés avec toutes les options habituelles. Vous pourrez ainsi y trouver des options 60 secondes, des options « One Touch », et même un paramétreur très complet qui vous permettra de paramétrer très précisément vos opérations. Le courtier SpotFN. com vous offre en plus des rendements intéressants, puisque vous pourrez y faire des bénéfices qui peuvent atteindre 88 %, et même un bonus de SpotFN de 10 % sur les opérations perdues.

Types de comptes offerts

SpotFN. com propose quatre types de comptes différents, chacun d’eux vous offre des avantages et des bonus de SpotFN spécifiques. Le compte de démarrage s’adresse ainsi aux traders qui font un dépôt initial de -1000 $ et permet de bénéficier d’un bonus de 30 % et des fonctionnalités de base. Un dépôt plus élevé vous permettra ensuite de bénéficier d’avantages supplémentaires et de bonus plus importants. Spot FN vous propose même un compte expert que vous pourrez débloquer en effectuant un dépôt de plus de 10 000 $. Ce compte vous offre une gestion totalement personnalisée, avec un service de signaux automatique, et même des sessions de formation individuelles. Les dépôts qui vous serviront à approvisionner votre compte peuvent être effectués en utilisant les principales cartes de crédit, mais aussi des virements bancaires.

SpotFN travaille continuellement afin de proposer le meilleur service avec les meilleures options. Mais l’absence de compte de démonstration et l’absence de ressources pédagogiques pèsent lourdement dans la balance pour attirer les traders débutants. Par contre les rendements élevés et les bonus importants que propose le courtier Spot FN ne manqueront pas d’éveiller l’intérêt traders expérimentés qui y verront une bonne occasion d’augmenter de, facilement, leurs gains.


Spot FN Review

Rating: 0.0/ 5 (0 votes cast)

Hacer especulaciones informadas sobre su elección de los activos de las herramientas comerciales útiles de Spotfn. Este corredor de opciones binarias de comercio conduce trae a cualquier persona que se interesa por él. A través de su plataforma de negociación diseñado por instinto, incluso los nuevos operadores pueden navegar fácilmente a través de la página web y empezar a ganar.

Características y funciones de la plataforma de comercio para una mejor experiencia de comercio

Spot Fn revisión asegura que el servicio de alta calidad se entrega a todos sus inversores. Con su plataforma revolucionaria, este broker de opciones binarias se desarrolla constantemente nuevas soluciones comerciales para que su experiencia de comercio cada vez mejor que el comercio activos. Por otra parte, la plataforma de Spotfn es totalmente basado en web, que le permite controlar sus operaciones y modificarlos cuando sea, donde quieras.

Otro gran aspecto inversores admirar es la gama de herramientas avanzadas de comercio que Spot Fn revisar ofrece. Estos incluyen el Stop-Loss, Take Profit, y ampliar las funciones. Cada una de estas funciones permite que usted modifique sus operaciones en curso para que sean más propensos a terminar en-el-dinero.

Activos más variadas para elegir y tipos binarios opciones para utilizar

En Spot Fn, hay una amplia gama de activos subyacentes disponibles para el comercio. Usted puede navegar a través del índice de activos de este corredor y seleccionar los activos que desea para el comercio. Hay básicamente cuatro tipos de activos abiertos a negociación, es decir, los pares de divisas / moneda, acciones, índices, y de los Productos Básicos. Cada activo da un pago único, que es fácilmente visible justo al lado de ese activo. De esta manera, usted puede tener una idea de cuánto puede beneficiarse con el comercio de ese activo específico.

Además, usted puede comprar diferentes tipos de opciones binarias para su activo deseado. Las opciones binarias son las opciones digitales, opciones de One Touch y opciones estándar.

Por último, el aspecto más atractivo de Spotfn son sus altos porcentajes de pago, que van desde 65-75% para las operaciones que terminan en-the-money. No hay necesidad de dudar de comercio con esta plataforma, ya que está seguro de obtener algo a cambio, incluso si su comercio cierra-of-the-money. Esta línea de opciones binarias broker ofrece una devolución de un 5-10% de su inversión inicial si su predicción resulta ser equivocado.

I am a former coworker of sourav sen. He has worked in the fast food industry at a popular fast food company. Sourav sen takes his job seriously and that is great but i am here to discuss his wrongdoing so future employers of him are aware of those sides.

Arana interactive founded by luis arana in 2006 is a front for web and technology company that scammed me and my client. Through him selling us over and over about his services, he was hired to build an application for us and he disappeared with our deposit. In all he.

Nothing but a scam. Paid $6995 for nothing! let's report them to the authorities so others won't fall to their scam. Money greedy a**holes!

No information, contract to sign or services provided despite numerous phone calls made to an answering service Only number available for them, as other numbers were disconnected.) this has gone on over a 3 month period after they withdrew money from my account twice ($549.00), once after stop payment. Ellos.

This is a scam company leaching off hard-working business and adding no value at all to the business or the customer. They advertise higher menu prices and disguise themselves as an online ordering company approved by the business. This causes confusion and inconvenience to the business and they are making.

Letter saying i had won $1,327,940.00, but asking for $12.99 for express delivery. Official form of tender 13570. The address: award notification commision Po box 2905 Kansas city ks 66110 Something needs to be done about this. These people are ripping people off and getting filthy rich. No i did.

I got a phone call from this company today that came up as a - verizon fios on my caller id which i thought was strange. They told me they were with legal debt mediation and they were representing cmg, a blanket company for payday loans. They said that i had.

They are involved in scamming and robbing people> how are they allowed to continue to operate.

Gary glaser of gary motors in lodi new jersey sold me a 2005 camry and within 200 miles motor just stopped running. After my mechanic went over car it was found that in my mechanics professional opinion car had many more miles than the 66,000 that the odometer currently reads.

Andrew glaser of gary motors in lodi new jersey is nothing but a common theif and a top rate liar!!!! After reaponding to a posting on internet about a lexus i was promised car was in perfect condition. After spending 6 hours driving up from virginia i was taken back.

My girlfriend and I had wanted to try it for a while and finally did. The treatment was substandard, the staff at http://www. boosthydration. com/ were extremely rude, and we will not be a returning customer.

On nov 11,2015 i gave juan treminio my grille off of a 1955 ford pickup to be re chromed, i paid him 450.00 up front and he stated it would be done in 2 weeks, after 14 phone calls and tex messages and every excuse you could think of including.

Received two transfers from this company and one did not even belong to the seller and the phone numbers for the purchaser was disconnected and the email provided for the company gets sent back as undeliverable. No papers were ever received for the transfer from vacation trade world and no.

Bigbrooklynrooms. com, a/k/a nycityrooms. com, a/k/a nyc private bedrooms, 132 west 31st street, 15th floor, suite 1516, new york, ny 10001, telephone number: 646-543-2441. They constantly change their business and website names to avoid detection on the internet.

Warning notice for would be room seekers going to nyc private rooms The.

I contracted bonnie woodie to make 2 coats for my elderly mother's (87 years old) christmas presents on december 9th, 2015. She was charging me $300 for 1 embroidered coat and $175 to make a pendleton blanket Which was valued at $180) to also be made into a winter coat.

Scam letter requesting $12.99 to receive $1,327,940.00, filing year 2016 option a or option b 30 year annuity $2,000,000.00. Fake signed letter attached. Official form of tender no. 13570. Authorized by larry hourd executor of awards. Please investigate and close these people down. Pobox2905, kansas city, ks 66110-2905, processing office/distribution.

Bought a camry from Andrew glassr from gary motors in lodi nj and less than 2 weeks later amd less than 500 miles the transmission breaks. Andrew assured me that he would handle it and fix it. well its been 3 months and still i havent had any success in getting.

Could not contact to get travel vouchers. Número de teléfono. No one answers phone numbers 18665690547 and

I failed to stop further orders, although i didn't realize there would be future orders. I guess it must have been in the small print. I was completely surprised when i checked my bank account and found 89.95 dollars had been taken from my account for more of their product.

Seniorsoulmates Date. com, avalanche, llc) is a website that does not function. Member photos take days to post and messages from supposed members are set to all subscribers in batches -- crazy! Also, they sign members up for repeated payments when the member has only authorized one payment. I've reported this.

Ralph Sanders is nothing more than the P. T. Barnum of Scams: a hustler who thrives on the maxim that “there’s a sucker born every minute”. The only people who think Sanders is who he claimed to be are the suckers to whom he repeatedly sells the Brooklyn Bridge, and swampland.

Andrew Glaser of Gary Motors in Lodi New Jersey sold me a pick up and forgot to mention that truck had a SALVAGE title. I asked him because of the obvious prior damage to truck if title was clean and specifically about salvage and he assured me that it.

Re: loan modification scam

For over three years now, staff attorney kristy hernandez of the law offices of kristy hernandez Www khlawoffices com) and their cover website Http://www. Savingcaliforniahomes. com/) have masqueraded to home owners facing foreclosure as being an entity of the home affordable modification program Hamp) and consumer advocate.

Really! Pamela - does nothing but cyberbully, harass, not pay for dogs

puppies, scam akc reg. App papers, falsify statements on line and otherwise. She goes out of her way to lie about a person, their dogs, business, and etc. This person is not a good person and really needs psychological.

Craigslist ad for lake tahoe condo rental in forest pines/incline village. Goes by the name larry dean. Larrydean288@gmail. com

Binary Options Robots: leave the emotions out of the trading

Can you make money trading binary options?

If you want to be profitable in trading forex, stocks, options or binary options the key point is the control of the emotions and the mental stability, much more than the technical strategies and techniques.

You can study technicals for years, pick the best trading system or strategy or trading technique, whatever you want to call it, but if you don't have the mental stability to follow the system, both when you are making money and (especially) when you are in a red position, all your efforts are lost.

Typically the undisciplined trader begins opening positions that he should not open, entering or exiting too soon, even worse increasing the size of the trade, and all this just to try to recover quickly the lost money. This is the best way to dry the account and go out of the game for good.

The Binary Optioner has selected the best performing binary robots

Binary Option Robot

Binary Option Robot is a fully automated robot. generating the signals and executing the trades automatically, with a win ratio of over 80%.

The download of the binary software is totally FREE.

Here is how the software works:

1) Binary Option Robot analyzes the price of the underlying asset in real time and calculates the value of each trading indicators.

2) The indicators generate an entry trading signal, up or down, that is CALL or PUT for binary options.

3) Binary Option Robot executes automatically the trades in your chosen binary account associated with the robot.

Download Binary Option Robot for FREE.

100% Profit Bot

100 % Profit Bot is a fully automated robot taking advantage of the different quotes on the same asset by different brokers.

You will be able to use this software for free during the beta test period (you can trade freely and the software house can collect information about performance, possible loopholes and problems). However the number of seats is limited.

The system works on a winning hit rate of at least 62% ; in order to implement this system manually, you would need to be capable of placing the trades in different sizes with multiple brokerages which makes it highly improbable if not impossible due to the lag time occurring between the signal and your ability to take a trading position, unless you stick in front of the screen all day long. Question is: would you?

The solution is the automated and simultaneous placement of the trades with multiple brokers.

You can read here a full review of the robot.

Verified performance for over 6 months


OptionBot is one of the most sold binary options robots, and with an excellent customer support.

It is not a case that it is one of the oldest robots avalaible on the market, always delivering good results and never disappointing binary traders.

OptionBot customer desk teaches you how to use the robot on a one-to-one basis, even by showing you how to process your first options purchase orders.

The trial period is 7 days. after which you will decide whether to buy this robot; in addition, the first 10 trades are loss-free. as the agreement between the OptionBot team and the associated brokers make the losses you might have in the first 10 trades reimbursable to you.

The settings may be personalized according to your trading style, and also for this the customer support will help you over the phone.

The Robot is web-based. so there is nothing to install. and you just need to access the Member Area of the dedicated website, where you will have real time streaming charts at no cost.

It works both on desktop and mobile version.

ABS Binary Signals Software

ABS Binary Signals is a web-based application for binary signals; there is no need to install anything, you just access the Member Area of the dedicated website and the signals will be there ready for your trading.

ABS Signals Service offers real-time automated trading signals on binary options on a comprehensive set of assets: Forex pairs, stock indices, stocks and commodities. You then set up the trade manually into your binary account: every binary broker is ok, provided it supports the specific asset to which the signal refers to.

Screenshot of the website

The software is based on five indicators, and signals are given when the five indicators are aligned together.

ABS is not an automated trading robot, but a generator of entry signals.

Each signal comes with a percentage of success and you will see a timer clock with a countdown that provides a recommended “trade window”; all signals should be traded as soon as possible to receive optimum results.

Once this clock counts down to zero, you should not place the trade.

It is also available a full automated version of the software, for which you must have the ABS PRO Signals service, available only to ABS members.

Insider Legal Bot

Insider Legal Bot is a hands-free Binary Options Robot, which means that it is 100% automated in executing your orders. In other words you will not need to manually process binary operations, as the robot will do everything for you.

Once you open the account the funds that you will deposit are insured during the first 7 days of trading and up to the value of your first deposit (maximum $500,000).

German Binary Bot

Another 100% automated robot is the German Binary Bot; you just need to deposit your funds, decide the trading size of the single trades and activate the robot. Like with the Insider Legal Bot, the software will trade for you while you are at work or having fun or anyway doing other things.

You can have a look here at the screenshot.

Super Binary Bot

Download and install in Metatrader this state-of-the-art EA for binary options and Forex trading

Past results are not indicative of futures results. Options and derivatives involve a high amount of risk and are not suitable for all investors; in the trading of binary options you may incur in the loss of the entire capital invested. Do no trade options, binary options and/or derivatives without understanding the nature of this trading, these financial assets, the risk involved in trading derivatives and without asserting your trading education, experience, competence and risk adversion. IN NO EVENT WILL THEBINARYOPTIONER. COM BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE BINARY OPTIONS ROBOTS PROMOTED BY THE BINARY OPTIONER, OR ANY INFORMATION, OR TRANSACTIONS PROVIDED ON THE SERVICE, OR DOWNLOADED FROM THE SERVICE, OR ANY DELAY OF SUCH INFORMATION OR SERVICE EVEN IF THEBINARYOPTIONER. COM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR ANY CLAIM ATTRIBUTABLE TO ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR OTHER INACCURACIES IN THE SERVICE AND/OR MATERIALS OR INFORMATION DOWNLOADED THROUGH THE SERVICE.

Binary Robots Review 2016

RE: You Are A Few Steps Away From Extraordinary Success In Binary Options Trading

Dear Frustrated Trader,

What would you do if you won the lottery? I mean hitting the Powerball jackpot that everyone dreams of winning, guaranteeing you financial freedom for the rest of your life.

Most people dream of a vacation, trip around the world, a new car, and a beautiful new home in an exotic location amongst many other things.

Those are the exact things that I dreamed of before I started doing my own research on how to become financially free. But I also knew that I would not be successful in life by winning the lottery.

That is a dream that most will never experience! You actually have a better chance of being struck by lightning twice than winning the lottery!

That is why I started doing some serious research. I will show you exactly what I have found on my quest to having real financial freedom.

During my research, I have found, amongst many other things, a study by Credit Suisse that I have used as a base for my further research. Credit Suisse is a world renowned bank and has a phenomenal reputation!

This study analyzed how many millionaires there currently are and how many people worldwide by the year 2020 would be millionaires as well.

To make it short - the study says that 1,673 people per day on average become millionaires worldwide!

I should mention that they are not becoming millionaires overnight and that isn’t surprising – It takes a lot of work and a long time.

There are 70 new millionaires per hour . which means that since you already started reading this letter approximately 3 people have popped open champagne and are celebrating their first million that they have made.

By the time that you have read my letter in its entirety about 20 people in this world will be celebrating the first million they have made!

Inevitably, I asked myself how do all these people achieve this goal…

What do these people do?

How do they do it?

Of course you want to know….

Many of these millionaires have built large companies, or are trading in real estate, luxury goods or are simply genius stock traders. Many have a career behind them and have worked hard for a long time.

Of the 1,673 millionaires per day, I could assign 1,298 to a group. So this still leaves a group of 375 people.

375 people per day are becoming millionaires in the very same way - as I said - not overnight but in the same way.

I am not here to show you actors laughing into the camera and saying that they have earned $1,000 on their first day trading. we know that is nonsense.

No one who earns $1,000 per day would talk into a webcam or blurt out to the world how much money they are making. I am just sticking to the tangible facts so that you can see what I have here is the real deal and not another get rich quick scheme.

375 new millionaires per day. is an impressive number. You will now not be surprised when I tell you that these people make their money in the financial markets . Forex, commodities and equities!

I do however want to be clear that you can’t become rich with a little stock trading, a good fund or some other investment product, if you aren’t already very wealthy.

Besides, it is really not easy to make money - anyone who has an idea of ​​Forex and equities will tell you that this isn’t something that will get you rich quick.

There must be more. Things that we do not really know of. Things that are deliberately kept back from us. Something that makes a lot of banks wealthy, something that a few people have found. something that only a small group of insiders apply and they are making a lot of money from.

Hi, my name is Jerry Biener and I'm about to reveal how I've been making between $1,000 and $3,000 per day trading binary options AND I'm going to show YOU exactly how I do it.

In the past I tried to trade Forex and Binary Options all on my own to earn money. The problem was that I was always overwhelmed.

I had to look for currency pairs, analyze charts, and make quick decisions - I was under an immense amount of stress! If you have not tried it yet, you have not missed anything. Don’t even try to do it on your own, because it only costs time, money and nerves.

If you can follow 1 simple instruction then you have what it takes to be profiting by the end of the day without having to go through the immense amount of stress that I went through.

Trading binary options is very simple.

You either win or lose a set amount of money. Dejame explicar.

Binary Options have been traded for a very long time by many banks, institutions and private investors - the largest banks of the world are all dealing and trading with binary options. Option trading is also available in many other variants.

Binary options are principally great - the problem is - that if you're not a financial expert – you will simply fail.

The basic concept is simple: you can set at any point, if a rate is higher or lower at a later point than when you have started the trade.

If done correctly, you can make up to 91% profit per transaction.

So now if you can tell at the moment whether a certain pair, for example EUR/USD in a few minutes, hour, or a day is worth more or less than it is now, you can almost double your investment theoretically.

So those who have a crystal ball or years of experience can earn a lot of money right here.

Do you have a crystal ball that tells the future or forward-years of experience in the financial markets?

Does that mean that you can’t benefit from it?

I am sure that you want to start earning income today and that you are completely frustrated with all of those get rich quick schemes.

Now is the time for you to get your own Binary Trading Robot and start earning a nice substantial income from home without having to mess with complicated software or have previous knowledge in trading Binary Options!

The value that you are getting in this investment is phenomenal!

I am excited to offer you my Binary Trading Robot for a one - time payment of $47

Binary Trading Robot will work for you Monday thru Friday. It is a nice backup plan to your dreams of winning the lottery.

Binary Trading Robot is TRULY VALUABLE and you CAN’T afford to pass this up!

There's only 1 thing left to do now, click the order button below, download the software and start making money.

I want to be able to pile up cash by trading Binary Options, with.

I understand that I'll pay a one-time fee of $47 to get access to the software, have up and running within a matter of minutes.

And it's all backed by a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee, so I can click the order button below with confidence.

To Your Success,

P. S Don’t wait! Stop relying on winning the lottery. Make a move and do what is best for your own investments and financial life. You don't need to live in a financial world full of fear, worry and doubt. Why not sleep well instead? Get the Binary Trading Robot today!

P. P.S If you’re sick of working for someone else, and you want to control your own income without the 9-5 rat race, then this revolutionary new Binary Trading Robot is for you.

P. P.P. S Binary Trading Robot is specifically designed to get you up and running and making profit within minutes. Whether you’re an experienced trader or a total newbie, we will guide you towards a new profitable life today!

preguntas frecuentes

Q. What is required to start trading with Binary Trading Robot?

A. All you need a computer with a basic internet connection to set up the web-based software. We provide full instructions so no Forex or trading knowledge is needed whatsoever.

Q. Is Binary Trading Robot difficult to install, and do I need any technical knowledge?

A. No, Binary Trading Robot is very easy to use and requires absolutely NO installation and comes with full instructions. There is no complicated software downloads or hard instructions to follow. Literally you only need to login to Binary Trading Robot’s member’s area and input your trading account number and set your risk.

Q. What's the difference between trading Binary Options and Forex?

A. The main difference is knowing beforehand exactly how much you stand to win or lose in a certain period of time. There are no nasty surprises with this like so many Forex robots where you return home and find your account has been blown up.

Q. What if my computer loses power or reboots while it’s trading?

A. Not a problem, Binary Trading Robot is web based. Your computer can be on or off and it will not affect Binary Trading Robot at all.

Q. Do you provide support?

A. Yes! We have a team of fully trained agents that are waiting to assist you.

Copyright 2013. www. BinaryTradingRobot. com. All Rights Reser ved.

Any income claims are typical of top performers, not all users, your results will vary.

Exención de responsabilidad de los gobiernos de los Estados Unidos - La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

La compra, venta o asesoramiento con respecto a una moneda sólo puede ser realizada por un corredor / distribuidor autorizado. Ni nosotros, ni nuestros afiliados o asociados que participan en la producción y mantenimiento de estos productos o de este sitio, es un corredor / asesor de inversiones registrado en cualquier estado o jurisdicción sancionada por el gobierno federal. Se alienta a todos los compradores de productos referenciados en este sitio a consultar con un representante autorizado de su elección con respecto a cualquier estrategia comercial o de comercio en particular. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Entender claramente esto: La información contenida en este producto no es una invitación para intercambiar ninguna inversión específica. Negociación requiere arriesgar dinero en la búsqueda de ganancias futuras. Esa es tu decisión. No arriesgues dinero que no puedas perder. Este documento no tiene en cuenta sus circunstancias financieras y personales. Está destinado únicamente a fines educativos y NO como asesoramiento individualizado de inversión. Do not act on this without advice from your investment professional, who will verify what is suitable for your particular needs & circumstances. Failure to seek detailed professional personally tailored advice prior to acting could lead to you acting contrary to your own best interests & could lead to losses of capital.


Recensione della piattaforma per opzioni SpotFN

I creatori di SpotFN hanno compiuto un grande sforzo imprenditoriale, creativo e tecnico per mettere a punto la piattaforma e il sito web di questo broker, e si vede davvero. Il sito SpotFN. com è semplicemente stupefacente, la piattaforma di trading è potente e però anche semplice da utilizzare e il servizio clienti è davvero impeccabile. Ci sono ancora alcune mancanze da colmare, ma d’altra parte nessun broker è perfetto. Per scrivere questa nostra recensione di SpotFN abbiamo esaminato questo sito web e la sua piattaforma di trading in lungo e in largo, e siamo giunti alla conclusione che questo broker tiene davvero molto ai suoi clienti, e vuole offrirgli la migliore esperienza di trading possibile.

Software e funzionalità

Spot FN utilizza la piattaforma fornita dalla compagnia SpotOption, che offre uno dei migliori software di trading che si possano trovare. Non solo questa piattaforma è disponibile online sul sito web di SpotFN, ma ha anche delle app per Android e per iOS che permettono ai trader di fare i loro scambi dai loro supporti mobili. La piattaforma risulta pulita e lineare, ma allo stesso tempo piena di ottime funzionalità. Il sito web, come abbiamo già detto, risulta eccezionale e tutte le informazioni e gli strumenti utili sono lì a portata di click. Un difetto però c’è, e nella nostra recensione del broker SpotFN non possiamo non segnalarlo: questo broker non offre un account demo, che è un bel vantaggio per i novellini, e anche il centro che raccoglie i materiali informativi è piuttosto scarno rispetto ad altri broker. Inoltre il servizio di assistenza ai clienti è disponibile 24 ore su 24 ma solo 5 giorni alla settimana. È però disponibile in diverse lingue.

Tipi di opzioni offerti

Il motto del broker SpotFN è “dare ai trader possibilità infinite” e in effetti è proprio così. Con più di 100 asset disponibili si può di certo dire che questo broker mantiene fede alla sua promessa. Questi asset possono essere scambiati con opzioni digitali, 60 seconds, one touch, ladder e tramite un interessante option builder. I profitti sono generosi, con le opzioni che pagano fino all’88%. Generosi anche i rimborsi, che fanno riavere il 10% sulle perdite.

Tipi di account offerti

Questo broker offre quattro diversi tipi di account, ognuno con i suoi benefici e con i suoi bonus SpotFN. L’account detto per principianti è dedicato a coloro che depositano meno di 1.000 dollari e offre funzionalità standard, più un bonus di SpotFN del 30%. Account di più alto livello sono riservati ai trader che possono depositare di più, e offrono vantaggi ovviamente maggiori, compresi bonus più alti. L’account Expert è dedicato a coloro che depositano almeno 10.000 dollari ed è completamente personalizzato. Depositi e prelievi sono possibili per tutti attraverso bonifici e carte di credito.

SpotFN è certamente un broker che sta lavorando duro per farsi un nome tra i trader, e per farlo sta costruendo una piattaforma davvero ottima, che possa accogliere i trader più esperti e professionali. È indubbio infatti che questo broker si sia concentrato sui trader di lungo corso, e questo spiega anche la mancanza dell’account demo e dei materiali educativi. Coloro che conoscono ancora poco il mondo delle opzioni binarie quindi possono probabilmente trovare dei broker più adatti a loro.


Reseña de la plataforma de opciones binarias SpotFN

Se ha puesto mucho empeño en la creación del broker SpotFN y se ve a simple vista. La página web es bonita, la plataforma para operar es muy potente al mismo tiempo que simple para manejarla y el servicio al cliente es impecable. Aunque hay un par de cosas que faltan en la web de SpotFN. com, está claro que su equipo se preocupa realmente por sus corredores, anticipándose a sus necesidades mientras que tratan honestamente de proveer la mejor experiencia posible como broker.

Software y Características

Accionado por el software en línea de compra y venta de acciones SpotOption, SpotFN es una de las mejores alternativas en cuanto a plataformas de compra y venta se refiere. No solo la plataforma SpotOption está disponible en línea sino que la App SpotFN para iOS y Android están llenas de muchas ventajas. La página web de SpotFN. com tiene un gran diseño y todo es fácil de hallar y está presentada sin ningún secreto. Una desventaja es que no existe una cuenta demo para novatos y que el centro educativo del brokerSpotfn. com es más pequeño que el de otros brokers.

La reseña de SpotFN sobre el soporte al cliente es que está disponible a cualquier hora pero solo 5 días a la semana y en unos pocos idiomas, lo que en mi opinión no es suficiente.

Tipos de opciones ofrecidas

El slogan de Spot FN es ‘Dándole a los traders infinitas posibilidades.’ Y con más 100 activos para comprar y vender bajo todo tipo de opciones como opciones de 60 segundos, opciones digitales, opciones One touch, opciones en escalera y a través del uso del constructor de opciones siempre cumplen. Los beneficios son generosos también con ganancias de dinero de hasta el 88%, mientras que las operaciones con pérdidas dan derecho a reembolsos de hasta el 10%.

Tipos de cuentas que se ofrecen

Se ofrecen cuatro tipos de cuentas, cada una con su propio paquete de beneficios y respectivo bono de Spot FN. En el momento de hacer la reseña de SpotFN, la cuenta Novice era para corredores con balances de menos de $1,000 USD y daba derecho a un bono de 30% así como funcionalidad estándar. De todas maneras se busca como clientes a los corredores más grandes con sus cuentas Competent y Proficient que vienen con mayores bonos, operaciones libres de riesgo, gestión individualizada de la cuenta y servicios de señales de mercado. La cuenta Expert de Spotfn. com es para aquellos con más de $10,000 dólares y está completamente personalizada para cada corredor con buenos bonos de Spot FN. Los depósitos y retiradas de dinero son posibles a través de las más conocidas tarjetas de crédito y transferencias bancarias.

La opinión de Spot FN es que está trabajando duro para construir una plataforma de corretaje que pueda atraer a los corredores más veteranos en la industria de las opciones binarias. La falta de una cuenta demo y materiales educacionales significan que quizás no sea el mejor bróker, pero los bonos grandes y los beneficios en spotfn. com así como lo poderoso de la plataforma para comprar y vender lo harán muy atractivo para los traders profesionales.


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Hoja informativa

Eine Bewertung der Binäre Optionen Plattform von Bloombex-Options

Bloombex Options wurde im Jahr 2009 gegründet und ist ein Unternehmen, das seinen Kunden den Handel über eine Plattform ermöglicht, die keinen Download voraussetzt. Bloombex-Options, mit Firmensitz in Singapur, zeichnet sich außerdem durch zahlreiche angebotene Vermögenswerte aus, wobei Kunden aus insgesamt über 100 Vermögenswerten wählen können. Die Plattform verspricht auch Gewinne von bis zu 85%, ein Wert, der in der Trading-Welt nur selten erreicht wird. Außerdem begeistert der Broker mit Erträgen von bis zu 500% für One Touch Optionen. In unserer Bloombex-Options Rezension erfahren Sie mehr über diesen Anbieter.

Software und Funktionen

Es ist kein Wunder, dass Bloombex-Options bei seinen Kunden so beliebt ist. Die hohen Erträge und die intuitive Plattform sorgen dafür, dass es sich um eine hervorragende Wahl für den Handel mit binären Optionen handelt. Außerdem zeigte unsere BloombexOptions Bewertung, dass dieser Broker seinen Kunden noch viel mehr bietet. Auf den ersten Blick ist die Überlegenheit der Software im Vergleich zu anderen Plattformen zu erkennen. Die einfachen Eingaben und die übersichtliche Benutzeroberfläche sind hervorragend und sorgen dafür, dass dieser Anbieter definitiv einen Platz unter den besten Broker verdient.

Bloombex-Options. com verwendet die SpotOption Handelsplattform, was allerdings keine Überraschung ist – die fehlerlose Funktionsweise und das aufregende Benutzer-Erlebnis sprechen Bände. Die Plattform ist sehr einfach zu navigieren, wobei alle wichtigen Informationen auf der linken und rechten Seite des Bildschirms angezeigt werden. Trader können auch ganz einfach auf Nachrichten und Informationen über den Markt zugreifen, was ein schnelles Trading-Erlebnis ermöglicht.

Ein weiterer toller Vorteil von Bloombex-Options ist die Tatsache, dass der Broker einen 24/7 Kundenservice anbietet. Kunden können Probleme daher sofort mit Hilfe der gut ausgebildeten Mitarbeiter lösen. Der Kundenservice kann per E-Mail, Live Chat, Telefon oder Formular auf der Webseite kontaktiert werden. Außerdem gibt es einen Ausbildungsbereich, der ein wirklich nützlicher Bloombex-Options Bonus ist. Auch persönliche Kontobetreuer und kostenlose tägliche Marktanalysen stehen zur Verfügung.

Angebotene Arten von Optionen

Bloombex-Options bietet seinen Kunden mehr als 100 Vermögenswerte sowie eine große Auswahl von exotischen Optionen, wie 60 Sekunden Optionen, One Touch Optionen und einen Option Builder, an.

Kunden profitieren außerdem von den Double In und Rollover Funktionen, die das Trading-Erlebnis signifikant verbessern.

Auf bloombex-options. com werden keine unterschiedlichen Kontoniveaus angeboten und Kunden können ganz einfach kostenlos ein Konto eröffnen. Kredit - und Debitkarteninformationen müssen keine angegeben werden. Die minimale Ersteinzahlung beträgt $200, während der minimale Auszahlungsbetrag $100 ist.

Bloombex-Options bietet eine hervorragende Plattform und tolle Funktionen an, die das gesamte Trading-Erlebnis verbessern und vielen potenziellen Kunden zusagen. Obwohl es keine große Auswahl von exotischen Optionen gibt, stehen zahlreiche Vermögenswerte zur Verfügung. Es lohnt sich also definitiv, den Broker zu testen – vor allem wegen der hohen Erträge und Belohnungen, die den Benutzern geboten werden.


Um jegliche Aktivität mit betrügerischen Binäre Optionen Brokern zu vermeiden, empfehle ich dringend, nur mit regulierten und lizenzierten Unternehmen zu arbeiten.

Bitte vermeiden Sie Unternehmen zu kontaktieren, die auf der schwarzen Liste geführt werden. Nachstehend finden Sie meine Vorschläge für geeignete Vermittler und Broker, die ich getestet habe und als vertrauenswürdig bewerte.

Reseña de la plataforma de opciones binarias Opteck

El broker Opteck ha puesto mucho esfuerzo durante los últimos años para crear una plataforma de comercio de opciones binarias de alta calidad y definitivamente ha obtenido sus réditos. Como uno de los brokers más abiertos y transparentes de la industria, Opteck es muy confiable. Además, su plataforma de comercio es excelente, su sitio es lleno de extras, su banking y pagos mucho mejores que los de sus competidores.

Software y características

La plataforma que encontramos en Opteck. com es provista por Market Pulse, uno de los proveedores de software más recientes. Mientras que la plataforma quizá no ofrezca tantos extras o tipos de opciones como otras, una de sus principales ventajas es su simplicidad de uso. Se puede comerciar directamente desde gráficas y su interfaz es a prueba de fallos. El comercio móvil también es permitido a través aplicaciones de teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas. El banco de materiales educativos de Opteck es impresionante, con un gran libro electrónico, video tutoriales y análisis de mercado diarios. También hay una cuenta demo, aunque sólo está disponible para clientes que depositen fondos. La atención al cliente está disponible en 7 idiomas a través de chat en vivo o telefónicamente.

Tipos de opciones ofrecidas

Una de las quejas tradicionales sobre Opteck es su poca cantidad de activos. A pesar de ello, en los últimos meses han tomado acciones para solucionar esto y al momento de nuestra reseña de Opteck había más de 80 índices, mercaderías, stocks y monedas disponibles para comerciar. Los tipos de opciones son un poco limitadas en comparación con otras plataformas del mercado. Dicho esto, la mayoría de los comerciantes estarán felices con las opciones put y call, opciones quick, opciones one touch y opciones pairs. Los pagos son más altos que el promedio, con algunas opciones dejando hasta un 95% de ganancias. Algunas opciones también dan buenos retornos por pérdidas.

Tipos de cuentas ofrecidas

Con un depósito mínimo de $200 en Opteck. com, usted tendrá acceso a la cuenta básica que le permite comerciar opciones y también tener acceso a la cuenta demo, material educativo y hasta un bono de Opteck. Con depósitos mayores se alcanzan las cuentas Gold y Platinum, que también ofrecen pagos personalizados, entrenamiento uno a uno, retiros más rápidos y bonos de Opteck especiales del 100%.

La opinión de Opteck es que simplemente se trata de uno de los mejores brokers en operación hoy en día. Tienen una plataforma fantástica, muchos recursos, una gran variedad de opciones, ganancias muy altas y una dedicación de ayudar a sus clientes con sus operaciones. Todas esas cosas juntas han llevado a Opteck al grupo selecto de brokers de elite de la actualidad.

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OptionBit Review | Option bit

OptionBit Review - www. OptionBit. com Review

Optionbit is perhaps one of the most popular binary options trading at this moment. In Optionbit, deposit is not required to have an account, even if apparently you cannot trade you have deposited funds. Potential traders can open an account in Optionbit in various currencies such as UK pounds, US dollars, Euro’s as well as Russion Ruble’s. Compared to other binary options trading brokers, traders did not receive a notification from sales personnel promptly upon opening their account.

If you log in to your account in Optionbit, either with or without finds, you will have an access to the binary trading program that consists largely of just single screen. If you need to fund your Optionbit account, there are a lot of ways on how you can deposit your money, through debit or credit cards, moneybrookers, webmoney as well as western union.

No other binary options broker can beat Optionbit when it comes to simplicity and reliability. Perhaps it is the most and best binary brokers available because their binary trading program is very easy to navigate and clear as well. From the Optionbit Trade screen, traders can view the accessible investment together with termination time, view all the trades that are open and available, view a true time graph for the existing and up to date asset, trade the present investment or asset, and change to some other investment in just one click.

Most binary options brokers requires so much time in clicking to be capable to put trade on a various asset, Optionbit interface is made nicely that guarantee quick trading, being capable to view your present available trades, such as floating profit. Expiration time and loss is also extremely convenient in Optionbit.

Check these videos and learn about OptionBit

Optionbit Customers Review

Optionbit has an appealing and fresh brand new website layout as well as trading interface which is easy to navigate and control around. That was just established last October 29, 2012. Having mostly blue and a grey setting it is easy on your eye and does not distract or confuse you at the same time moving around and focusing on the different commodities, indices, currencies and stocks on offer. Aside from the date feed, clock and below and above key there is a few in the way of confusion to get you away from the deed.

As with other binary options broker websites, Optionbit is totally based on browser, meaning there’s no need to download any programs for potential traders who wants to trade. As long as you have an account you are capable to make a trade. In accordance to a lot of clients or traders, the process of registration is very simple and most of all free. They also have a useful demo that shows hoe to utilize the website.

For any novice trader or investor who needs to completely understand the various terms mean such as touch and choice, as well as digital, there is a devoted place for these underneath the page. Digital binary options are look upon as up and down and recommended to be the first way of call for all new binary options investor. In addition, there are education videos on every page that help trader to watch and understand how trades are done.

AlgoBit - The New OptionBit Trading Feature

OptionBit is a reliable platform that you can use to trade financial markets and earn substantial profits within a short time. AlgoBit - the new Optionbit trading feature is what you need to analyze markets. It makes it easier for both experienced traders as well as new traders to discover trends.

This feature has unique ability to send signals directly to your platform, especially whenever there are important changes on the market. Additionally, it is quite versatile in performance as it combines conventional trading with the latest hi-tech trading abilities. This makes it one of the most reliable features that you can bank on to give you excellent results within short periods. Trading is an art that is perfected over time. If you use you use the correct platform and tools to leverage risks, then definitely you will realize positive growth in profit margins within no time.

The AlgoBit (Optionbit platform) gives you the opportunity to excel as it encompasses real-time analyses of trends. This gives a trader an upper hand to know exactly the market performance in a few minutes to come or even hours. It all depends on how you want AlgoBit to work for you. It definitely helps trader to make informed decisions based on the information that has been relayed in time.

AlgoBit - the new Optionbit trading featureis a cut above the rest on the market place. Not only does it gives real time information, but helps you choose the mode of trade you prefer. Whether it is signal trading or automatic trading, you will always enjoy the highest utility value. The fact that financial markets can sometime be quite volatile; you are well advised to use reliable tools while trading. AlgoBit feature makes it possible to receive actual trading signals averting situations where you can lose your money.

Optionbit Trading Review

Like any binary options trading platforms, binary options trading review gives an idea to traders about the trading process and how good it is to engage in this revolutionary type of trading. Perhaps, Optionbit trading review contents generally involves the user’s feedback on the service they offer.

Typically, you can do a trade from accessing your account on any computer. Hence, Optionbit is also user-friendly. You could possibly navigate the site easily. In fact, the availability of Optionbit mobile made it easier and convenient for users to trade. It has been a proof that with the collaboration of advanced technology, investment in financial market are now made more possible to all traders.

Binary options trading review sights some facts and feedbacks of binary options traders. It generally helps other traders who wish to engage themselves in binary options trading in making their decision of which binary option broker is more credible. Optionbit trading review highlights some of the broker’s innovative offering to traders. Like other binary options broker, Optionbit has unique offers to traders in which they offer exotic variety of contracts such as barrier, range option, bounded, etc.

One of the platform’s has to offer that would generally benefit traders is that it doesn’t charge commissions for trading. They have a knowledgeable customer support team where could be reached by means of live chat and email. Trading is made simpler with the use of this platform. Hence, it has high choices of languages that could be availed of in the industry. It has 11 languages where you can choose from. Aside from that, they offer attractive bonuses to binary options traders.

La liste rouge de la CFTC, c’est quoi ?

La CFTC est l’équivalent de notre AMF, mais aux Etats-Unis. Elle vérifie et valide tous les intermédiaires financiers du pays, et s’assure de leur légalité. On retrouve malheureusement aussi sur le continent américain des arnaques en option binaire qui cherchent à contourner la régulation et escroquer des américains. C’est pour cette raison que la liste rouge de la CFTC a pour objectif de sensibiliser les investisseurs aux différentes arnaques actives dans la bourse sur internet .

La CFTC recense 19 noms dans sa liste rouge

Les options binaires ont une régulation très particulière aux Etats-Unis puisqu’elles doivent obligatoirement être traitées sur une bourse électronique, à l’instar du Nadex et du Cantor Exchange qui sont toutes les deux régulées. Il n’y a donc pas de broker comme en Europe, mais simplement des investisseurs qui proposent des prix à l’achat et à la vente. La liquidité est donc beaucoup moins élevée qu’en Europe, mais cela pourrait se développer dans les années à venir.

Cette liste rouge de la CFTC, disponible ici. est similaire à celle de la liste noire éditée par l’AMF. Cette dernière recense toutes les arnaques actives en France, et qui concernent donc directement les lecteurs de notre site. Il faut donc absolument éviter les 247 noms de cette liste, et privilégier les plus anciens, sérieux et régulés courtiers en option binaire. Nous les avons sélectionné et testé, vous pouvez les retrouver partout sur notre site internet. Plutôt que de partir avec un broker qui ne soit pas très connu, et qui n’ait pas de bonne cote de popularité, privilégiez plutôt les plus réputés avec qui vous aurez forcément une bonne expérience. Si vous avez des questions sur la liste rouge CFTC ou la liste noire AMF, n’hésitez pas à nous solliciter, nous vous répondrons au plus vite.

Ci-dessous, la liste rouge de la CFTC contenant 19 arnaques actives aux Etats-Unis :

Forex-metal. com

FXChoice. com

Optionprime. com

rwsecurities. com

Scionforex. com

Titantrade. com

winforextrade. com

www.2options. com

www. bigoption. com

www. bloombex-options. com

www. ihoptions. com

www. option-world. com

www. regaloptions. com

www. royal-binary. com

www. spotfn. com

www. starfishfx. com

www. tradequicker. com

www. tradersway. com

www. yesoption. com

Recensione del broker per opzioni binarie RazorOptions

RazorOptions è uno dei broker che ultimamente sono andati ad allungare l’elenco delle piattaforme della compagnia SpotOption, e quindi assomiglia molto a tanti altri broker dello stesso tipo. Detto questo, il broker RazorOptions mantiene le promesse che fa ai trader e fornisce loro un servizio di alto livello. Per i trader che preferiscono i siti di brokeraggio senza tanti fronzoli e che vogliono beneficiare dell’enorme bonus RazorOptions di 5.000 dollari, questo broker potrebbe essere la scelta perfetta.

Software e funzionalità

Razor Options utilizza l’ultima versione della piattaforma di trading di SpotOption, che è studiata per risultare subito semplice e intuitiva, e nonostante questo potente. La piattaforma può anche essere utilizzata da supporti mobili come cellulari e tablet attraverso i browser di navigazione, e presto dovrebbero anche uscire delle app per Android e iOS. Al di là della piattaforma, però, RazorOptions. com non offre moltissimo in termini di funzionalità extra. Le risorse educative, incluso il video di training, permettono di imparare ad usare il programma di trading, ma non c’è un account demo. I trader più esperti hanno accesso a un feed di news e ad analisi di mercato aggiornate settimanalmente e quotidianamente. Il sito di RazorOptions è ben organizzato e tutto è a portata di click. L’ottimo servizio clienti è attivo 24/7 via chat e telefono e quando abbiamo scritto la nostra recensione di RazorOptions si è dimostrato molto amichevole.

Tipi di opzioni offerti

Quando abbiamo esplorato il sito per scrivere la nostra recensione del broker RazorOptions, il catalogo degli asset comprendeva i soliti 60 nomi che si trovano in moltissimi altri siti simili. Una delle parti migliori di questo broker è la piattaforma di trading, che offre possibilità fantastiche in termini di opzioni. Infatti supporta opzioni a lungo e brevissimo termine, opzioni call and put, one touch e via dicendo, più l’option builder e la meta piattaforma pro trader incluse nell’ultima versione del software di SpotOption. I payout sono nella media, tra il 70% e l’81%, con alcuni rimborsi sulle perdite che ammontano al 10%.

Tipi di account offerti

Non possiamo che raccomandare ai nuovi clienti che vogliono aprire un account con questo broker di contattare il loro servizio clienti. In questo modo il broker potrà creare un account su misura, che comprenderà anche il famoso bonus di RazorOptions che può arrivare a regalare 5.000 dollari. I trasferimenti di denaro vengono protetti da un sistema SSL e vengono accettati via carte di credito e bonifici.

La piattaforma di trading offerta da questo broker è davvero eccezionale, anche se è la stessa che si trova in molti altri siti che fanno anch’essi capo a SpotOption. Forse la particolarità più interessante di RazorOptions è il suo eccezionale bonus.

Que es una estafa o fraude en binarias?

Las estafas o fraudes en binarias son mas comunes en internet de lo que en un principio pueda parecer. Deberemos de ir con mucho cuidado para no caer en un fraude o timo de alguna de estas empresas de binarias que operan ilegalmente. En internet podemos encontrar numerosos testimonios de personas que han sido estafadas por alguna de estas poco recomendables empresas, que se dedican a engañar a sus clientes.

Después de haber abierto nuestra cuenta en cualquier bróker, deberemos de reconocer si en realidad esa empresa en cuestión es realmente honesta, ya que existen en internet una gran variedad de empresas que son fraudulentas o estafas en potencia.

Debemos de tener en cuenta que siempre existe el riesgo de que una empresa determinada, sea un fraude o estafa, es por ello que deberemos de seguir ciertas pautas, a la hora de poder identificar si el bróker de opciones donde operamos está realmente regulado y es totalmente fiable o por el contrario es una empresa de dudosa fiabilidad.

Presentamos una lista con las ultimas quejas:

Cual es el motivo de la estafa?

El motivo de la estafa en binarias, no es otro que sustraer de forma fraudulenta todos los fondos de dinero invertidos por sus usuarios, de manera que el afectado o victima se quedara sin su dinero y realmente poco podrá hacer de manera legal para intentar recuperarlo, total o parcialmente.

Hay varios métodos que utilizan estas empresas de binarias para sustraer el dinero de sus clientes o victimas, uno es engañando en sus predicciones de bolsa, para que los usuarios hagan inversiones equivocadas y pierdan todo su dinero, este método puede hacer perder mucho dinero al afectado, ya que al no saber esto, seguirá depositando y perdiendo cada vez mas dinero.

El otro método es directamente quitarle el dinero depositado a su victima, sin posibilidad de recuperarlo.

Quien es el perjudicado?

El perjudicado claramente de estos métodos de fraude en opciones es el cliente, usuario o victima de la plataforma. El usuario se quedara sin su dinero y realmente con pocas o ninguna posibilidad de reclamación o recuperación.

Como se evita?

Para evitar caer en una estafa o fraude deberemos seguir unas pautas o puntos principales antes de abrir una cuenta en una empresa:

Primero es que no debemos confiar de cualquier empresa que nos conceda una ganancia fija mensual o anual, esto es claramente síntoma de que esa empresa es fraudulenta, en opciones binarias se puede ganar o perder, como todos sabemos, es por ello que no confiaremos nunca en empresas que nos den ganancias fijas.

Segundo . deberemos de comprobar que la empresa de opciones en cuestión este regulada por los organismos reguladores correspondientes, si no esta regulada directamente deberemos desconfiar y nunca invertir nuestro dinero en esa empresa en cuestión.

Tercero . Evitar empresas de opciones que se encuentren ubicadas en paraísos fiscales, ya que aunque al principio pueden pagar cantidades pequeñas de dinero, en el momento de tener que pagar mas cantidad, se esfumaran y nos dejaran colgados, tanto a nosotros como a nuestros afiliados, si poseen.

Que hay que tener en cuenta?

Debemos de tener en cuenta si nos estafaron en una empresa fraudulenta será muy difícil de recuperar nuestra inversión, ya que estas empresas se escudan en ips falsas, paraísos fiscales, tarjetas de crédito fraudulentas y otros métodos de ocultación de datos, por lo que deberemos de seguir las pautas anteriores para no caer de ninguna manera en un fraude o estafa de opciones.

Que hacer en caso de ser estafado? a quien dirigirse. como proceder?

Lo único que podemos hacer si somos estafados es avisar a los demás usuarios en internet de que esa empresa es un fraude, aunque no recuperaremos nuestro dinero, por lo menos evitaremos que mas personas con buena fe caigan en el fraude o estafa.

Podemos intentar reclamar también, pero en la mayoría de los casos no servirá de nada, debido a que estos estafadores se ocultan de manera que es casi imposible descubrirlos.

Situaciones típicas en las cuales podrás identificar que esto huele a fraude (ejemplos)

Como os comente anteriormente, debéis de desconfiar de empresas de ofrezcan una ganancia fija mensual o anual, es claramente una estafa, también ir muy alerta si la empresa esta en un paraíso fiscal, normalmente esto suele ser motivo de fraude, y nunca dejéis de fijaros si la empresa en cuestión posee regulación y es fiable, por estar regulada.

Guía de aprendizaje d eposibles fraudes

Por desgracia, las inversiones a través de Internet no son tan seguras cómo a veces nos gustaría. Concretamente en el trading de opciones binarias se recomienda tener cuidado . pues si no tomamos las precauciones necesarias podemos llegar a ser víctimas de un fraude.

Los fraudes en Internet están a la orden del día, así que si no quieres terminar cayendo en las trampas de los corredores fraudulentos no está de más que hagas caso a estos consejos. Algunos de ellos seguro que ya los conoces e incluso los pones en práctica, pero puede que haya alguno que otro que aún no conozcas y el cual puede serte de gran utilidad en el futuro.

Por esta razón, mediante esta guía me gustaría asesorar y prevenir a los inversores para que no acaben en tales situaciones. Hay muchos factores a tener en cuenta para evitar estos engaños . Así que sí deseas realizar tus negociaciones con toda la tranquilidad te recomiendo que continúes leyendo para enterarte de todas las medidas que deberías tomar al invertir.

La necesidad de comprender el activo subyacente de la opción que queremos obtener es muy importante. Quizás algunos no lo consideren un dato de vital importancia pero realmente si esperamos tener resultados positivos con nuestras inversiones habrá que conocer la manera en que se comercializa dicho activo financiero. Asimismo será igual de importante conocer ciertos factores que puedan llegar a influirle directamente en un momento dado.

Sí por ejemplo vamos a invertir nuestro capital en divisas tendremos que saber cuál está actualmente cotizando a la alza y cual se sitúa por debajo para determinar cuál tenemos que comprar y cual vender. Mantenerse al tanto de las noticias económicas es fundamental para tener éxito en las inversiones. Sé que parece de sentido común pero conviene no olvidarlo.

Muchas veces por ambición invertimos en opciones que ofrecen una alta rentabilidad y no es nada malo siempre y cuando tengamos presente que a mayor retorno más riesgos. Mientras tengamos claro esto no habrá ningún problema. Si bien algunas veces es más recomendable conformarse con retornos más pequeños y no exponerse tanto a los riesgos, en otras ocasiones los beneficios son tan jugosos que realmente compensa arriesgarse un poco.

La elección del bróker es vital para triunfar en nuestras negociaciones . No podemos dejarnos timar por plataformas de trading donde nos aseguran que obtendremos importantes beneficios con nuestras inversiones sin apenas esfuerzo. Recuerda que nadie regala nada y que el dinero no trabaja solo. Somos nosotros los que con nuestra experiencia y nuestras buenas decisiones le damos rentabilidad al dinero.

Asimismo, es recomendable que al registrarse en una plataforma de trading ésta ofrezca cuentas demo para invertir sin necesidad de realizar ningún tipo de depósito. De este modo conseguirás aprender algo más sobre el negocio y sobre todo coger algo más de experiencia para tener más confianza a la hora de invertir por dinero real.

Por norma general los mejores brókers ofrecen una gran selección de activos financieros. Sí el bróker en cuestión no dispone de al menos lo más básico deberíamos empezar a desconfiar. Tener los pares de divisas más cotizados, los índices bursátiles más destacados y las acciones de las mejores empresas del mercado a nivel mundial es lo mínimo que deberían incluir los corredores de opciones binarias en línea.

De todos modos, conviene darle un buen repaso al bróker antes de decidir registrarnos en el mismo, fijarnos en sus características y prestaciones así como comprobar los sistemas de seguridad para quedarnos más tranquilos. No pierdas tampoco detalle de sus políticas y condiciones de uso para no llevarte sorpresas desagradables.

Para evitar problemas siempre recomiendo buscar brókers que estén regulados y acreditados por las autoridades competentes. Muchas plataformas de trading engañan a los inversores para conseguir su dinero, y esto no lo podemos permitir. Obviamente, sí eres inteligente y tienes cuidado puedes escaquearte fácilmente de estos fraudes de Internet.

Por último, algunos tips más que debes tener en cuenta para no ser víctima de estafas: analizar los productos y materias primas que puedan repercutir de forma recíproca, usar la estrategia de cambio de tendencia tomando la decisión que no vaya a preservar su valor extremo y utilizar el straddle cuando el precio del activo se encuentre bajo.

Test du courtier d’options binaires Royal de Bank

La plupart des courtiers d’options binaires que l’on trouve sur le marché se ressemblent, c’est donc un réel plaisir de découvrir RoyaldeBank qui essaye d’offrir une expérience de négociation totalement différente. Le courtier Royal de Bank nous propose en effet un site qui ressemble plus à celui d’une entreprise de jeu, plutôt que celui d’un courtier d’options binaire. L’objectif est ainsi d’offrir bien plus qu’une simple plateforme de négociation d’option binaire. Royal de Bank propose d’ailleurs des conseils financiers très complets et même des services dignes d’une banque privée.

Logiciels et fonctionnalités

Le broker Royal de Bank utilise la nouvelle plateforme HelloBinary pour proposer à ses clients la plateforme la plus simple à utiliser. En effet, même si elle fonctionne d’une façon légèrement différente que les autres plateformes de négociation, les traders ne mettront que quelques minutes à retrouver leurs marques et à profiter de la fiabilité de la plateforme. D’ailleurs, RoyaldeBank. com propose un compte de démonstration qui permet de tester les différents outils de la plateforme en profitant d’un compte virtuel de 50 000 $. Mais Royal de Bank offre aussi un panel de fonction supplémentaire comme des services bancaires très complets et des conseils financiers personnalisés pour vous aider à augmenter vos rendements. Enfin, Royal de Bank propose un service d’assistance clientèle disponible en plusieurs langues, qui est joignable par chat en direct 24 h/24 et par téléphone pendant les heures d’ouverture de bureau.

Types d’options offertes

Au moment de la revue de Royal de Bankne proposait qu’une liste réduite d’actifs, qui comprenait seulement 50 actions, matières premières, indices boursiers et matières premières. Et comme Royal de Bank est un courtier récent qui utilise une plateforme récente, il ne propose pour l’instant que les options binaires de base high/low qui profite toutefois de multiple choix d’expiration. Mais le meilleur avantage d’utiliser RoyaldeBank. com reste l’énorme niveau des rendements proposé. Le site vous permet en effet de faire des bénéfices qui peuvent atteindre 98 % tout en vous offrant un bonus de Royal de Bank pour les opérations perdues sur un large choix d’options.

Types de comptes offerts

Royal de Bank propose pas moin de 8 comptes différents qui s’explique par leurs services bancaires, mais aussi par les fonctions de sa plateforme de négociation. Le compte de base impose un dépôt minimum de 500 €, mais ce n’est qu’en déposant au moins 2500 € que vous profiterez réellement d’avantages intéressants. Vous pourrez ainsi profiter d’un bonus de Royal de Bank plus important, un compte qui vous permet d’accumuler des intérêts, un système de retrait gratuit, une formation gratuite, et un gestionnaire de compte dédié. Le système de dépôt et bien sûr parfaitement sécurisé et vous permet d’utiliser la majorité des cartes de crédit ou d’effectuer un virement bancaire.

Royal de Bank est le courtier idéal pour les traders qui souhaitent profiter de services plus complets et nouement de services bancaire en plus de la plateforme de négociation d’options binaires. Et même si sa plateforme de Royal de Bank est encore assez incomplète, au vu de ses différents services annexes, il est évident que le site fera évoluer sa plateforme dans le temps pour offrir à ses clients un service toujours plus complet.


Análise à plataforma de opções binárias Opteck

Nos últimos anos o broker Opteck com sede em Londres dedicou muito do seu esforço na criação de uma plataforma de negociação binária de qualidade e sem dúvida que atingiram os seus objetivos. Opteck é considerado um dos brokers mais maleáveis e transparentes do setor, assim como um dos mais dignos de confiança. Para além disso, a plataforma de negociação que apresentam é excelente, o site possui funcionalidades extra e os métodos de pagamento e lucros superam os da concorrência.

Software e Funcionalidades

A plataforma de negociação existente em Opteck. com é distribuída pela Market Pulse, um dos melhores fornecedores de software do mercado. Apesar da plataforma não apresentar tantos extras ou tipos de opção como outros, uma das suas grandes vantagens é que é muito fácil de utilizar. Pode negociar diretamente a partir de gráficos e o interface é de uma incrível simplicidade. A nossa análise de Opteck indicou-nos que também é possível negociar através de dispositivos móveis como smartphone e aplicações de tablet. O banco online de recursos educacionais de Opteck é notável apresentando um e-book de grandes dimensões, tutoriais em vídeo e análises de mercado diárias. Também é disponibilizada uma conta demo, apesar de estar apenas acessível a clientes que efetuam depósitos. O apoio ao cliente está disponível em sete línguas através de chat ao vivo ou telefone.

Tipos de opção disponibilizados

Um dos aspetos negativos apontados a propósito da Opteck era a sua curta lista de ativos contudo, nos últimos meses essa situação foi corrigida e no momento em que efetuámos a nossa resenha de Opteck já disponibilizavam mais de 80 índices, commodities, ações e moedas. O tipo de opções ao dispor do investidor, quando comparado com outras plataformas existentes no mercado, é um pouco limitado. Dito isto, a maior parte dos investidores ficarão satisfeitos com as opções de compra/venda, opções quick, opções one-touch e pares de opções que Opteck oferece. Os lucros são superiores à média sendo que algumas opções atingem um lucro de até 95%. Algumas opções ainda possibilitam retornos nas perdas.

Tipos de conta disponibilizados

Com um depósito mínimo de $200 em Opteck. com irá obter uma conta básica que permitirá negociar opções, bem como aceder a uma conta demo, a material didático e até a um pequeno bónus de Opteck. Os maiores depósitos possibilitam ao utilizador aceder a tipos de conta de maior prestígio como as contas Gold e Platinum que ainda oferecem coaching personalizado, retiradas céleres e maiores retornos com negociações in-the-money, assim como uma especial bonificação de Opteck de 100%.

Dito de forma simples, Op teck é um dos brokers de topo a atuar no mercado atual. Possui uma plataforma fabulosa, imensos recursos, uma grande variedade de opções, retornos muito elevados e demonstram muito empenho e dedicação para ajudar os seus investidores a obter lucro. Em resumo, todos estes fatores tornaram a Opteck num dos atuais brokers de elite.


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さて、今回はその問い合わせの中から一つご紹介。質問内容が長かったので要約しますが、質問の内容としては 「今利用している海外バイナリーオプション業者、スマートオプションは安心して利用できるのか」 といった内容。

15 :Trader@Live!:2014/06/22(日) 11:04:30.18 ID:febzgO2b 結局海外バイナリではどこが安全なの? ネッテラー(審査が厳しいため)対応のところは 比較的大丈夫って聞いたんだがマジ?

16 :Trader@Live!:2014/06/22(日) 12:13:07.70 ID:VCx5EIx+ バイナリー専業、バイナリーもやってるFX業者の一応のまとめ

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67 :Trader@Live!:2014/06/23(月) 15:40:55.44 ID:n0jzKqzN >>64 ワンミニッツだよ。俺はそれ以外の手法を持っていない。 30倍の取引なんて結構簡単だよ。 出金出来た人は報告して欲しい。 ちなみに俺はスマートオプションは出来た。 ノートレードのボーナス放棄だけど。

891 :Trader@Live!:2014/07/20(日) 22:12:36.51 ID:y2jhLwOF >>887 サイト自体無くなってるというのは凄い事になってますね

私もスマートオプションとVIPオプションでトレードしてた時に 一時的にアクセスできなくなってサポートセンターに問い合わせたら 「プラットフォームのメンテナンスのため、サイトがダウンしておりました」 っという返答があった事はありましたが 入金したらアクセスできないというのは初耳ですね。 ハイローオーストラリアのサポートセンターに 問い合わせた方がいいかもしれませんね


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